Black Bellied President Dotes on Wife

Chapter 115

Mu Qing always has a clear voice with hoarseness and urgency. Shangguanning's heartbeat in the emergency room has stopped. His medical skills can't reach his grandfather's recovery, so he can only let his grandfather come!

Jingyichen smell speech, what did not ask, immediately called to order the helicopter to wood home.

Mu Qing immediately called his grandfather.

"Grandfather, come and help! The helicopter has gone to pick you up. I need your help He had already brought a cry in his voice, only said two words in a hurry, then hung up the phone and turned to enter the emergency room again.

Mr. Mu always pays attention to health. He usually goes to bed early. It's already two o'clock in the morning, but he is quarreled by his grandson.

If it was not a very important person, Sun Tzu would not call him. He was facing death every day in the hospital. Mu Qing, as a doctor, had long had a common mind that a doctor must have.

He can be so flustered and urgent, want to make every effort to save a life, can only show that this person must live.

Saving people is like fighting a fire. Mr. Mu has been a doctor all his life. He always regards time as his life. He knows that sometimes even if one second is delayed, a fresh human life may be lost.

So as soon as Sun Tzu hung up, he got up and dressed up.

By the time he got to the yard, the helicopter had come down.

A few minutes later, Mr. Mu came to the hospital he founded. All the medical staff in the hospital recognized him and saluted respectfully.

The old man did not care to say hello to the crowd and went straight to the emergency room.

He is over seventy years old, but his body is very strong, and his face is ruddy and his white hair is few. He looks like a man in his fifties.

Jing Yiran saw that the old man of wood almost ran into the emergency room, and his heart was tightly pulled up.

Mu Wensheng, an old man of wood, has been retired for many years. He has entrusted the famous hospital of Mu family to Sun Tzu Mu Qing to take care of it. Ordinary people and common diseases have already stopped him.

MuQing even the old man called. It can be seen that shangguanning is on the verge of life and death. No one can save her except this "miracle doctor", the whole city a and even the whole country.

Muwensheng trotted all the way into the emergency room, quickly changed his clothes, and put on gloves to prepare for rescue work.

He has rich experience. When he sees Shangguan Ning, he looks very dignified.

He ordered people to carry out rescue work, Mu Qing in the side to give him a hand, a handsome face full of sweat and anxiety.

On weekdays, if the old man saw that his grandson was so depressed, he would rescue him while taking the opportunity to teach him a lesson. However, today's situation is too special. He said nothing and looked serious to save people.

Those who have been saved by Mu Wensheng say that as long as you have one breath, he can pull you back from the God of death.

But today, shangguanning has no breath.

With the passage of time, jingyichen outside the emergency room, the heart is gradually cooling.

The light in the corridor was shining on him, bright and warm, but he was all dark and cold, lonely and desolate.

He stood at the door of the emergency room, trying to get in, but afraid to go in.

Outside, he could still have a glimmer of hope. After entering, he was afraid to see those cold numbers on the machine.

As time went by, the sound of rescue in the emergency room continued.

I don't know how long it took, all the sounds disappeared.

Jing Yichen suddenly looked up and looked at the door.

Wood asked the rate to go out first, he took a look at jingyichen, no nonsense, crisp way: "alive!"

There is no language in the world can compare with these two words, all love and hate, in these two words, will appear pale.

Jingyichen breathes a sigh of relief. The feeling of being lost and recovered makes him feel that he has returned to heaven from hell.

He was eager to rush into the emergency room, but was stopped by Mu Wensheng.

"You little bunny, what are you doing rashly! Thank you for taking you as an example to teach MuQing that bastard all day long. Dare you to see me all the time

At the end of the day, there are only a few people who can scold jingyichen without any affection.

One of them is mu Wensheng.

He and Jing Yichen's grandfather, jingtianyuan, have a generation. They are not only highly respected, but also saved jingtianyuan's life. Their personal friendship is extraordinary, so they treat jingyichen with a very casual attitude.

He sees Jing Yi Chen still wants to go inside, "pa" a clap on the back of his head.

"Hurry to stay aside. The girl just recovered her heartbeat, but she's not out of danger. What's wrong with you! Is this emergency room accessible? MuQing, that bastard, must let you in every day. It seems that he is itching again

The old man scolds people with a full spirit and a strong hitting force, but jingyichen can't resist at all.Not to mention where Muwen's generation is, he was forced to the hospital by helicopter in the middle of the night to rescue shangguanning from the God of death. Jingyichen is grateful to him for his twelve points.

However, when Jing Yichen became an adult, even Jing Tianyuan and Jing Zhongxiu stopped beating him. Suddenly, he was slapped on the back of the head by Mu Wensheng. He was a little stiff.

"Why, I can't say you? Come with me quickly, old man. I'm old, and I've been tossed about by you two stinky boys. I could have lived 200 years old, but those who were tossed about by you could only live 150! "

He said, directly pulled jingyichen's ear and left.

Jingyi Chen pain "ouch" a, a handsome face are red, do not know is angry or shy.

"Grandfather mu, let go, I will not go in!"

He's in his thirties, OK? How can he drag his ear? If Li duo's subordinates see him, how can he save his face!

Mu Wensheng doesn't let go at all. He ignores jingyichen's words. As he walks, he murmurs: "when I just came in, I saw Jing Yiran that smelly boy. How can he disappear in a short time? This kid is fast! However, all three of you are dead. I don't know who the daughter-in-law is! "

Jingyichen smell speech, regardless of the ear to upload the hot pain, immediately said: "my, is my daughter-in-law!"

"Oh, you have a daughter-in-law? Don't you like men? She didn't come back from Thailand, did she? Tut Tut, this Thai skill is brilliant. I didn't realize she was a boy! Oh, old and old , the fastest update of the webnovel!