Black Bellied President Dotes on Wife

Chapter 1123

Zheng yuluo finished class in the morning, and there was no class in the afternoon. Zheng Jing went to work and she took a taxi to go home.

She didn't expect to meet Jingzhi on the road, not to mention another pure and tender girl sitting in Jingzhi's co driver's seat.

Although it was only a short time to meet, Zheng yuluo still saw the girl's face clearly.

She has fair skin, looks a little morbid soft, long hair shawl, thin and beautiful, looks very lovable.

Zheng yuluo's heart can't say what it's like. It turns out that Jingzhi didn't go to school this morning because of this girl?

She had a bitter smile and felt that she had suffered for herself.

Because she had to refuse Jing Zhi to send her to school, it was normal for him to drive others.

However, he said so firmly last night that he refused to give her the chance to refute. How could he change his mind this morning?

Originally, Jing Zhi didn't show up, but Zheng yuluo was also a little lucky that he might have overslept and missed the time.

But now, there is a kind of unspeakable loss in her heart.

Zheng yuluo took out his mobile phone and wanted to call Jingzhi to ask why he didn't come to see her off. But when the number was dialed out, she was answered by a mechanical female voice: sorry, the number you dialed has been turned off.

Jingzhi doesn't know that he has passed Zheng yuluo, but Xiaoyue sees Zheng yuluo just staring at himself.

It's just that she's sick and powerless at the moment, and she's racking her brains to persuade Jingzhi not to go to her house, and she doesn't care much about Zheng yuluo's eyes.

"My house is very old and dilapidated. It's a dangerous house. I can't live in any more. You'd better not go. If I hurt you, I'll feel more guilty."

Xiao Yue didn't lie. Her house is really dangerous, and it is far away from the city. Jingzhi has gone, and there is no place to go.

His luxury sports car, his expensive suit and leather shoes should not be in that kind of place.

She lowered her head and whispered, "what's more, if you go, I don't have anything to entertain you."

Xiao Yue was very ashamed. In fact, she also wanted to invite Jing Zhi to her home. But she really didn't dare to let Jing Zhi go. On the one hand, she couldn't see people at home. There were other reasons. She was embarrassed to say so.

If Jing Zhi drives such a good car and sends her back, people in the village will surely think that she is taken care of.

Her parents will never allow it. She will be killed by them!

Jingzhi didn't think so much about it. He wanted to send Xiaoyue home to see why he didn't want to send him one or two.

Therefore, he did not pay any attention to Xiao Yue's words.

When did he say he would let Xiaoyue's family entertain him?

Seeing that he didn't say a word, Xiao Yue thought he was talking to him. He continued: "the people at my home are barbaric, and some hate the rich. If you drive such a good car, you will be surrounded by them. In case they rob or smash the car, I have no money to compensate you."

She felt that she had not told Jingzhi where her family lived, and he could not send her home.

Jingzhi did not know where Xiaoyue's home was, but he only took a few minutes to get Xiaoyue's detailed address from the bar.

The bar deliberately put Xiao Yue beside Jing Zhi, and the purpose is to threaten Jing Zhi with Xiao Yue. People in the bar are very cooperative in what information he wants. It is best that he can pity Xiaoyue's miserable life and lose money in a big way.

When Xiaoyue finds out that Jingzhi's driving route is just her way home, he finally panics!

"How do you know how to get to my house?"

Jingzhi said calmly, "I have navigation!"

"No, no, no, I mean, how do you know my address?"

"Oh, the people in the bar told me everything about your family in order to make me more pitiful for you, and also gave you your address."

Xiao Yue was stunned and then looked gloomy: "you all know it!"

"Since your family is like that, you might as well run away from home! You are a minor. They are lazy and lazy. They are all dependent on you. Your brain is sick

"No No, my parents good! They are also incompetent. They are not lazy. They also work, but they can't earn too much money. "

"Good for you, too?"

Jingzhi threw his mobile phone to Xiaoyue and said with a sneer, "look, are all the things people in the bar told me are fake?"

Xiaoyue took a look at the mobile phone, it actually detailed the situation of her home, no adulteration, no exaggeration.

Because there is no need to exaggerate, their family is incredibly poor.

"Your parents are only 50 years old, and they are all healthy. Why do they stay at home and let you, a little girl, go out to work to earn money? They spend your money so well? And what kind of younger brother and sister you have to raise! If you can't raise children, you'll have a fartXiao Yue said in a low voice: "I'm a sister. It's right to take care of my younger brother and sister. I can't Let them all starve to death. "

"Yes, they can't starve to death, and then you starve yourself to death! I knew that I would not save you, let you starve to death in the hospital

Xiao Yue's full name is Xu Yue, a little girl from a rural family.

City a is a prosperous city in China. Even in the countryside, it is not too bad. In recent years, people's material living standards have been improved. Some farmers go home to work in the city when they are busy farming, and they will work in the city when they are free. They are diligent and honest to earn money. Although their lives are not too rich, they are definitely not too poor.

Like Xiaoyue, there are few poor people in the family who can't make a pot of it!

This has nothing to do with the children in the family. The main reason lies in the parents.

The couple's children live one by one. They are lazy and lazy. They don't like to work. They just love face. They pretend that their family is rich and refuse to work for others.

How much money can you have to raise a child if you only plant a little thin field at home?

Xiao Yue is the eldest in the family. After she dropped out of school, she went out to work to earn a little money. Since she gave it to her family for the first time, her parents have become vampires. She doesn't even plant land. She plays cards and gambles with neighbors all day, and asks Xiaoyue if she has no money.

If Xiao Yue said no, he would not escape a fight.

Jing Zhi scolded Xiao Yue all the way. When he got to his home, he saw the tile houses in danger, and his anger ran up.

The house in the house has become like this, Xiao Yue's parents even mean to say that they have money in the village?!

How thick skinned!

No wonder the bar can check Xiaoyue's house, so there is nothing to check! , the fastest update of the webnovel!