Black Bellied President Dotes on Wife

Chapter 1312

Thinking of this, Zheng yuluo felt uncomfortable.

"It's irresponsible of you to kiss me last time, but you didn't give me an explanation."

Zheng yuluo murmured in a low voice, a little unhappy: "even if I look like your ex girlfriend, you can't take me as a stand in, it's disrespectful to me!"

Jing Zhi sits beside her with ice. It takes a while to understand that Zheng yuluo is eating her own vinegar!

His ex girlfriend, isn't she!

Zheng Qiaoyu is still a bit jealous. He thinks it's funny that he lost his wits for the first time.

He deliberately mislead Zheng yuluo, light way: "it is not very similar, my ex girlfriend is more beautiful than you, but your brain is not easy to use."

If Zheng yuluo had not sprained his foot, he would have stomped his foot angrily now!

Who has a bad brain?

Who is not beautiful?

She's beautiful and smart!

"You can't speak well. No wonder your ex girlfriend doesn't want you anymore! If you always belittle others like this, you'll never find a girlfriend

She was very cute when she swore. Jingzhi's heart became soft in an instant, even her voice became gentle.

"Well, you're right. She doesn't want me. I won't find a girlfriend in the future."

There was a touch of sadness in his voice, which made people feel sad.

Zheng yuluo has a little regret that he said those words just now.

He's so handsome that it's normal to have an ex girlfriend.

Doesn't she have an ex boyfriend of her own? And it's my ex boyfriend who just broke up today.

"It's unnecessary not to find a girlfriend. Life is still a long time. You can try to fall in love with other girls again, as long as you don't always talk like that."

Almost everyone who comes to the bar knows that Jing Zhi refuses to be a woman. Many people suspect that he likes men, so many gay and handsome men have tried him out.

Unfortunately, no matter male or female, he is indifferent.

Zheng yuluo still thinks that men can not be too closed to themselves, nor can they always be immersed in the past pain, should look forward.

However, Jingzhi seemed to be completely unable to listen to the advice. He said calmly, "if she knew that I was in love with others, she would be angry, so I would be good alone."

Zheng yuluo was suddenly silent.

She didn't expect that he had such a deep affection for his ex girlfriend.

Such him, let deliberately close to his Zheng Yu falls have a sense of guilt.

It seems that she has destroyed people's feelings.

Jingzhi reaches out to lift Zheng yuluo's sprained foot, puts it on his thigh, and then carefully takes off her high-heeled shoes.

He looked at it roughly and determined that Zheng yuluo was just an ordinary sprain. After that, he took the ice and began to do cold compress for her.

Zheng yuluo wants to take the foot back, but Jing Zhi's hand holds her slender leg and says, "don't move around. Do a cold compress, or it will swell."

In Zheng yuluo's existing memory, there has never been a man so close to her, and no one has touched her foot or touched her calf.

She was a little awkward, some blushed, and thought it was something that couples could do.

No, she and Deng Kun have never done anything like this.

"You let go. I'll do it myself."

Jing Zhi took a look at her, not only did not let go, but also some unscrupulous caressing her calf.

"Hello, Hello, what's the matter with you! Don't touch me, you are a rascal! Just now, I still have a deep feeling and unforgettable look to my ex girlfriend. How can I act on other women in the twinkling of an eye? "

Jingzhi suddenly laughed, he said in his heart, you are not another woman, you are my woman.

Zheng yuluo's legs are very beautiful, the skin is white and delicate, the lines are smooth and beautiful, Jingzhi's hand, can't control to go up along the leg.

Zheng yuluo was still immersed in Jingzhi's smile. He felt that he was so handsome that people and gods were angry. Just looking at his smile, he would be confused.

When she realized that Jingzhi's hand was touching her thigh, she was shocked!

She pressed Jing Zhi's hand in a flustered way, and her nervous words could not be easily said: "you, you, you Is he really a hooligan? "

Zheng yuluo's face is as red as an apple. Fortunately, the light in the bar is dim. Otherwise, she would be embarrassed to lift her head.

She didn't know that the dim light, for Jingzhi, was no different from the daytime.

Her blush and shyness were clear to Jing Zhi.

Jing Zhichong raised eyebrows at her: "I'm not a good man anyway. Don't you come to see me off when you climb into my bar?"

"No, no, no! Absolutely not. Don't get me wrong. I just want to have a drink! You let me go, and I'll go at once

"Want to go now? It's late

Jingzhi thinks Zheng yuluo is very lively and interesting. She regards him as a stranger and a villain, but she can't help looking for him. It's a bit silly and a little exciting.He touched her thigh on purpose and threatened her.

Zheng yuluo was really flustered. She lifted her other foot and kicked Jingzhi without hesitation.

She was wearing pointed high-heeled shoes. If Jing Zhi didn't hide quickly, she would have poked a hole in her body.

Jingzhi released his hand, and Zheng yuluo immediately stood up, gritting his teeth and limping, he was about to go out.

Unfortunately, not only did she wear high-heeled shoes on one foot, but also sprained her other foot. It was extremely difficult for her to walk. Only a few steps away, Jing Zhi followed her.

"I'll take you out. Don't go out alone in the evening. Men are dangerous. You should remember it!"

He said, a will Zheng yuluo embrace, stride toward the door.

Zheng yuluo struggled in his arms, but he could not escape at all.

"I thought you were a good man, but you were all pretending! All men are bad. They say that they are devoted to a certain woman, but actually they can be ambiguous with other women. They have no sense of responsibility at all! "

Jingzhi went to the door and put Zheng Yu down. As he opened the door, he said faintly, "is your boyfriend fooling around with other women?"

Zheng yuluo was stunned and then denied: "no! He's very kind to me, not like you, who are very active

Although he knew that Zheng yuluo was angry and that Deng Kun was not a good man, Jing Zhi was still very jealous.

The pain and bitterness in his eyes flashed away, and then he picked up Zheng yuluo as if nothing happened, walked out of the bar and put her into her own corolla.

"Go home and live your original life well. Don't come back. Bars are not suitable for you."

Jing Zhi takes a deep look at Zheng yuluo's soft face, turns back to the bar, closes the door of the bar, and leaves Zheng yuluo alone outside. , the fastest update of the webnovel!