Black Bellied President Dotes on Wife

Chapter 1201

Jingxi didn't know that he was thinking about others, and others were thinking about her.

She suddenly found that she seemed to like the new and dislike the old. Recently, she took a fancy to Lou Ziyi and soon forgot about Mu Sen.

When Jing Rui came to the hospital to pick her up, he saw that she was very straightforward when she left. She did not have any nostalgia. He could not help saying, "do you not like Musen?"

"I don't like it!"

Her answer is crisp and neat, and there is no hesitation at all. Jingrui can't help laughing.

Even if my sister is a genius, even if she is more mature than other children, she is still a child.

If a normal girl really likes a person, how can she not like it so soon.

He thought his sister was back in the world of children, but her next sentence was: "I like Lou Ziyi now!"

Jing Rui's foot is under a totter: "who?"

"Lou Ziyi, he seems to like me, too. He is gentle to me, and I like it!"

Jingrui can see that Jingxi likes to be gentle and good tempered. This kind of love of her is totally different from that of adults.

However, he did not regard Jingxi as a child, but directly said: "as far as I know, he likes Zheng yuluo. You should think about it clearly."

However, Jingxi didn't care, and his smile was brilliant: "it's OK. Who doesn't have an ex girlfriend or ex boyfriend? You see, I've also liked other people! Where you can succeed in love at one time, I'm not going to make it first! "

It's the first time I've heard that there's still a way to go in love!

What's more, it's too early to fall in love at the age of eight!

Jingrui takes Jingxi into the car and drives her home. He has a headache about his sister's puppy love, but he thinks it's not a bad thing.

Girls are too simple to be cheated by bad men. Jingrui doesn't mind that his sister is practicing with Mu Sen and Lou Ziyi.

Anyway, as the daughter of Jing Xijing's family, they would not let her suffer.

"The Lou family must be very willing to marry with our family. You should be careful whether he likes you or your identity. The Lou family is an affiliated family of our Jing family. They have proposed marriage before, but they were rejected by my father. "

Jingxi still didn't care, his eyes were rolling: "I and my identity are inseparable, don't worry, he must like my identity and I! Even if you don't like me, you won't like other people! "

She said, can't help but "giggle" of the smile.

"The Obsidian you bought for me, I'll string it up and give it to Lou Ziyi! There's a little bit of stuff in it

For Jingrui, obsidian is not valuable. Even if he buys the best ice obsidian, it is also worthless. If Jingxi wants to play, he lets people buy it.

It turns out that she bought it to trap people!

Now become smart, know not to throw firecrackers directly at people throw virus, know to cover up their own!

If Lou Ziyi's simple person married Jingxi, he would not be tortured by her every day!

"What did you add? Viruses? Don't make trouble for your sister-in-law. If he is infected with virus, your sister-in-law will be able to solve the problem in a city. Peter has been sent out by me recently. He can't save people. "

"Oh, don't worry. When do you think I'll die? Don't need my sister-in-law's hand, that virus can use for a month at most, just temporarily let him not like women

It's more painful than life, OK?!

What evil did Lou Ziyi do in his last life? He wants to be bent by Jingxi!

"Don't make a fool of yourself. He's from the same camp as our family. How can you even pit your own people! Hurry to find a chance to get Obsidian back. If someone finds something wrong, they will not like you! "

"It's a shame to have the things sent back again. I won't do it!"

"You can say obsidian is too cheap to give him a more valuable one."

Jingxi's eyes suddenly brightened: "ha ha, right! I didn't think of it! "

When the Obsidian Bracelet fails, she can send another kind of hand string with added materials in this way!

Jingrui thinks that his sister really knows his mistake and wants to take it back. He smiles and feels that he has taught his sister better and better!

Jingxi doesn't need to pretend to be a lady in front of her brother. She sits on the co driver with no image and suddenly asks, "brother, you think the Lou family wants to marry. Who do they want you to marry? Lou Ruofei? Or Lou Ruofu? "

Lou Ruofu is Lou Ziyi's sister and Lou Ruofei's cousin.

Jing Xi doesn't know the age of Lou Ruofu and Lou Ruofei, but Lou Ziyi is 20 years old. Lou Ruofu is at least 212 years old, and Lou ruofe must be under 20 years old.

Jing Rui is 20 years old. If he marries, Lou Ruofei is obviously the most suitable one.

Jing Rui didn't expect his sister to be so sensitive. He guessed that it was he who proposed the marriage.

He light way: "how can let me come to marry, our family besides me, still have Jing Zhi, still have you, I am engaged, what marriage is linked."

Jingxi curled her lips: "you can't cheat me. Your engagement is just about this year. You didn't get engaged before. In addition, the second brother never came home before. Others thought he was missing or even dead. It was impossible for the Lou family to mention him. As for me, I'll marry you when I grow up,

Jingrui is amused by her. She knows she is a little fart!

"Lou Ruofu was the one who proposed marriage at that time."

"Why, not Lou Ruofei?"

Jing Rui lightly shakes his head: "No

"Why? How could their family choose one bigger than you? "

"Because Lou Ruofu is more resourceful and skillful than Lou Ruofei. She participates in all the affairs of the Lou family, and her leadership is outstanding. And it is said that Lou Ruofu is more beautiful. Lou ruofe's appearance is too ordinary. They are afraid that they can't hold my heart

"Oh, how beautiful can it be? I don't believe she is more beautiful than my sister-in-law! "

Jing Rui gently smile: "this is, it must be the sound is more beautiful."

He doesn't think anyone is more beautiful than Shu Yin. Jing Rui has never met Lou Ruofu. The person who has met Lou Ruofu and given hope to the Lou family is his double Liao Wei!

He has stirred up Lou Ruofu more than once. Otherwise, a family as cautious as the Lou family would not have rushed to Jing Yichen to talk about marriage.

Jing Rui doesn't hide this, but tells Jing Xi in detail.

My sister is smart. She should know a lot about her interests, love and hatred. In the future, she will not be easily cheated.

When Jingxi heard that it was Liao Weijie's affair, he almost jumped up from his seat and said, "you son of a bitch, you're going to hook up with a woman! Brother, is he dead? "