Black Bellied President Dotes on Wife

Chapter 128

Naturally, Shangguan Ning was tossed by jingyichen all night. The next day, she got up, and her whole body was limp and limp. When she saw the traces on her body, she couldn't help turning red.

Jingyichen is refreshing, gave her a good morning kiss, nothing like a light way: "daughter-in-law, I criticize you a day off, at home to have a good rest, don't go anywhere, darling wait for me to come back, continue tonight!"

Shangguan Ning quickly got up from the bed and said, "I protest, I want to go to work!"

"The protest is invalid. Go back to sleep." Jingyichen pushed her back to bed. She nodded with satisfaction when she saw her honest and honest nest in the quilt. After finishing her breakfast, she went out.

However, as soon as he went out, his back foot received a message from Li Duo: young master, young lady is going out to work in the group.

Jingyichen smiles helplessly, no longer reluctantly shangguanning, gets on the car and sits well, but does not take the lead to go to the company, but has been waiting in the car.

When shangguanning comes down in a hurry and wants to drive his own car, he suddenly finds that jingyichen's car is beside him, and others have not left at all.

Jingyichen pressed the window glass and only gave Shangguan a perfect side face. He said faintly: "some people are disobedient and rush to be good employees. Therefore, the president has to be a driver for good employees in person."

Shangguan Ning was a little uneasy because she cheated him again. She relaxed at once. She opened the door and sat in the co driver's seat.

"All right, comrade driver, we are ready to go!"

Jing Yichen's face showed a smile, pressed her on the back of the car seat, and gave her a hard kiss to her lips. Until her lips were slightly red and swollen, he did not let her go.

He put his forehead against her smooth forehead, and his breath was slightly disordered. He whispered in a sexy voice: "if I don't obey next time, I will punish you..."

Shangguan Ning was a little dizzy when she was kissing. She bit her lip and refused to answer him. After a while, she saw that he was not willing to let go of himself, so she pushed him, and jiaochen said, "let's go quickly. It's going to be late!"

Jing Yichen released her and drove all the way to the company.

This time, he did not let shangguanning get off the bus, but directly took her to the underground parking lot, and then took the president's special elevator to the 76th floor.

Shangguanning didn't agree to enter the company with him for fear of being caught. She is very satisfied with her present state in the company. There are several good colleagues who come to chat with each other. Others are ordinary and light. They all smile and greet each other kindly. They will ask her for help when they have something to do. Her life is full and stable.

She doesn't want to break this state. Once people know that she is the president's wife, they will not be like the careless Mi Xiaoxiao, how to treat her or how to treat her.

Just jingyichen drags her hard and doesn't let her get off the bus. How can her strength compare with him? She has no choice but to join the company with him.

Fortunately, there were very few people in the underground parking lot. They took the special elevator of jingyichen. No one found them all the way.

Jing Yichen looks at the lovely wife of the director of the office. She can't help smiling.

If it's someone else, I'm afraid they'd like to shout. Let the world know that her husband is the most powerful president of the group. She had been hiding and tucking in all the time. She refused to reveal half a word to others. She didn't mean to be a fox and a tiger, which made him seem to be a disgrace.

The longer you get in touch with her, the more you will find her different.

Jingyichen opens the documents on the desk and finds that the company's commonly used forms have slightly changed. However, this slight change makes the whole form more clear at a glance, and the query is more convenient and efficient.

Take a close look at the content of the table, concise, it looks very professional.

When did the company have such a careful and serious talent? The group's form has been in use for many years. No one has proposed to improve it. Now it has been improved.

Jingyichen turns the document to the end, and sees the signature at the bottom, which says: tabulator shangguanning.

He was a little surprised. He didn't expect that shangguanning's working ability was so excellent!

It seems that Lu Qin has always had the heart to teach her, and the decision to let her go to the job rotation study is correct.

In the assistant president's office, Lu Qin is teaching guanning to learn new things.

Lu Qin has been working in Jingsheng for many years. He has rich experience in all aspects and has almost no shortcomings. However, he has one biggest shortcoming, that is, foreign languages.

In addition to being proficient in using English, he knows nothing about the languages of other countries. Shangguanning is just a genius in language, and the two people are just complementary.

Jingsheng has a lot of foreign-related business. Lu Qin, with shangguanning, is almost equivalent to having a translation machine to handle official documents. The efficiency has doubled. It is no longer necessary to find people involved in external affairs to translate documents one by one.

However, Lu Qin still decided to talk to the general manager, cut Jing Zhong, and arrange an assistant for Jing Yichen.

Shangguanning has a wide range of knowledge, strong learning ability, and is willing to work hard. Although she is now the assistant of Jing Yichen, she is likely to be promoted to vice president of the group once all departments have completed their job rotation. In addition, she is Jing Yichen's wife, so she will be the vice president with the highest power in the whole group.Therefore, in the future, there will still be no assistant available for jingyichen. As he gets older, his physical strength, energy and brain power are declining, far less than the learning speed of shangguanning, a young man. Therefore, it is necessary to find a new person and cultivate him into a suitable assistant.

And, preferably, men.

It's not that Lu Qin is sexist, but he thinks that it is more convenient for men to do things, and that men's physical fitness is stronger. They can accompany jingyichen on business trips all over the world. If the conditions of the business trip are bad, the two people can eat and live together, which will not cause any problems.

He knew that the old president loved and valued shangguanning's daughter-in-law very much.

Shangguanning has always been a little strange. Lu Qin said that she only taught her for one or two months when she joined the company. However, now that it has been three months, he is still teaching herself, and all the things he has taught her involve the business secrets of Jingsheng group, which is complex and important.

She didn't ask why. She just learned from him as hard as possible, and kept everything he said in mind. If jingyichen wanted to know the specific data of a certain field, she could say it immediately and accurately.

Shangguanning has been working with a high degree of concentration for a week. He not only has to do the things of Jingsheng group seriously, but also takes into account the progress of Liyu technology from time to time. Therefore, the whole person is a little tired.

She wanted to have a good rest at the weekend, but some people were destined not to let her feel better.

As soon as she got off work on Friday, she got a call.

"Shangguanning, I have a birthday party tonight. You must come!" , the fastest update of the webnovel!