Black Bellied President Dotes on Wife

Chapter 1349

"Why did you come?"

"Come to eat with you."

Zheng yuluo's voice is very light, she put all the lunch boxes on the table, and then from a box of wet wipes at the head of Jingzhi's bed, she pulled out a piece, and said, "reach out."

Jingzhi didn't move. He didn't respond to the situation.

He quarreled with Zheng yuluo last time, and scolded her. How could she not be angry?

He thought that she and Deng Kun had a happy life together!

Seeing that he didn't reach out, Zheng Yu took the initiative to hold his hand and wiped his hand with a wet towel.

Her movement is very gentle, fingers soft and tender, touching Jingzhi's skin, let him think of her beauty.

Even though Jing Zhi is still a little angry, his body is honest. He can't help but hold Zheng yuluo's hand and doesn't listen to the command of his brain.

"Why come? Come on, say how nice you are with Deng Kun, and then piss me off? "

Zheng yuluo didn't want to cry. When Jing Zhi held her hand, her whole heart was trembling. Her nose was sour and her tears fell down.

"Why are you crying again? I see that when you are with Deng Kun, you always smile happily. How can you always cry when you are with me? I'm not as handsome as he is, or not as rich as he is? "

Jing Zhi's mouth is very poisonous, but he gently takes a new wet towel to wipe Zheng Yu's tears.

"This wet towel is not easy to use. How can I wipe more and more tears?"

Zheng yuluo suddenly cried and hugged Jingzhi's neck: "why do you hate it so much? Can't you have a good word with me when I come? I miss you every day and worry about you. You misunderstand me and Deng Kun! If so, why don't I get engaged to him? "

Jingzhi hugged Zheng yuluo's waist tightly, and his voice was also raised. He almost yelled: "did I speak like this before? When you have me in your heart, I am willing to say half a bad word to hurt you?! If you still have a relationship with that Deng Kun, it's even harder for me to speak. Believe it or not! "

As soon as he exerted himself, he held Zheng yuluo on the bed, and then turned over and pressed her under him to tear her clothes.

He was furious like a wild animal. Zheng yuluo was flustered and afraid. He punched and kicked him: "you let me go! Don't touch me

But Jingzhi didn't care about her kicking. With a little effort, Zheng yuluo's coat was torn by him, revealing her pink underwear inside.

Zheng yuluo covers his chest in a hurry. In a hurry, she bit into Jing Zhi's arm.

All the movements of Jingzhi stopped instantly: "don't bite! Let go

Zheng yuluo refused to let go and bit harder.

Jingzhi was a little flustered: "be obedient. Let go of my blood. If you bite it, you will die!"

Zheng Yu falls a Leng, she forgot his blood poison this matter.

She loosened her mouth and resented Jingzhi wrongly: "you tore my clothes. How can I go after a while? Have you ever been like this, tearing your clothes if you don't agree? "

"Well, almost."

Jingzhi pressed Zheng Yu down and said in a low voice: "every time you tear your clothes, you will wear mine when you go home."

Zheng Yu falls a Leng, light voice way: "originally those men's clothes in my room, come like this."

"Zheng yuluo, are you too stupid? Since you still have my clothes at home, don't you wonder who the owner is? If you forget something, you won't lose your mind? "

"I doubted it! I've been looking for a man who fits that dress, but I've been looking for him. Deng Kun is the most suitable one! You are so thin, that dress doesn't fit you

Jingzhi didn't care to explain to Zheng yuluo that he was getting thinner. He looked cold: "did you let that bastard wear my clothes?"


Zheng yuluo quickly denied: "I didn't let him through, I know he is not the one I forgot! I'm just so familiar with that dress that I can tell at a glance who's wearing it and who's not! "

"Well, that's about it."

Zheng yuluo reached out and pushed Jingzhi: "get up!"

Just now, Jingzhi has calmed down, but he doesn't get up.

People have been brought to his mouth, and he is sorry for himself if he doesn't eat two mouthfuls.

Zheng yuluo's two hands were restrained by Jing Zhi's one hand. She was ashamed and afraid. She kicked him with her feet: "you don't want to face! Jingzhi, you let me go, I want to go

However, the most embarrassing thing for her is that she did not reject at all!

Is she crazy!

In fact, Jingzhi was not willing to bite Zheng yuluo hard, and said in a restrained voice: "I can let you go, but you can't be ambiguous with that Deng Kun in the future! Either you are my woman, or you are a stranger! I don't accept that you seduce me when you are close to other men! "

Zheng yuluo never felt ambiguous with Deng Kun. At most, she said a few words to Deng Kun. She always rejected physical contact. Where did she get close to Deng Kun?She was angry with tears and said in a thick nasal voice, "you will bully me! Although Deng Kun is playful, he respects me very much. He never yells at me, and he won't bite me! Can't you learn to be gentle? "

This is too harsh. Jingzhi almost didn't get angry with her!

Deng Kun is not consistent with his appearance. His so-called respect and gentleness are all fake!

If really encounter a thing, Deng Kun certainly take care of himself, will abandon Zheng yuluo without hesitation.

But what about him? Jingzhi would rather suffer from all the grievances and pain than let Zheng yuluo suffer. If only one of them could live, he would not hesitate to let Zheng yuluo live.

For such a long time, Jing Zhi's temper has been restrained a lot, and he has been trying to get rid of his shortcomings for Zheng yuluo.

But today's anger is not without cause!

If Zheng yuluo is completely different from Deng Kun, he is not so good. If he doesn't celebrate his birthday with him, how can he get angry?

Jingzhi let go of Zheng yuluo and got out of bed. From a bag of clothes that Jinxin brought him, he took out one and threw it on Zheng yuluo: "you go, live with Deng Kun. It's my fault. I shouldn't yell at you."

His tone was calm, as if he was admitting his mistake, but he seemed to be making angry remarks.

Zheng yuluo didn't know him enough to distinguish the true meaning of his words.

But she knew she was wrong.

Comparing Jing Zhi with Deng Kun is just her angry words. In her heart, they are totally different people.

Deng Kun may be a friend or even a family member, but the lover can only be Jing Zhi. , the fastest update of the webnovel!