Black Bellied President Dotes on Wife

Chapter 1003


It turns out that they have shared weal and woe together!

Their feelings, have been so long! It's not what she can compare with Jing Zhi's short-term relationship!

No wonder Jing Zhi treats her differently. No wonder Jing Rui treats her differently. She is not an ordinary person!

"Oh, I I see. It's really about Thank her very much Taking care of you for so long... "

Zheng yuluo's voice is extremely dry, and his speech is intermittent. The whole person is like a doll who has lost his soul. His eyes have no focus, and he is at a loss and suffering.

She forced herself back to bed, tears soon wet the pillow.

She suddenly stopped being jealous of Shu Yin.

She has no right to be jealous, she should thank Shu Yin!

Thank her for taking care of and protecting Jingzhi in those dark days! Let Jingzhi's life become better, let him suffer less pain and suffering.

Shu Yin appears beside Jingzhi when she needs her most. What about her?

She sent him to hell with her own hands!

Eight years later, it's her turn to go to hell!

Jingzhi walked around in the dark living room, feeling extremely irritable.

How to return a responsibility, let Zheng yuluo die to him, let Zheng yuluo suffer pain, is not he always wanted?

Didn't his original purpose be to play and then dump her?

Now, he used the most effective means to kick her away, how no pleasure at all!

Isn't it hard enough this time?

Really annoying, if only Shu Yin is here. She is a girl. She knows the girl's mind best. He can ask her how to make a woman's heart crack and let her suffer a thousand times torture!

If Shu Yin knew that she was used by Jing Zhi as a shield to stimulate Zheng yuluo, she would be angry and wanted to kill Jing Zhi. She couldn't give him any advice.

It's natural that Jing Zhi can do this kind of technical work, which is one of the compulsory courses for killers.

But he did not repair his own circuit at all, because the circuit was destroyed by himself.

Originally, he wanted to frighten Zheng yuluo. Unfortunately, before waiting to frighten her, he was very upset and had no leisure to repair the circuit.

Anyway, he can still see clearly in the dark. He doesn't need light at all. As for whether Zheng yuluo needs it or not, he doesn't care.


In a remote farm in North America, yew stares at Liao Wei with anger on his face, then scolds "idiot" and kicks him out for several meters.

Outside the farm, there are many bodyguards lurking. Inside the farm, there are only yew and Liao Wei.

Liao Wei is half a head taller than yew, and her body looks much stronger than her, but she has no strength to fight back.

Yew walks to Liao Wei and steps on his face.

"Don't step on my face! Please, my face is not easy to get, if it is destroyed, I can no longer help you

His face is more precious than anything!

He would rather die than destroy this face which is very similar to Jing Rui!

This is the face of the successor of the Jing family! It's the most important weight for him to survive!

Liao Wei tried to break the foot with his hand, but no matter how hard he tried, the delicate little foot did not move. He could almost hear the sound of his own bone fracture!

This witch!

She's crazy!

Doesn't she love his face so much?!

"Your face? Help? "

Yew sneered, as if to hear the most funny joke, cold sarcastic way: "you don't deserve to have this face! You can mess up such a simple task. If Jing zhimang doesn't act against him this time, not only will you die, but all of my elite subordinates will follow you! My loss will be very heavy! "

Liao Wei is still screaming: "you release your feet! My face is going to be ruined by you! I'm wrong. I know I'm wrong. You can punish me any way. Don't move my face

Ordinary people's face is stepped on one or two feet, nothing will happen at all, at most is the scratch, but it will not lead to the deformation of the facial features.

However, after all, Liao Wei's face is not his own, but made up by surgery.

So, as long as a foot is stepped on, his face will immediately deform.

For a moment, he filled his chin with the prosthesis, and it was crooked.

Yew's beautiful eyes are full of disdain.

Beggars are beggars. No matter how much plastic surgery, they will not become princes!

Even his famous brand still can't cover up the dirty in his bones!

Yeshan suddenly understood why the famous jingyichen would choose Liao Wei to be Jing Rui's double.

Jing Yichen is not worried about Liao Wei's ambition or that he will replace Jing Rui. He has already seen through Liao Wei's essence - incompetence, greed, and can't stand a little temptation.Such a person, let alone want to replace Jing Rui, is Jing Rui to his successor's position, he will also be attacked and stepped down!

Even if he is a dog for Jingrui, he is not a good dog.

Such a person does not pose any threat to Jingrui at all! So jingyichen is not worried about Liao Wei running away or being used by others.

Yew is now a living example. She just wanted to use Liao Wei. As a result, she almost hurt herself!

Fortunately, her capture of Zheng yuluo is of enough value to Jingzhi to lead him to risk rescue alone. Otherwise, a large part of the elite that her father worked hard to cultivate for her would be destroyed last night!

She wants to kill Liao Wei now. This idiot has ruined her good chess!

She still stepped on Liao Wei's face, listening to his screams and howls, her heart finally felt much better.

"What a scum! Can't Zheng yuluo make you wait for a day? Do you have to do it to her that night? I warned you three times not to touch her, but you ignored my orders and tried to give her up in my house

Yeshan dislikes Liao Wei's color embryo the most. She likes Jing Rui's ascetic man. She despises women and is completely indifferent to sex. Only when such a man is conquered can he have a great sense of achievement and satisfaction.

"Since you like women so much, I'll let you have a good time! Feed you some of the strongest pills, and then let you mate with a group of sows until you have sex! What's the matter, isn't my idea very good? "

Yew to say to do, the thought of mating with pigs, Liao Wei disgusted almost spit out!

"No, no, no, I'll never dare! It's not my fault, it's all the cunt who seduced me

He was as white as a sheet of paper with fright, and roared at once.

"Yes, yes, she seduced me! She also slapped me in the face, I was angry to scare her, I didn't want to go on her! You are the most beautiful, I can't see Zheng Yu falling that kind of goods! I'm useful to you, you can't let me die , the fastest update of the webnovel!