Black Bellied President Dotes on Wife

Chapter 1245

Three people talk and laugh, a joy, but with the arrival of Jing Zhi, all of a sudden quiet down.

Jingzhi also feels the change of atmosphere. Jingxi and Shuyin are OK. Jingrui's face is cold enough to freeze people into ice!

Since Jingxi was taken away, Jingrui doesn't have a good face every time he sees Jingzhi. After knowing that Jingzhi only cares about Zheng yuluo and Gu Jingxi, he wants to throw Jingzhi back to North America.

When Jingxi saw that his brother's face was not right, he immediately activated the atmosphere: "second brother, second brother, are you here to rub breakfast? Me too! I just had a glass of milk

Jingzhi pinched her small face and said with a smile, "sister, you are still good to me. You don't have a grudge for losing you. Unlike someone, they refuse to talk to me!"

Shu Yin turns her head and looks at "someone" in Jingzhi's mouth. Seeing that he doesn't look at Jingzhi, she doesn't mean to pay any attention to Jingzhi. She can't help but say, "Jingzhi, come and have breakfast together!"

His brother has no overnight feud. Jing Rui and Jingzhi are closer than his brother. Shu Yin knows that Jing Rui is angry for a while. After a while, his anger will disappear, and it will be good.

Jingxi was bound away. Jingzhi felt miserable that night. They all said that the man had tears and didn't light it. Jingxi had no news. Jingzhi's eyes were always red.

He didn't say anything, but Shu Yin knew that Jing Zhi was so self reproached that he always felt sorry for Jingxi. Seeing that Jingxi was still injured, he held Jingxi in his arms and asked him all the time.

Unfortunately, although Shuyin and Jingxi have been helping, Jingrui is still cold to Jingzhi and doesn't pay any attention to him from the beginning to the end. Moreover, after breakfast, Gao Ya directly asks Gao ya to send Jingxi back to shangguanning and refuses to let Jingzhi take Jingxi out.

"Brother, I'm wrong, can't I? You should have a word with me, even if you scold me

"I promise I won't make the same mistake again!"

"Brother, this matter has nothing to do with Zheng yuluo. Don't you get angry with her?"


Jingzhi says a lot of pitifully, but Jingrui still ignores him. He goes to the cloakroom to change his suit shirt, and goes to Jingsheng group to work with the cold wind.

Jingsheng group's business has been expanding steadily. In fact, the broken arm of Lou family has indeed caused great losses to the group. Jingrui has been making up for it recently.

Today, we have to cooperate with a small group that has just grown up. If the negotiation is successful, the losses caused by the house can be filled quickly, and the broken business chain can also be reconnected.

The partner is a sporting goods manufacturer named "Tianyi group". It has been established for a long time, but it has only emerged in recent two years, and its development momentum is strong.

Behind the rapid development, there must be one or more business leaders with a keen sense of smell. Jingrui would like to contact them to see if they can carry out long-term cooperation.

Jingsheng group is a supplier of raw materials. Originally, the group provided raw materials to Loujia. Loujia is one of the top sports goods manufacturers in the sporting goods industry, with many branches and mainly focusing on ball brands. Now, with the support of Jingsheng group, it has entered the high-end market and invited many sports stars to speak for it, and its popularity has been greatly improved.

After Jingsheng group cut off the supply of raw materials, Jingrui also cut off the sales channels of the Lou family, which means that the Lou family has no raw materials for production and no way to sell all kinds of sports goods that have been produced. As a result, the warehouse is seriously overstocked and the capital chain is directly broken.

The house suffered heavy losses, and the raw materials of Jingsheng group could not be sold, and the loss was also huge.

Ordinary small enterprises can't swallow as many raw materials as Jingsheng group, and Jingrui doesn't plan to cooperate only with Loujia in the future. The partner is too single and the risk is too high.

The depth of cooperation with the Lou family in the future depends on Lou Mingyang's sincerity and commercial mind. If his ability is mediocre, the cooperation can only be a small-scale cooperation.

The interview time of Jingsheng group and Tianyi group is 9:00 a.m. at 9:00 sharp, Jing Rui and relevant personnel of the group appear in the meeting room at the top of Jingsheng group on time.

In the spacious and simple conference room, on one side of the long table, the leadership of Tianyi group has been seated neatly.

From dying to full of vitality, everyone in Tianyi group has already admired the new president. Now they are more able to cooperate with Jingsheng group. Everyone is excited and expectant.

The new president of Tianyi group is wearing a white suit and skirt, with a long black hair in the back of his head, showing a beautiful face.

Her makeup is exquisite, capable and elegant, noble and gentle. Her appearance of being too young makes people here in Jingsheng group daze for a second.

Fortunately, Jingsheng group's own president is also young, they have been used to the young genius, also used to the president's super high appearance, otherwise, to see the president of Tianyi group, it is estimated that they would not be so calm.

However, the people of Tianyi group are not so calm. They have developed in the past two years. They have never contacted with Jingsheng group before. They have no idea that the president of such a large group is even younger than their president!

There are some doubts about Jing Rui's ability, but the prestige of Jingsheng group is there, and the reputation of Jingsheng family is not built up. Everyone dare not show slightest contempt, and their faces are all in awe.Jing Rui glances at the people of Tianyi group, and finally sets his eyes on the woman who is sitting in the middle and represents the highest status.

Li Zhi?!

When did Tianyi group become the Li family?

The people who are responsible for collecting intelligence have not collected this information at all!

It seems that Li Zhi deliberately concealed it!

No wonder Tianyi group has risen rapidly in the past two years. With the support of the Li family, it can't even develop.

Jing Rui doesn't even move his eyebrows. He looks calm and indifferent. Like he doesn't know Li Zhi, he goes straight to the theme of the meeting.

He was strong and professional, and soon gave Tianyi group a lot of pressure, except Li Zhi still smile calmly, others have sweat on their forehead.

Can so close contact with Jing Rui, listen to him speak with a deep and pleasant voice, Li Zhi only think this is a great enjoyment.

She sees Jing Rui as if she doesn't know herself at all, and she doesn't get close to Jing Rui.

She is the only successor of the Li family. Even if the strength of the Li family is not comparable to that of the Jing family, she does not need to kowtow to the Jing family. She has enough qualifications to maintain her pride.

Because Li Zhi is holding the purpose of cooperation, so even if Jing Rui put forward some harsh conditions, she also agreed to all.

The meeting lasted only half an hour, and the intention of cooperation was initially reached.

Li Zhi with their own people politely leave, Jing Rui's eyebrows wrinkled up. , the fastest update of the webnovel!