Black Bellied President Dotes on Wife

Chapter 1206

Jingrui knows that Shuyin is not telling the truth. He sighs and kisses Shuyin's forehead.

"If you don't want to say it, I won't force you, but you know, I can't leave you. You should know my character best. I will fight for what I want, and I will not ask for what I don't want

"I picked you up late today because I was stopped by something. I didn't want to say this to avoid misunderstanding, but now I have to say it, but I said you must not think about it

Shu Yin has calmed down at the moment. Although she is in a low mood, as long as the window paper is not broken, she feels that she is still in love with Jing Rui as before.

If she lies in her arms, she will feel that the whole world is safe.

He didn't want to know why he didn't want to meet her.

But now, which reason she did not want to know.

She didn't know what the result would be after she asked. She pretended that she didn't know everything and lived with Jing Rui as before.

"You don't have to say, whatever the reason, I know you didn't mean to pick me up at school. Today, I should have taken a taxi to come back by myself. In the future, you don't have to pick me up if you are busy. I'll go home by myself. "

Shu Yin has always been in the Research Institute and has no chance to learn a car. Moreover, she has just turned 18 this year and hasn't got a driver's license. It's impossible for her to drive by herself.

Usually she is not that kind of wayward girl, she has to come to pick her up in person before returning home.

It's only because of the special situation today that she didn't control her mood.

However, Jingrui thinks that Shuyin is very good at controlling her emotions.

She is magnanimous, does not love to haggle, most of the time will not be coquettish and capricious with him, she is unreasonable, completely unlike an 18-year-old girl.

Jingrui took Shuyin's hand, put her hand on his chest, and said seriously: "Yinyin, we are engaged, and will get married in the future. You have the right to ask about everything about me and ask for everything. Taking you home is the most common and ordinary thing. You should be angry if you don't pick you up. You can lose your temper. "

Shu Yin doesn't know whether she should lose her temper. No one used to her before. Needless to say, she is cautious and tolerant. She is full of crisis. She may die of impulse at any time. Now she has become a master of emotion management.

She's almost forgotten what it means to lose her temper, and today it's the most out of control she's ever had.

"I went to deal with the building today."

Although Shu Yin says that there is no need to explain, Jing Rui still thinks it is better to explain, otherwise Shu Yin will have a lump in his heart.

"When I was in North America, a lot of things on the side of city a were done by the double instead of me. He provoked Lou Ruofu, the first lady of the Lou family. I don't know exactly what happened. But Lou Ruofu came to me today and said that she wanted me to be responsible. "

Since he has already agreed with him, she has already married him.

Jing Rui knows about the ambiguous affair between Liao Wei and Lou Ruofu. Jing Rui doesn't know whether Liao Wei agreed to marry Lou Ruofu in the name of Jing family, but he is sure that Liao Wei has not touched Lou Ruofu.

Liao Wei not only has an affair with Lou Ruofu, but also has an affair with a female star in the entertainment company of Jingsheng group.

But none of them had a real relationship.

Because this is the bottom line of Jingrui and the bottom line of Jingrui's family, jingyichen can't let Liao Wei ruin Jingrui's reputation.

When Liao Wei has sex with other women, no one knows that he is just a stand in. When the time comes, people will only scold Jing Rui for breaking up old debts.

Therefore, in this regard, Jing Yichen has always sent people to strictly monitor Liao Wei. If he has any intimate behavior with a woman, he will go out to stop him and severely punish Liao Wei.

Shu Yin doesn't know the complexity and obscurity, but she understands. Lou Ruofu means that she has lost herself to the double.

Her attention was drawn away by the incident and asked, "what can I do? Didn't the Lou family always support the Jing family? Why did you suddenly ask for responsibility? "

This is also where Jing Rui has doubts.

The Lou family is the king's family. He has never been against the Jing family. Now he is engaged to Shu Yin. It is not unknown that the Lou family would ask him to marry Lou Ruofu?

This is unreasonable and does not meet the interests of the building.

Which woman does Jingrui want to marry? How can he be influenced by such a family as the Lou family!

What's more, Lou Ruofu obviously lied. Before Liao Wei left city a, he had no relationship with any woman at all!

Although Liao Wei is arrogant, arrogant and possessive, he is not a person who has no brain at all. He can not promise Lou Ruofu that he will marry her in the future.

First of all, the Lou family is not a first-class big family, and it is not a proper match with the Jing family. Secondly, he is not the real successor of the Jing family. He doesn't decide who to marry. To write such empty checks will only cause trouble to Liao Wei himself.

"Lou Ruofu is very emotional and crying very much today. Lou Mingzhen, who is in charge of the Lou family, also speaks for his daughter. Moreover, they are very clever and play emotional cards instead of threatening them."

Thinking of Lou Ruofu's weeping appearance, Jing Rui finally understands why Lou Ruofu is the candidate for marriage, rather than Lou ruofe, who is dignified and gentle.

The beauty of louruofu is amazing!

Even when she cried, she was intoxicated with beauty. Her beauty was so conspicuous that she showed a charm in her bones. Only listening to her voice could make people's bones become crisp.

If we say that Lou ruofe's every move is self-restraint and bearing, then every action of Lou ruofe is like a deliberate adjustment of the angle to show his most charming side.

The temperaments of the cousins are quite opposite.

Jingrui thinks that with Liao Wei's determination, he likes to go upstairs. Ruofu is too normal. He can resist not touching her. It is estimated that jingyichen has beaten her badly. He is too afraid, so he can restrain himself.

"Their father and daughter have been crying all the time today, and they have also brought in four smaller families. Five families have come to me and let me give an explanation."

Jing Rui thinks of today's events, and his face becomes a little cold.

The five families were all fostered by the Jing family, but today they unite to force him to marry Lou Ruofu!