Black Bellied President Dotes on Wife

Chapter 1121

Jing Zhi is not usually a soft hearted person. In fact, he is more indifferent and cruel than Jing Rui.

Because he has forgotten the past, his thinking has been changed by research institutes and killer organizations, and he is very cold in human nature.

He has always been indifferent to human life.

However, see small Yue and Zheng yuluo so similar moment, his heart or become soft.

Looking at Xiao Yue, all he thought was Zheng Yu.

I don't know what she's doing at home today. Has she gone out to play? Did you miss him?

She also like Xiaoyue, especially like crying, today he did not provoke her, should not cry?

Xiao Yue was crying. He looked up and saw Jing Zhi looking at his eyes with a touch of tenderness. He was in a hurry and lowered his head. His face was a little red.

In fact, she thinks Jing Zhiren is very good. Although she looks fierce, she is actually a person to rely on.

What's more, she felt that handsome Jingzhi was so attractive, even if it was bad.

She was made a mess by the bar, but Jing Zhi was willing to help her out. She didn't want anything from her and didn't take the opportunity to ask for the advantage of her. Her impression of Jing Zhi changed instantly.

Jingzhi doesn't know that Xiaoyue misunderstood his vision. He arranges Xiaoyue to sleep in the guest room on the first floor, then goes up to the third floor, enters his bedroom and calls Zheng yuluo.

It was very late, but Zheng yuluo didn't sleep.

She has been waiting for Jing Zhi to call.

She always thought that Jing Zhi would call herself, and finally she waited.

Just after answering the phone, she "hello" and didn't know what to say.

Strictly speaking, she and Jing Zhi are not familiar with each other. Although they have been close before and lived together, their communication is poor. She doesn't even know what Jingzhi likes and what to say to avoid embarrassment.

Jingzhi has no such concerns. He wants to hear Zheng yuluo's voice and know what she has done today.

"Did you go out today?"


Jingzhi frowned: "where did you go to fool around?"

What's a gangster?!

This man failed Chinese completely!

If Zheng yuluo was not used to his speaking style and knew that he cared about her, he would feel that he was too difficult to get along with.

In fact, Jing Zhi talks to everyone like this, including with Jing Rui. He also mocks Jingrui that he can't do it!

If you want to change him, you need to get along with him slowly.

Zheng yuluo corrected him: "there is no fooling around. I went to school today and my father asked me to study."


Jingzhi didn't expect that Zheng yuluo would go to school, because he didn't go to school very much. His brother joined the killer organization with him in the same year, and didn't go to school again. Shu Yin didn't go to school either. He thought that everyone didn't need to go to school. Anyway, they are all living well.

Shu Yin needs to go to school now. It's based on virus research. She's interested in this.

What about Zheng yuluo?

"What do you do at school? To seduce more men? I warn you, if you dare to go to another man behind my back, I will make you regret it

Zheng yuluo was angry with him and laughed, as if he could pull anything up there.

How much did he mind about Lou Ziyi last time!

"You are so fierce, do I dare to find someone else?"

Zheng yuluo is not afraid of him now, and dare to joke with him.

"I go to school to learn more, otherwise you always call me an idiot or a pig brain. I've always been good at learning. Now you scold me for being stupid!"

Jingzhi opened his mouth and cursed her with an "idiot", but then he said, "well, I'll take you to school tomorrow! Which school? "

Where does Zheng yuluo dare to let Jingzhi send!

Today, her father took her to report to school. In order to prevent her from going to school, she went to find Jing Zhi. Her father has said that he will send her to school in person tomorrow!

If Jingzhi and his father meet at home tomorrow, she has a hundred mouths and can't explain clearly!

She didn't want them to add a new one.

"You are busy, don't come to see me off."

Zheng yuluo's voice was very small, a little timid way: "Dad said that he would send me to school tomorrow, he and the principal are good friends, said to take me to say hello."

She hesitated again and again, but eventually she did not lie to Jing Zhi, although he might be angry.

Jingzhi was not happy to hear that. He felt that his sense of existence was too weak. He was killed by Zheng Jing every minute.

As long as it is Zheng Jing's proposal, Zheng yuluo will be obedient and throw him aside!

"Are you going to X university?"

Jingzhi's tone was a little sour, and he said directly, "President X or my aunt! Does it work for your dad to say hello? I'll take you tomorrow. I'm sure you'll be the most backstage person in the whole school! "The principal of X university is Zhao An'an, which is actually Jing Rui's aunt, not Jing Zhi's aunt.

Jing Zhi has never regarded Zhao an as an aunt, and even he doesn't remember this person very much.

However, now is the time to pull relations to show strength, of course he would not show weakness.

Anyway, if you call your aunt, you won't lose a piece of meat. Just shout.

Of course, Zheng yuluo knows what the relationship between Jingzhi and Zhao An'an is. Hearing him shout out his "aunt", he can't help laughing.

She didn't know that Jing Zhi was also flexible.

"Dad has already told me that if he leaves with you tomorrow, he will be angry. Will you send me off later

"No, I must send it tomorrow."

"Why are you..."

"Well, that's settled! I'll see you off tomorrow

Jing Zhi interrupts Zheng yuluo's words, and does not give her a chance to refute, so she hangs up the phone directly.

Zheng yuluo is very embarrassed. Her father wants to see her off, and Jingzhi wants to send her as well. Both of them are very important to her. However, they have been making a lot of trouble recently. She is worried.

She calls Jingzhi back, trying to persuade him to change his mind. Unexpectedly, as soon as she calls back, the mobile phone has turned off!

It seems that he is determined to see her off!

This is in trouble!

I knew that she shouldn't tell Jingzhi about it. It's OK to keep it from him first!

Zheng yuluo had been worried for a whole night, and he didn't even sleep well. He was absent-minded in the morning. He was afraid that as soon as he went out, he would see Jingzhi waiting for her outside.

Fortunately, when she walked out with her bag on her back, there was no sign of Jing Zhi except her father's car.

She was greatly relieved and urged Zheng Jing to leave so as not to run into Jing Zhi again.

"Dad, let's go quickly. Don't be late for the first day of school today."

Zheng Jing looked at her daughter suspiciously. Yesterday, she was slack about school. How could she be so active today? , the fastest update of the webnovel!