Black Bellied President Dotes on Wife

Chapter 118

Zheng Jing finally compromised, because Jing Yichen not only promised to send out people, but also paid for it, as long as the equipment and channels of the criminal police team were needed.

Zheng Jing can do this completely.

So that day, jingyiran and the people under his hand were monitored.

Shangguan Ning lived in the hospital for two days, then went home with jingyichen.

She is much better, except for some weakness and headache, everything has gradually returned to normal.

She is also these two days to know, the original oneself in the ghost gate to walk a time, and save her person unexpectedly is the legendary miracle doctor wood old man.

Of course, she also knew that it was jingyiran's cocktail with medicine that made her fall into coma and shock immediately.

If jingyichen didn't catch up in time, maybe she would be dead.

But Jing Yichen is still worried about his carelessness. If he can be vigilant, Jing Yiran can't take advantage of it.

However, before this, shangguanning had a high fever, a person at home to sleep for a day and a night.

Jing Yichen doesn't know what Tang Yun said to shangguanning. He lies on the bed, hugs shangguanning in his arms, and explains to her in a low voice: "ah Ning, don't believe what Tang Yun says in the future. If you have any doubts, please ask me. She is not the same person as you, your idea is too simple, it is easy to be cheated by her. Before, even I would have been cheated by her

Shangguan Ning leaned on his chest and nodded gently: "OK, I know."

Jingyichen see her only said this, can't help but ask her: "you have nothing to say with me?"

That day, he came back in the middle of the night. When he held her, he was still disliked by her. He pushed him out and didn't let him touch him. It must be because of Tang Yun that she was so angry.

Shangguan Ning smiles and says, "there was originally, but now there is no more."

Tang Yun, now calm down to think about it, in fact, it is nothing. Moreover, jingyichen said that his first love was her, which had nothing to do with Tang Yun.

When she first met him, she was not unaware of his indifference. If she had done what Tang Yun said, he must have liked her, but jingyichen didn't seem to like her at all.

No matter how it used to be, as long as jingyichen loves himself now, it's enough.

She was held in his arms, only feel happy and sweet, like a teenager back in love, fell into a girl like love.

Shangguan Ning does not ask, it is obvious that he chose to believe him. Jingyichen's heart is filled with light satisfaction, and her lips are slightly cocked up.

He moved his arm to make her lean more comfortable. He said slowly, "ah Ning, there is a reason why I attach so much importance to Tang Yun and have spared no effort to protect her and meet her various requirements. But it's not because I like her, it's because She saved my life for her life

Shangguan was stunned. He didn't think that was the reason.

She saw that Jing Yichen's handsome face turned pale because of this sentence. Obviously, this memory was very painful for him, so he would not tell anyone, only buried it deeply in his heart.

She hugged his generous waist and tried to placate him.

She has never seen jingyichen, who is very powerful in all aspects and has never been afraid of anything, to be as vulnerable and helpless as she is now.

It turns out that Jing Yichen's life was saved by Tang Yun? So she should thank her.

"I thought she was dead, but I tried my best not to find her body, so I thought she might still be alive. After a, I found her all over the country. Although at that time, she should not have survived, but I never gave up. "

Shangguan Ning was silent for a while and whispered, "since she is alive, why not come to you?"

Tang Yun cares so much about Jing Yichen and regards himself as his fiancee. Since she is alive, how could she wait until Jing Yichen finds her ten years later before she comes back with him.

"Listen to her, she lost her memory." Jingyichen voice and restore the past calm, light way: "she said is nearly two years of memory to slowly recover."

Shangguan Ning listens to it, and then understands that she has lost her memory. No wonder she has not contacted jingyichen for so many years.

However, shangguanning believes in Tang Yun, but jingyichen doesn't believe it. He met people who really lost their memory and recovered their memory. The feeling was different from that of Tang Yun.

Whether Tang Yun has lost her memory or not, we just need to check her situation in the past ten years. With jingyichen's ability, it's easy to find all the records.

However, jingyichen did not go to check, whether she had amnesia is not important to him, why she did not come to him for such a long time is not important, and he does not care at all.

The important thing is, she's still alive.

That's enough.

Shangguan Ning felt that Tang Yun was quite rough, and she could not help saying, "she is also very poor. Then I will treat her better, and I will not laugh at her being a salesman."Jingyi Chen a smile: "what salesman?"

"Every day she stands at the company's guidance desk and tells people it's your fiancee. I think she looks like a salesman."

"She won't go to the company again, I promise."

Tang Yun is his fiancee's affair. The whole company has been in the uproar. Lu Qin has reported to him. Even since he took over the company, he has never interfered with his jingzhongxiu, so he calls him to pay attention to the influence. He was said both inside and outside the story. He was not allowed to do anything sorry for shangguanning.

My father didn't hang up for the first time.

"Tang Yun and I have nothing. Shangguanning will always be my wife and will not change."

He also told Lu Qin that if anyone asked, he would be married and there would be no fiancee at all.

Therefore, the news that the president was married soon spread throughout the whole group, directly let those female employees who adore him blow up the pot.

When shangguanning was forced to recuperate for half a month by jingyichen and officially returned to work, he clearly felt the low pressure inside the group.

She didn't know, so she had to ask Mi Xiaoxiao, the God of eight trigrams.

Mi Xiaoxiao looked at her with regret, shaking his head and sighing.

Shangguan Ning was puzzled by her and asked, "what's the matter? Why do you think so about me? Why do you all look so sad? "

Mi Xiaoxiao patted Shangguan Ning's shoulder, blinked his eyes and said, "Shangguan, you Not divorced yet

Shangguanning was even more baffled: "no

"Oh, that's good, that's good, that You'd better leave and go home and live a good life! Our president, the famous grass has a master , the fastest update of the webnovel!