Black Bellied President Dotes on Wife

Chapter 1082

Jingrui's voice, gentle and deep, is like the most effective catalyst, so that Shuyin can't extricate herself.

Her heart beat, too fast, too fast!

She suspected that the next second, her heart will burst!

He's going to kiss her?

No, no, no, it won't work!

She's going to go crazy!

Her heart will jump out!

Jing Rui holds her wrist, fingers on her pulse, feeling her heartbeat, can only helplessly a little far away from her.

He felt that if he went further, Shuyin might be in shock because of his tachycardia.

He had never seen Shu Yin so shy. She was at a loss when she was a little closer.

"Don't I remember your psychological quality is very good? Before working with you, Peter specially praised me, saying that your psychological quality is unique, and the polygraph is completely ineffective for you. You can keep your heart rate steady when you lie, and it is always lower than 80. Today your heart rate is fast to 180! "

Jingrui is a little far away from Shu Yin. Their bodies are no longer close to each other. Shuyin feels comfortable at last, and his heart doesn't jump up crazy any more.

However, his hand is still holding her hand. The feeling of skin contact is like electricity, which makes Shuyin feel numb.

Jing Rui is right. Her psychological quality is really good. Not only is the lie detector useless for her, but also all kinds of strong pressure and dangerous situations are useless to her. She can make a calm and rational judgment under various dangerous situations.

She never cries, she never complains. She becomes strong and fearless on her own.

Today's heartbeat has broken through her limit. She has never had such a fast heartbeat in her life!

Facing Jing Rui, her strong psychological quality will collapse!

"It's not what it used to be..."

Shu Yin retorted in a low voice. Her body instinctive reaction is completely out of her control. She doesn't want to be like this. It's a bit humiliating.

"Well, what's the situation now?"

Jingrui feels Shu Yin's heartbeat slowly drop to 120. He puts down his heart and gently touches the back of her hand, which is as smooth as jade. Then, he slowly crosses his own fingers with Shuyin's fingers and turns them into an intimate look with ten fingers clasped together.

Then, he immediately noticed that Shuyin's heart beat faster again.

He sighed gently and coaxed her gently: "just now 120 is fast, can't be faster, sound, obedient, relax a little, or I dare not touch you."

When Shu Yin heard his words, her heart beat faster than before!

Jingrui feels happy and helpless. He is afraid that Shuyin's heart beats too fast. He has to release her hand and leave her for one centimeter.

"Yinyin, your heart beats so fast, it can only show one problem."

He didn't say what the problem was. He gave her a gentle kiss on the forehead and quickly backed away.

Shuyin is totally dead!

Today, the change of Jing Rui makes her unable to react at all!

All she knew was that her face must be red now!

Her heart beat, seriously exceeds the normal heart rate. If she goes on like this, she will really shock and faint!

The atmosphere is ambiguous, suddenly a head comes in outside the door.

"Brother, didn't you come to find Shu Yin to have dinner? How did you start eating Shuyin? Then you have to eat enough to have the strength to eat women! Come down, I've been waiting for you! Most of the food is cooked by your own hand. I'm sorry to eat it alone! "

Shu Yin is scared to see Jing Zhi. After hearing what he said, she is ashamed to find a place to drill in!

However, Jing Rui would like to throw this eyesore brother out of the window on the second floor!

If you don't help, how can you make trouble!

it seems that he is too busy. He must find something for him tomorrow.

"Disappear from my eyes at once!"

Jing Rui seems to be able to get angry in his eyes, and Jingzhi finds out later that he seems to have disturbed his brother's good things!

But he was thick skinned and didn't pay attention to it at all. He said with a smile: "good, good, I'll disappear! I'll have dinner first. Go on

Jingzhi finished, and ran away to avoid being beaten by his brother.

His right face was swollen when he was beaten by his brother before. He recovered a little and can't be beaten any more!

He has to rely on his face to hook up with the little girl. Zheng yuluo is very angry!

Jingzhi disappeared from the two people's world, just that kind of charming atmosphere also dissipated a lot.

Shu Yin's heartbeat finally returned to normal. She stepped on Jing Rui's foot and scolded him in a low voice: "it's all you blame. You're not a good man!"

Jingrui took a cold breath: "you really step on it! Do you want to make me disabled

Shu Yin ignored him, and took advantage of him to step back a little, and quickly grabbed the door and fled.Jing Rui smiles and walks out.

My feet hurt a little, but my heart is a little sweet. I feel very good.

He went downstairs, see Shu Yin did not come down to eat, can only helplessly shake his head.

He knew that she would not come down to dinner.

Too thin skinned!

However, Jing Zhi sat alone at the table, eating a lot and enjoying the delicious food.

Jing Rui is angry when he sees him!

Shu Yin was shy at first, but Jing Zhi was even more embarrassed when she got involved!

Not afraid of God like opponents, afraid of pig like teammates!

Jingrui takes away some dishes and refuses to let Jingzhi eat them. Jingzhi yells: "brother, why did you take the dishes away? I haven't eaten those dishes yet. I'll help you taste them! You can't leave all the delicious food to Shu Yin. I have left chicken wings for her. How can I occupy other dishes? It's not fair. I'm your brother! "

Jing Rui takes a few dishes and then comes back and sits down. He eats other things slowly.

"A Zhi, from tomorrow on, Xixi will be given to you to take care of."

"Ah?! Brother, I refuse! I'll be killed by my sister. I don't have enough intelligence, don't you know? "

Just now, I had a good IQ when I was sabotaging!

Jingrui was not moved. After drinking a mouthful of seafood soup, he said faintly, "I refuse your refusal. Tomorrow, Xixi will start school. You are responsible for the transportation. In addition, you should accompany the students in the school for protection. Don't worry. Xixi is very obedient in school and never causes trouble. She is a good girl who loves to learn

Jing Zhi doubts: "really?"

"When she was in North America, did she get into trouble?"

"Er That's not true

"This matter is so settled. I will tell your contact information to Xi Xi's teachers and the school principal. As a brother, you should communicate with the teachers in time. Do you know?"

Jingzhi is a little confused, but also has a strong uneasiness!

Why does he think something is wrong!

He clearly broke his brother's good deeds. Just now his brother was still very angry. How could he become so good in a twinkling of an eye?

Did he fall into the hole his brother dug for him? , the fastest update of the webnovel!