Black Bellied President Dotes on Wife

Chapter 1309

"Luoluo, you have been in love with Deng Kun for such a long time, and the two of you have always had a good relationship. Isn't it natural for you to get married?"

As long as Zheng Yu doesn't get married one day, Zheng Jing has no way to be at ease.

He asked Mu Qing many times that the probability of amnesia is not low, and as long as there is an opportunity, the memory will slowly recover.

He was afraid that if Zheng yuluo recovered his memory, he would go to Jingzhi again, so he wanted to take advantage of her lack of memory and let her get married quickly.

Zheng Jing thinks that with Zheng yuluo's self-discipline character, after marriage, she will not divorce easily. She will settle down and live a good life with Deng Kun.

In fact, he has been waiting for the Deng family to discuss marriage. Naturally, the man should take the initiative and the woman should be reserved.

He didn't expect the Deng family to come so soon, so even if Zheng yuluo was not at home last night, he also made a direct decision to fix the marriage.

Zheng yuluo still can't believe, her parents will not even ask, will marry her to the Deng family.

Her beautiful eyes, covered with a layer of water vapor, voice choked and angry: "this is modern society, not ancient! Love and marriage is my freedom, why do I have to listen to your arrangement?! I am the last one to know about the engagement. Are you sure I will marry Deng Kun? "

Zheng Lun saw his daughter angry, and quickly said: "Luoluo, we have been calling you last night, but you do not answer the phone, nor do you return the text message, we want to inform you there is no way ah!"

"I couldn't be reached last night, so you sold me directly, right?"

Zheng yuluo was standing in the living room, his voice was almost screaming: "I couldn't be contacted last night, can't you wait for me to reply to the Deng family? Can I never go home? Why are you in such a hurry? Why are the Deng family in such a hurry? Conspiracy, all conspiracy

"Sister, don't be angry! Mom and dad certainly won't harm you. Calm down first. We'll never sell you or have any conspiracy! "

Zheng Yuwei has never seen her sister so hysterical as she is now.

She was especially worried that her sister would be stimulated and do something stupid.

She wanted to embrace Zheng yuluo's arm, but she pushed it away.

"Wei Wei, you also stay away from me! What kind of person is Deng Kun? You know better than anyone else. Why do you agree with me to marry him? We are twin sisters. You are the one I trust most. But why do you always cheat me

Zheng Yu as like as two peas in Zheng Yuwei's eyes, she has a very charming look, but it is more charming than Zheng Yuwei.

As soon as she cried, Zheng Jing and Zheng Lun felt a little distressed.

"Luoluo, it was a great joy. Look, what are you doing now?"

Zheng Jing didn't expect his daughter's reaction to his decision. He frowned and said, "don't you like Deng Kun? How come you're not happy to hear that you're engaged to him? How does Wei Wei know what kind of person Deng Kun is? What kind of man is he

"Like it? What is like? "

Zheng yuluo straightened his back and raised his head. She was always weak and sharp.

"You like it, I like it? Deng Kun was given to me by you, not by myself

"From the moment I woke up more than a year ago, you have been trying to cram men into my side! Even if I refuse Deng Kun, there will be Zhang Kun and Li Kun! "

"I live in your arrangements, in your control! I lost my memory and couldn't find it back, so you all got together and lied to me all the time! Is it useful? It's no use. Even if I'm in love and married, my heart has always been empty, like a walking corpse! "

Zheng yuluo wiped his tears and showed a sad smile: "you love me, I know, but there are many ways of love, according to your wishes to live, I will not be happy. Will you be satisfied if I try to smile every day? "

"No, sister, we all wish you happiness! You are much more cheerful now than before! "

"Before? Which one? "

Zheng yuluo suddenly turned his head and looked at his sister: "tell me, why didn't I be cheerful before? Who is the one I forget? "

At this moment, Zheng yuluo has the momentum of being a sister.

Calm, sharp, decisive, and usually soft and easy to talk to her, is completely two people.

Long term repression and obedience forced her to the edge and let her burst out in silence.

She always knew that she had forgotten someone.

She never thought of marrying Deng Kun so soon.

If you want to get married, it must be after she finds her own memory.

She has to know, once, what happened.

"Well, don't be paranoid all day. You haven't forgotten anything. Your sister said that you are more cheerful than before. It means that you are more cheerful after falling in love than before. Deng Kun still has a lot of credit for that. "It is worthy of being the best criminal police in a city. No one has the ability of logical thinking. In an instant, he has perfected the loopholes in Zheng Yuwei's words.

Zheng yuluo's eyes swept his father, mother and sister.

There was no trace of flaw in the expressions on the faces of the three people. It seemed that she was really suspicious and imagined that there had been a person in her life.

In more than a year, similar words, Zheng yuluo has asked countless times.

Every time, the result is the same as now.

She couldn't ask anything.

Zheng yuluo suddenly lost the desire to speak, and she didn't want to argue any more. Anyway, she couldn't beat the three of them anyway.

All the momentum in her body disappeared in an instant, and she became the tender, obedient and obedient daughter.

She gently, slowly, back to her room, closed the door, sitting on the bed, silent crying.

When she cleaned up her mood and dried her tears, it was already more than nine o'clock in the morning.

At the company, it's nearly ten o'clock.

It was the first time she was late for work.

However, everyone seemed to understand her, and others came to comfort her, patted her on the shoulder and said, "don't be sad, don't be angry.".

Liu Xiaoying is more direct way: "cry, I borrow your shoulder to use!"

Zheng yuluo is at a loss. People in the company should not know about her engagement to Deng Kun. Even if they do, they should be congratulatory. How can she not be sad?

"Xiaoying, what happened? How do you feel like everyone is Care about me. "

Liu Xiaoying's eyes widened: "no, you don't know?"

"What do you know?"

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