Black Bellied President Dotes on Wife

Chapter 1213

The person in front of me is completely overlapped with the person in Shuyin's memory!

Look, tone, long hair, white clothes, this is clearly her mother, Jiang Manshu!

Her appearance did not change much from ten years ago. Her skin was still white and delicate, and her figure was still graceful and slender. She seemed to be the star shining star in her twenties!

No one can imitate a person to this degree!

Shuyin seems to be set there, the body is stiff, the brain is blank.

Her own mother, even in the past ten years, she will not admit mistakes!

Because, this figure once appeared in her dream innumerable times, this voice, she listened to eight years, how can forget!

Shuyin closed her eyes and opened them again and again. She repeated many times until she was sure that she was not hallucinating or dreaming. She murmured: "no, it's not like this. My mother is dead, she has already left me..."

Jiang Manshu seems to have never heard Shu Yin speak at all. She still plays the piano with elegant posture, and the beautiful music overflows from her fingertips, which seems to be able to clean people's hearts.

However, Shuyin only felt harsh and unpleasant!

Her mother is not dead! She's alive! Always alive!

But the father because did not have the wife, sent away the small she, goes to revenge to the wife!

She's not dead. Who killed her?

Shuyin always thought it was Lucas who killed Jiang Manshu. He also said that Jiang Manshu died miserably, but shuchengshan never seemed to doubt Lucas, otherwise he would not give his daughter to Lucas.

There are many doubts, and the conspiracy and secret behind make Shuyin's hair stand on end!

Shucheng mountain loves Jiang Mansu to the bone, and Jiang Mansu is also very affectionate to shuchengshan. As a person who pays so much attention to the screen image, she cherishes her star halo, but is willing to give birth to him. Isn't it enough to love him?

Her original name was jiangman. After falling in love with shuchengshan, she changed her name to jiangmanshu. She took her lover's last name as the end of her name. She should love this man very much, right?

But why did she pretend to be dead? She wants to kill who by Shucheng mountain's hand?!

She cheated everyone!

At the end of the song, Jiang Manshu gets up slowly, gently carrying his skirt, and moves towards Shuyin gracefully.

She has always been beautiful. On stage and off, all of them are breathtaking. Otherwise, how could shuchengshan only have her in his heart? He himself is a beautiful man with excellent appearance.

Shu Yin has always been a materialist and doesn't believe in ghosts and gods.

However, looking at Jiang Manshu's black hair and white clothes floating towards him, Shuyin still has his hair on his head, and feels like he has hit a ghost.

Shu Yin subconsciously retreats, looks surprised at Jiang Manshu: "you don't get close to me!"

Her mind is completely confused now, and she has no way to think well. Although the person in front of her is her own mother, Shu Yin doesn't trust her at all.

"Xiaoyin, don't do this. Come here and let mom hold you. You grow up and look like me. I'm very beautiful. I'm very happy."

Jiang Manshu stops, looks at Shu Yin's face, seems to have some exclamations.

With guilt and love on her face, she seems to be a mother who loves her daughter very much.

This set, may be able to cheat others, but not Shu Yin!

Jiang Manshu is an actress. Although she was not a first-line female star ten years ago, she could only act as a supporting role, but her acting skills were already perfect!

Once upon a time, Jiang Manshu was indifferent to her. Shu Yin didn't believe that she had never seen each other for ten years. She suddenly became fond of her daughter!

Anyway, she had no feelings for the posh woman in front of her!

All her feelings, as early as the first year she entered the virus research institute and was used for research, had been worn out.

"Why didn't you die?"

Shu Yin's eyes were a little red, she almost roared and questioned.

How can the world have such a cruel mother, abandon her daughter, live a relaxed and happy life!

She has no wrinkles on her face, and her skin can be broken. Obviously, during the past ten years, she has been comfortable and has been doing careful maintenance. Otherwise, she is 40 years old, how could she look like a girl in her twenties!

She gave birth to her. Why did she throw her away? Why abandon her loving husband?

"Well, it's a bit long. We should sit down and have a chat."

Jiang Manshu said, sitting down on the sofa now, she waved to Shuyin: "come and sit down, don't be silly standing here. This is your own home. You haven't come back for ten years. Have you got any points?"

Shu Yin looked at her painfully, and didn't move half a minute.

"You feign death to encourage my father to avenge you? You want him to help you kill? "

"I'm in graduate school. You always know that? I'm not as good as dead in it, and you've been standing by? "

"Whose idea was it to send me to graduate school? Who is it? "

Shu Yin said at the end, almost screaming.

Compared with Shuyin's out of control, trembling and frightened, Jiang Manshu is simply light in wind and light in cloud, even careless.

She gently stroked her soft long hair and said, "Oh, I mentioned this to your father, and I didn't expect him to agree to it."

Shu Yin looks at her indifference in disbelief. Is this her mother? What can a stepmother be like?!

"But Xiaoyin, don't get me wrong. Your father and I thought that it was just a high-level research institute. Sending you in was just to protect you. Your father provoked too many enemies and many people wanted to kill us for revenge. The virus research institute is the only place that can fight against killer organizations."

Jiang Manshu gently poured himself a cup of tea and drank it slowly. Then he said:

"Lucas is a good friend of your father. He was very loyal at first, so it's a good choice to give you to him. At least you survived! You can't blame your father for that. He's also for your own good, otherwise you would have been killed. "

"I'd rather die!"

Shu Yin clenches her teeth tightly, and she tries to control herself, so as to suppress the impulse to pour a small bottle of virus in the palm of her hand on Jiang Manshu's face!


How did she survive?

She is in the cruel torture again and again to survive!

In those years, she has been hovering on the edge of life and death, every day, is like purgatory!

Jiang Manshu said so easily, why didn't she try it!

Lucas is not a man at all!

"Well, don't be angry. My mother brought you back this time, just to take you with you. But before you go, you have to kill a man