Black Bellied President Dotes on Wife

Chapter 1247

The land in the countryside is so vast that you can't see the marginal fields. There are also various kinds of flowers, birds, insects and fish. It makes the first time I touch these things lingering.

Moreover, it is quiet and quiet, without the chaos and clamor of the metropolis. Shuyin only stayed here for a few days and didn't want to leave.

Jing Rui has no choice but to go back to the city on his own. He has to deal with many affairs of the group and the family. It is impossible to live in the countryside all the time.

When Shu Yin wants to stay here for a few more days, Jing Rui thinks it's a good thing. The living environment can change a person's mood. Shuyin is obviously more cheerful and active these days than ever before. He still plans the future with him all the time, which is unprecedented before.

However, Jing Rui doesn't know, he just left, Shu Yin regrets.

In the open villa, in addition to the servants, only Shu Yin is left. She eats, walks and sleeps. There is no one around to accompany her. Shuyin is very uncomfortable.

A person to see the scenery, even the scenery is lonely.

When Jing Rui is by Shu Yin's side, she doesn't feel anything, but when he is not around, she will realize how important he is in her life.

Just one day apart, Shuyin felt empty in her heart, and her interest in country life suddenly diminished. Even the beautiful fireflies in the night became ordinary.

Jiang Manshu also wants to win over Shu Yin and let her hate Jing Rui with herself, and then kill Jing Rui.

Shuyin stood alone in front of the French window of the villa, looking at the stars all over the sky. She felt that without Jingrui, her life would also lose all its vitality.

If you have never met that person, then everything tasteless can be accepted, but after meeting and then losing, everything will become tasteless.

Shu Yin used to be afraid that she would rely on Jing Rui, but now, her dependence has been deeply rooted in the bone marrow, and it is impossible to give up.

She stood in front of the window until dawn. As soon as the East showed the white fish belly, she packed up her things and asked the driver left by Jingrui to take her back.

Shu Yin is not so good, and Jing Rui is no better. He has not only been thinking about Shu Yin, but also worried about her safety. Although someone has been left to protect Shuyin, he is still worried.

It's just that he is very busy. His work dilutes his missing. When he does things seriously, he has no time to think about anything.

In particular, Li Zhi has something to look for him, and talks with him about the next step of detailed cooperation scope. Jing Rui doesn't dare to take it lightly.

Shu Yin is not at home. Jing Rui works all night. Without her, he doesn't even like to go back. He always gives orders in the company, and many people in the whole group work overtime all night.

Li Zhi sits opposite Jingrui, holding a pile of thick materials, and tells Jingrui clearly what kind of raw materials Tianyi group needs and what improvements Jingsheng group needs. Tianyi group also has a lot of confidential information in its production and operation. She requires Jingsheng group to keep it strictly confidential.

It is the first time for Jingsheng group to make fine adjustment of raw materials, because in the past, Jingsheng provided other enterprises with the same process and method of production, and the partners were very satisfied.

If the adjustment is made, it means that the equipment needs to be updated and the mold rebuilt, which will greatly increase the cost and the profit will become very thin.

When the two sides signed the preliminary cooperation agreement, Li Zhi did not mention these details at all.

Jing Rui's patience is limited, and his time is limited. Although Li Zhi's request is reasonable, he still makes an impertinent order.

"President Li had better go back and have a look at the contract signed by both sides. If you have any questions, submit them to our group in writing. If you are not satisfied with our raw materials, the cooperation will be terminated immediately. Please come back

Li Zhi was not angry. She laughed calmly and said calmly: "I know that Jingsheng group cooperated with Loujia in this respect. It's normal that the standard of raw materials is not high, because the sporting goods of Loujia are not high-end products. There will be no problem with those materials."

"However, Tianyi group focuses on the high-end market, aiming at high-end consumers, and will provide product support for various world-class competitions. Tianyi's future development is unlimited. As a partner, Jingsheng group's raw material supply will also get a great breakthrough. Do you want to give up this piece of fat

Li Zhi said well, Li family also has the ability to develop an unknown small company into a multinational enterprise, so that their sporting goods into the global competitions.

However, Jingrui is completely unmoved. Jingyichen taught him to dare to take risks, but also dare to refuse interests.

Money never ends. It's impractical to bite at a piece of cake.

Does Jingsheng not have the ability to improve the quality of raw materials?

Of course not!

The reason why there is no increase is that after the increase, the cost will double and the sales pressure will increase sharply.

If one day the Li family goes bankrupt or does not cooperate with Jingsheng group, the raw materials will be overstocked in large quantities, and all the investment in the early stage will be wasted.Jing Rui looks at Li Zhi's perfect delicate face and suddenly smiles gently.

How did he regard Li Zhi as his opponent before?

They are not on the same level at all!

Li Zhi seems to be sophisticated and calm, in fact, her technique is very immature, calm is also her own too much confidence in themselves.

Li family all really is Li Zhi manages?

Jing Rui has deep doubts in his heart. If Li Zhi takes over the Li family in the future, his assets will be greatly reduced in a few years.

Li Zhi or the first time to see Jing Rui smile, although he smile very shallow very light, can really be in the smile.

The newly born Chaoyang is fresh and beautiful, with a large amount of Xiaguang, illuminating the meeting room on the 77th floor of Jingsheng group.

Jingrui is sitting in the sunlight. His short hair is clean and neat, and his facial features are clear. He is handsome and perfect.

His white shirt was dyed with sunlight and turned into gorgeous colors, which made him more dazzling and charming.

At the banquet the night before yesterday, Li Zhicai had just met celebrities from all walks of life. Among them, there were some young talents with distinguished family background and handsome and promising achievements. However, compared with Jing Rui, all of them lost their due glory.

Li Zhi's eyes bloom with a strange look. She keeps her eyes on Jingrui's deep eyes and asks with a gentle and graceful voice: "what are you laughing at? Do you think I am too ambitious and naive? "

Li Zhi on their own voice and appearance are very confident, every time she said with a gentle smile, all went well.

Meet Jing Rui such a young and handsome opponent, she is happy to show her charm. , the fastest update of the webnovel!