Black Bellied President Dotes on Wife

Chapter 133

Shangguanning didn't expect jingyiran to be kicked down the stairs by herself. Now that she gets along with jingyichen every day, she has adapted to his quick reaction speed. She thinks that jingyiran will also react quickly. Unexpectedly, he is not at the same level as jingyichen.

From the sound of his body colliding with the stairwell, he must have fallen badly.

Jing Yiran breathed out pain in the next step and said angrily, "shangguanning, you dare to kick me down the stairs. You are looking for death!"

Shangguan Ning suddenly regretted that he had just kicked lightly. Now, seeing that he was still full of indignation, he wanted to go up and mend his feet.

But she still remembers Huang Xinyi's safety, and she has no time to waste with Jingyi.

She turned around, quickly climbed up a few steps, went to the entrance of the fourth floor, opened the door and walked in.

The fourth floor is much smaller than the third floor, but it is more luxurious.

On the elegant and comfortable dark gold sofa, Huang Xinyi is under the weight of a handsome looking man. Her clothes are half faded, revealing her snow-white shoulders and half attractive peaks.

Ji Lili is laughing with the other three tall men, and there is Jingyi's "fourth one" - Tang Yun.

One of the men licked his lips, as if in a hurry. He urged, "Arvin, what are you dallying about? Our brothers are still waiting. Let's finish the work quickly and let's have fun too!"

Shangguan Ning doesn't care why Tang Yun and Ji Lili mix together. She only feels the sound of brain "buzzing", and her whole body suddenly becomes cold. The anger in her heart makes her want to kick the man who tore Huang Xinyi's clothes to death!

"Get out of here! You're not allowed to touch her!"

Shangguanning felt that she was almost screaming, and the whole person was shaking slightly! If Jilly really hurt her cousin in order to deal with her, what face would she have to see her uncle! My uncle thought it was safe for him to send his daughter abroad. As a result, she didn't know when to return home secretly, and this kind of tragedy happened to her!

She yelled angrily and ran quickly to rescue Huang Xinyi.

However, several men who watched the excitement seemed to have been prepared. They blocked Huang Xinyi together and stopped shangguanning.

Huang Xinyi was pressed under her body. She protected her chest with both hands and cried: "cousin, please help me! These people are too bad, I don't want to stay here, you take me quickly, I want to go home

Shangguan's eyes were red, but the three men in front of her did not let her close to Fen Fen Fen, and also looked at her up and down with bad intentions.

Although the three people look good, but Shangguan Ning is very disgusting.

One of them said "tut tut" twice and said to Jili, "the goods that Miss Ji found today are really good. You can have a good time tonight

He grinned obstinately and stretched out his hand to touch Guan Ning's face.

But before he could touch it, he heard his wrist crack and it was broken by the raw one!

A pig like scream reverberated in the whole four layers, which made everyone present feel cold.

Then, an evil and cold voice sounded: "who allowed you to touch her?"

Because Jing Yiran rolled down the stairs, his carefully arranged hairstyle has been disordered, and his retro suit has become wrinkled. However, this does not affect his beauty. The subtle evil spirit of his body and the beautiful and unreasonable face make people ignore his embarrassment.

The man who had broken his wrist saw that it was him. He almost blurted out the indignation and swallowed it again. He endured severe pain and said in fear and fear: "Er Shao, I I didn't know she was your woman. I'm... "

Jing Yiran looked more gloomy: "who said she was my woman?"

The man is surprised, not his woman, how can he do it?

Ji Lili and Tang Yun on the other side didn't feel surprised to see him coming. They both knew him, but they didn't know. The reason why they could get to know each other recently was that jingyiran was pushing the flames in the dark.

Jilili was so used to the law that she was suddenly disturbed by him. She was very unhappy. She said with an ugly face: "Jing Er Shao, you'd better not get involved. This matter has nothing to do with you. If you dare to mess around again, I'll ask someone to invite you out!"

Although she is not afraid of jingyiran, she does not dare to offend him too much. His abnormal and crazy are very famous in the whole a city, which is much more arrogant and cruel than her mayor daughter!

I don't know what the relationship between shangguanning and jingyiran is. She wants to try and try.

Who knows, Jing Yiran was so indifferent: "I just hate people who look so ugly. I want to touch a beautiful woman that I can see. As long as I don't let men touch her, I can do anything to upset her. It has nothing to do with me!"

Jilili not enough, did not recognize what he said, one side of Tang Yun but a deep look at him, lips showed a somewhat strange smile."Well, you must keep your word. You are not allowed to interfere in what I do next." Jilili was afraid that he would go back on his words, and said in a loud voice.

Shangguan Ning stood there quietly, listening to their several people's words between her life and death, did not put her in the eye.

She looked at Huang Xinyi, who was held in her arms by the man, struggling and crying. She quickly took out her mobile phone and called out.

The other party is numerous and powerful, she is weak and weak, and she is not her opponent at all.

She was not stupid enough to hit the stone with an egg, so she called Lido immediately.

It's just that no one answered the phone for a long time.

Shangguan Ning had a bad feeling in his heart.

What's the matter? Usually the phone rings once, and Li duo will pick it up immediately. How can he not answer the phone today?!

Jing Yi Ran saw that her face turned white gradually, and she laughed frivolously: "beauty, you don't have to ask for help. The people who follow you have been dealt with by my people! The people you want to wait for are cut off on the way! You see, is it easy for me to see a play? I've done so much preparation in advance, and I've lost a lot of weight! "

Shangguan listens to him to say so, in clear eye son pan out cold idea.

Jing Yiran has been aiming at jingyichen all the time. Whatever can hit him and make him disgusted, jingyiran spare no effort to do it. Today, he must have done a lot of deployment and planning!

I hope jingyichen has nothing to do!

Jili, I don't worry about you. I don't want to be involved with you , the fastest update of the webnovel!