Black Bellied President Dotes on Wife

Chapter 1178

Jing Zhi has experienced more darkness of human nature than anyone else.

He is a little girl, but he can't see clearly his own feelings and feelings?

What was her motive for killing?

If it's all done by her, then Jing Zhi can only admire her acting skill!

He looked at Xiao Yue's approach step by step, and his eyes were always indifferent.

She was still dressed in the old clothes she had gone to North America, which was not very fit, and she had been washed white, but her clothes were clean, like her people, like a piece of clean white paper.

Her face was a little better than when she left, and apparently she ate well in North America.

She works in a Chinese restaurant. The boss thinks that she is beautiful and hardworking. She has three meals a day, and they are very rich.

With long hair and shawl, she has a slim figure, fair and delicate skin. Her delicate and beautiful face has a kind of lustrous luster, and her old clothes can't cover her beautiful appearance.

She was even more beautiful after a week's absence!

With such a crime prone appearance, Xiaoyue is still living in poverty. Before, Jing Zhi thought that the little girl was independent and would not easily sell her soul and body.

Now, however, he had a strong suspicion.

Don't say anything else, relying on Xiaoyue himself, how does she save herself in all kinds of complicated environment?

In terms of ingenuity and intelligence ability, Shu Yin dumped Xiao Yue. She didn't know how many streets she was. But she was as smart as Shu Yin. When she was 15 years old, she had to seek the protection of Jing Rui!

Xiao Yue's self-protection ability is far worse than Shu Yin, but she can always be safe and sound!

Such an important matter, how did not discover before!

Xiaoyue had a delicate mind. She was sensitive to Jingzhi's coldness and indifference. She went to Jingzhi's side and stood at a loss. She didn't know what she had done and made him angry.

The breeze blows her long silky hair, and a few wisps of hair flit across her white face. Her clear eyes, like spring water, are full of water light. When she looks at Jingzhi, she has an indescribable feeling.

When a person is beautiful to a certain extent, even nature will stretch out olive branches to her.

The white butterflies that had fallen on the flowers in the garden left the gorgeous flowers in groups and came to Xiao Yue's side, dancing in her hair.

The beauty is picturesque, and the beauty is poetic.

If Xiaoyue is wearing a white dress at the moment, there will certainly be a fairy like feeling that doesn't eat fireworks between people.

Xiao Yue didn't care about the butterflies. She seemed to be used to the scene. She just stood there and waited for Jingzhi's fall.

Her clear and timid appearance makes Jing Zhi's heart waver.

Is such a girl who is afraid to die when she does everything, is the one who is extremely resourceful and cruel and wants Zheng Yu to die?

Jingzhi and Xiaoyue separated several steps and asked in a cold voice, "do you know why I called you back?"

Xiao Yue shook his head, and there was a faint fear in his expression.

In fact, Jing Zhi was sent to North America to study. She was frightened.

She doesn't want to go abroad. First of all, her English is a little bad. When she goes abroad, she can't understand what others are saying, let alone listen to the teacher.

Second, she's gone. Who will take care of her younger brother and sister?

She knows how unreliable her parents are. She is worried that her parents will sell her younger brother and sister if they are too anxious.

"Did you tell Zheng yuluo that we were together?"

Xiaoyue surprised inexplicably opened his eyes: "no, no, I don't!"

"You tell her I've put you to sleep?"

"I've never said anything like that!"

"Did you tell Zheng yuluo that I sent you to study abroad? Is it you who called her to the airport? "

Xiaoyue could not help but "pedal pedal" back two steps, her look is all incredible, even the voice is slightly shaking: "what are you talking about? I've never spoken to your girlfriend

She already understood what Jing Zhi was asking her!

He suspects that she destroys the relationship between him and Zheng yuluo!

Jing Zhi indifferently hooked his lips: "Xiao Yue, I never seem to have told you, what's the name of my girlfriend? How do you know Zheng yuluo is my girlfriend

Xiao Yue's face suddenly turned white, but she bit her lips and refused to speak.

"Today, if you don't give me a reasonable explanation, you don't want to walk out of the door of this villa!"

Xiao Yue trembled with fright. Jing Zhi in front of her was quite different from that she had seen before. She was ferocious and cold in her eyes. It seemed that she was going to peel her skin and bone!"I I, I, I said

Her teeth chattered and she couldn't even speak.

"Yes Your girlfriend came to me, she said, let me stay away from you, said I don't deserve you. Don't be paranoid... "

Xiao Yue said, and his voice dropped.

She whispered: "I have no delusion. Your girlfriend misunderstood me. I told her that I didn't have anything with you, but she didn't believe it."

Jingzhi is shocked!

He waited for a long time, but he didn't expect to wait for such an answer!

He was laughed at with anger!

If we say that Xiao Yue's words and deeds will arouse Jing Zhi's suspicion, then Zheng yuluo's will not.

He did not believe that Zheng yuluo would do such a thing!

"Xiao Yue, if you don't want to tell the truth, I have many ways for you to say that it's not wise to frame Zheng yuluo."

Xiao Yue said in a hurry: "what I said is true! I didn't lie to you! "

Jingzhi sneered. It's really a big show of the year!

The two women are criticizing each other in the same way. Does this mean that he is an idiot?!

Jingzhi waved. Two men in black came out of nowhere. One of them grabbed Xiao Yue's arm.

Xiao Yue was scared to turn around and want to run, but she is not the opponent of these two people at all.

She knelt down on the ground and begged Jingzhi bitterly: "Jingzhi, I'm telling you the truth. Please let me go. I didn't tell your girlfriend anything, and I didn't mean to pester you! Please let me go home

Jing Zhi gently waved to his two men: "take her to the basement. If you don't tell the truth, you'll be hungry until you say it! If you're not honest, you'll fight. Don't kill me. "

Xiao Yue was scared to death. Her tears fell like rain, and her voice was sad and sad: "Jingzhi, your girlfriend really looked for me! It's in a cafe. If you don't believe it, you can ask! Please let me go. I will never appear in front of you again. Please , the fastest update of the webnovel!