Black Bellied President Dotes on Wife

Chapter 1217

The house is in a mess. Jingrui is no better here.

Jingzhi and Jingxi are here with him, jumping up and down, crying and crying to destroy the building.

However, although Jing Rui slapped the Lou family, he felt that Shu Yin's disappearance must not have been caused by the Lou family.

Since Shu Yin can renovate Lou Zi Rong, she won't easily take it away from her family.

Jing Rui stayed up all night. He looks tired and his eyes are full of red blood.

He searched all over city a, but found no sign of Shu Yin.

He thinks Shu Yin is not in a city anymore.

Jing Rui is busy commanding his subordinates and various forces to help find Shu Yin.

In the evening, he had found some clues.

Shuyin is not in a city, she is in another city far away!

Jingrui frowns. Is Shu Yin really angry about Lou Ruofu? Does she want to escape from his world?

Without delay, he took people directly to the city where Shuyin was.

City W is different from city A. city a is a metropolis with modern flavor, fashionable and prosperous. However, w City is a well-known ancient capital, which contains historical vicissitudes and reveals profound cultural heritage.

The street is clean and tidy, antique, and even the shape of the villa is antique.

Jing Rui stops in front of a villa full of rose flowers and sees several gun muzzle aiming at his dark hole. He finally determines that he has found the right place this time.

He opened the door and strode in.

Through the garden, into the hall of the villa, Jing Rui saw at a glance the little woman who worried him.

He breathed a sigh of relief, she was OK!

When Shu Yin sees Jing Rui, she is obviously stunned. She didn't expect Jing Rui to find him so soon.

She hoped that he would not come. It was a grand banquet!

Seeing Jing Rui, Jiang Manshu covers his mouth and laughs. Her voice is clear and pleasant, just like a innocent girl. In addition, her beautiful appearance makes a vivid picture.

"Oh, what did I say? Xiaoyin is gone. Jingrui will come to the door! It seems that I really put my daughter in an important position in my heart. In this way, I can trust to give her to you! "

Jingrui frowns subconsciously. This man Is it Shu Yin's mother?

He took a close look at Jiang Manshu's appearance, and finally matched her with her ten years ago.

Her appearance changed little, only her hairstyle changed. Jing Rui had checked Jiang Manshu's information and seen her photos in order to investigate Shu Yin. He had a vague impression of her appearance.

Isn't Jiang Manshu dead?

Lucas himself admits that he killed Jiang Manshu, and the result of Jing Yichen's investigation is that Jiang Manshu was killed by Lucas ten years ago.

Who is the living one?

Jingrui subconsciously looks at Shuyin, but Shuyin shakes his head blankly.

He understood, Shu Yin himself is also confused!

Shu Yin doesn't know as much as he does.

"Here comes my brother-in-law, mother. Shall we eat a little more this evening and give him a good life? My brother-in-law is really a good-looking person. I haven't seen a few of them so handsome. My sister's eyes are really good! "

Li Zhi is holding Jiang Manshu's arm. Her voice is clear and her smile is delicate. Her whole body exudes a kind of beautiful brilliance. People can't ignore her.

Jing Rui looks at Li Zhi's face and always feels that she seems to be familiar.

She is a bit like Shu Yin, but Jing Rui thinks that the sense of familiarity is not only the familiarity of appearance, but also something he can't explain clearly.

Is this man Shu Yin's sister?

Why didn't he find out at all when he checked!

He didn't find out. There were only two possibilities. 1、 The so-called mother and sister are fake, two, Shu Yin's mother and sister, means to heaven, strength is not inferior to him!

Whether the two faces are masked or not, Jingrui can see through it at a glance.

These two people are obviously true faces. They look so similar to Shu Yin, they don't look like they have no blood relationship. It's easy to find out whether it's a relative or not. A DNA test can reveal the true shape of those monsters.

Obviously, they can only be the latter.

Jing Rui's expression is slightly dignified.

"Oh, mother, look, my brother-in-law is always staring at me! My sister is still watching. He is not afraid of her being jealous, but I'm afraid my sister will blame her! I won't rob a boyfriend with my sister. It's not cost-effective to hurt the sisterhood

"Xiaozhi, don't talk nonsense. He should think that your two sisters are more like each other. This just gives you one more look. Your sister is tolerant and magnanimous, and will definitely not care about these small things!"

Shu Yin looks at the mother and daughter acting coldly. Jiang Manshu asked her to kill Jing Rui when she was sleeping by her pillow yesterday. Today, she became so warm and polite. She said that there were no ghosts in it, and they didn't believe them!She went to Jing Rui, hugged his arm, looked up at his good mother and sister, and said, "unfortunately, I am not generous at all. I am the most careful and care about these small things! You'd better stay away from him, or you'd better not complain that I didn't remind you of your lack of arms and legs

The tone of Shu Yin is quite impolite. Jing Rui can't help but look at her.

Only two days apart, but he felt like two years apart!

She was still so sharp and straightforward that she didn't give any face.

She didn't get hurt. She didn't seem to be wronged. She even changed into a new dress. Her hair was shawl. The sunset glow was shining on her. She was not beautiful like a mortal.

Jing Rui doesn't have Jiang Manshu in his eyes. His mind is on Shu Yin. When he sees that Shu Yin is not polite to them, he is not polite.

"You took my fiancee away? Next time, I'll step down here! "

His tone was arrogant, and he was clearly angry.

Because these two people have special identities, they may be Shu Yin's relatives, so he didn't come up and started. If he had changed someone else, he would have been lying on the ground!

He didn't know the relationship between Shuyin and his mother, but he knew that Shuyin had always longed for maternal love.

If Jiang Manshu is still alive, it may be a good thing for Shuyin.

Jing Rui said, holding Shu Yin's hand and turning around to go out, Jiang Manshu did not seem to hear Jing Rui's threat at all. She said with a smile: "it's so late, you'd better go after dinner! I finally got my daughter back. I couldn't help but put incense on her father

Jingrui and Shuyin stop at the same time.

Jingrui slowly turns around and looks at Jiang Manshu with senleng's eyes. It turns out that she disclosed the death of Shucheng mountain to Shuyin! , the fastest update of the webnovel!