Black Bellied President Dotes on Wife

Chapter 1160

In fact, Musen is also struggling with what Jingxi should wear. In his apartment, there are only his clothes, but each one is very big.

He found a short sleeve T-shirt of his own and handed it to Jingxi. He felt guilty and said, "you'll make it for one night. Tomorrow my brother will buy you a beautiful one!"

Jingxi didn't feel comfortable at all. She was very happy to be able to wear wooden clothes!

It's better than sneaking on mom's high heels at home!

She took the clothes, ran to the bathroom to change, and then happily ran to the living room: "wood brother, good-looking?"

Musen can't laugh. His clothes are very big on Jingxi and can be used as a skirt!

He picked up Jingxi and took her to the bedroom: "good looking! Xi Xi looks good in everything


Jingxi's eyes flashed and said happily, "then I'll wear them every day."

Musen fondly touched her head and thought that she was still a child. In a short time, she would forget about the kidnapping, and a piece of clothes would make her happy for a long time.

Jingxi's hair is wet, so Musen put her on the bed and carefully dried it for her.

See her hair unexpectedly have a lot of scorched, immediately some heartache.

I don't know how dangerous it was at that time. My hair was burned!

He found scissors, helped Jingxi cut off those burnt hair, and then coaxed her to sleep.

Jingxi leans in the arms of Musen, excited and can't sleep at all!

She was afraid that Musen would leave. She tightly grasped his clothes and pretended to be afraid. She said pitifully, "brother mu, don't go. I'm afraid!"

If you change to Jing Rui, you will scoff at your sister's words!

Would she be afraid, too?

She's not afraid of anything!

The whole earth has not been able to cure her!

But Musen didn't know!

He thought Jing Xi was really afraid, so he patted her on the back and coaxed her to say, "don't be afraid. I won't go. Sleep!"

Jingxi obediently closed his eyes, but his hands were not honest.

She felt here and there, and seemed to be curious about the body of mulson!

Her little hands were soft and tender, touching his skin, bringing a nice touch.

At first, Musen didn't feel anything, but later, his body had a reaction!

He felt like a beast!

"Don't move

Muzen's voice is rare and serious, not as warm and soft as before.

Jing Xi doesn't understand why Mu Sen has such a big reaction. No matter how much she knows, she will not understand that a man can't be indifferent to this kind of touching.

Her little hand was caught by Mu Sen and could not move. She could only lie down indignantly.

After all, she was still young. After a day's hard work, she finally felt tired and fell asleep.

As soon as Jing Xi fell asleep, Mu Sen immediately got up.

He went for a cold shower and slept on the sofa all night.

When Jingxi woke up the next day, he found that Musen was not around him.

She ran to the living room barefoot, and then saw a new set of small skirt on the sofa.

The smell of rice porridge came from the kitchen, and Munson had already prepared breakfast in it.

Jingxi happily put on her skirt and put on MuQing's big slippers and went into the kitchen: "brother mu, thank you!"

She looked up on her pink face, her voice was clear and tender, like the most beautiful flowers in early spring, blooming slowly with morning dew.

The dress mulson bought for her is light pink, which makes her more delicate and beautiful.

The little girl is so small and beautiful. I don't know how beautiful she will be when she grows up!

Musen has a kind of pride when his brother, Muduo that girl has been disobedient since childhood, and now he finally has a lovely and beautiful sister!

"You don't need to say thank you to my brother!"

Mu Sen took the dish in one hand, then picked up Jing Xi with one hand, and said with a laugh, "let's go, have breakfast!"

"Brother mu, I'll live with you in the future! I think you're good here! "

Musen didn't feel good at all!

His apartment used to have two bedrooms, but one of them was turned into a study by him. Now there is only one bedroom left.

Jingxi sleep in the bedroom, he can only sleep on the sofa, two days a day is OK, a long time, how can I stand it!

"You can come and play, but you can't live with me. I've already called your brother and he'll pick you up when you've finished your breakfast."

Instead of cajoling Jingxi, Musen told the truth.

Jingxi is a little unhappy, but in a second thought, even if Musen can agree, I'm afraid the family won't agree.

She tooted her mouth and began to eat reluctantly.

If she doesn't watch here, what if Musen has a girlfriend!Jing Xi looked at his small body, and suddenly a little frustrated.

This appearance, how to compete with those mature women!

Can she just pick a kid who is similar to herself?

She wants to eat more! Grow up quickly!

Jing Rui takes his sister home at the appointed time. Seeing her intact, he nods to Mu Sen: "thank you very much."

"No, hee hee is also my sister. It's proper to take care of her."

Mu Sen touched Jing Xi's head and said with a smile, "go home with your brother. Be careful and don't run around."

Jingxi reluctantly said goodbye to him. When she got into Jingrui's car, she immediately complained: "brother, the second brother only cares about flirting with women, don't want me!"

Jingrui originally wanted to teach his sister a meal, but she was the villain who complained first. He forgot what he wanted to say!

"I have packed up your second brother last night. His woman is still lying in the hospital. Do you have anything else you want to tell me? "

"Anything else to say?"

Jing Xi looked at Jing Rui with some guilty heart, and bluntly said, "I almost got caught by the bad guys. Why don't you save me?"

"You need me for all your abilities?"

Others don't know how smart Jingxi is, but Jingrui does.

This girl can't be seen as an eight year old!

He looked at Jingxi coldly and said, "next time you dare to slip away, you will never go out to play again! Also, don't use the virus on other people's body casually, Xiao Yue's body is not good, your virus is enough for her to lie in bed for a month

Brother knows everything!

The elder brother is on the back, where is her opponent!

"Brother, aren't you busy in love? Don't worry about me. Don't delay your life

"Are you concerned about my life or your own?"

Jing Xi was shocked: "did you see all this?"

"Stay away from Musen, he can't! It's only eight years old. It's not too late for you to think about your life after 18! " , the fastest update of the webnovel!