Bizzare Login Device

Chapter 563


A tentacle touched the prohibition, and immediately made Ming Lao change his face, and the prohibition fluctuated violently.

"Stop it!" old Ming shouted.

"The red sun revolves!" Lin Xuan is just like rejuvenating. He is bathed in golden light and returns to his prime of life.

Holding a golden ball in his right hand, like the scorching sun, he fiercely jumped on one of the tentacles attacking the prohibition.

The tentacle was directly divided into two parts by the gold ball in his hand, and the wound was gasified directly.

Even the power of the gushing abyss was forcibly erased by the golden regiment.

The fire phoenix spewed out a mouthful of red blood essence. Taking the blood as the carrier, the red flame burst out greater power and completed the burning of another tentacle.

The rest of the strong also show their magic powers without reservation.

The tentacles on the devil\'s body were broken one after another, which also made the devil angry.

Because he found that many of the techniques performed by these people were inherited from the ancient times, which reminded him of the existence that had been sealed.

"Unforgivable!" roared the devil.

Its body became more expansive, with double horns, and mysterious magic patterns printed on its dark skin.

Even two magic symbols were printed on the two pupils.

The crazy will could no longer be restrained and was completely aroused.

Qin Ming only felt that his state of mind was extremely unstable under this crazy will.

He immediately converged his mind, closed the sea, and no longer took the initiative to perceive the devil\'s patterns.

"Be careful!" Lin Xuan said.

Now is the final form of the devil, and it was also the appearance of the ancient times.

Sharp spikes appeared on the devil\'s two arms, as did his legs.

With a roar, Qin Ming felt dizzy and almost lost control of himself.

At this time, he lost control. I was afraid that he would be invaded into the spiritual world by the crazy will in an instant, so as to be possessed and lose himself.

Fortunately, his crystal armor can resist external invasion, whether physical or spiritual impact.

The villain in the sea suddenly opened his eyes, which made the turbulent sea stable. At this time, Qin Ming also recovered his Qingming and looked at the battlefield.

Those who are the strongest seem to be all right. They are not deterred by the devil and fight with the devil again.

The devil\'s form is indeed much stronger, but perhaps there is no external abyss power perfusion, so that his strength is still limited.

"Old Ming, reinforce this prohibition." Lin Xuan suddenly said to old Ming.

He also knew that prohibition was one of the keys to victory and defeat, and there was no loss.

The old man who wanted to join the battlefield nodded and disappeared into the darkness again.

Soon, Qin Ming felt that there was more invisible energy in the outer layer.

But the devil also seemed to know the problem and walked towards the border prohibition. It would continue to destroy the prohibition.

Its every step can make the earth tremble and even kick the mountains.

"You can\'t let it succeed!" a giant Cangyuan tiger vomited and hummed.

Powerful spells are thrown out one by one without money.

Aura is surging wildly. These strong people are like a super water pump to mobilize a lot of external aura.

Qin Ming noticed that the Tao of heaven seemed to have intervened in the war. He found that it seemed much easier than usual for the strong men of the three allied forces camp, including himself, to mobilize the spirit of heaven and earth.

Thinking of the glow before the expedition, he guessed that it was probably the way of heaven.

After bathing in the glow before, the aura of the nine grain golden pill in his body is still steadily improving.

However, even so, with the help of heaven, it still failed to stop the devil\'s pace.

Every step of it sounded like the death knell of death.

Once it breaks the prohibition of the power of the sealed abyss, the situation will completely get out of control.

"Go away!"

The devil punched a monster of the yuan world who was beyond the boundary strength, and the surging force of the abyss directly swallowed the monster.

In the eyes of the people, the breath of the most powerful man dissipated and the flesh annihilated.

Too strong!

Second kill is the most powerful and strange monk who surpasses the border. How can you defeat the enemy!

When one person is damaged, the bottom of everyone\'s heart is heavy, but they are detached beings. They soon straighten out their emotions and continue to fight.

Life and death have long been abandoned by them. If people look forward and backward, they can\'t reach their realm and strength.

Fear doesn\'t exist. No matter how strong the devil is and how difficult the battle is, it can\'t shake the heart of the strongest.

After killing one person, the devil is still moving towards prohibition, ignoring the deepening wounds on his body.

For a while, the strong were stunned and failed to stop the devil from moving forward.

One of the five phoenixes was hit by the power of the devil\'s abyss and fell from the air. He disappeared into the darkness and disappeared.

Subsequently, another powerful person of the celebrity family was seriously injured by the devil and lost the ability to fight again in a short time.

The devil almost hurts one person in one step.

Qin Ming clenched the broken sword in his hand and felt a little heavy in his heart.

In the face of such an opponent, even if he joins in the confrontation, it is difficult to change the unfavorable situation with his combat effectiveness.

Fortunately, many of the strongest are not working in vain. After the devil has suffered enough attacks, his injuries seem to be getting worse and worse.

The breath also gradually weakened. Without the power of the abyss, the devil can\'t cure himself very well.

"San Yao Yang!"

As if in a blink, Lin Xuan, who turned into a golden man, suddenly appeared in front of the devil. Behind him, three bright suns from dark gold to pure white moved to his hands.

The super high temperature on it even attracted the devil to look down.

In the eyes of the devil, Lin Xuan was as small as a grain of dust, but this time the magic he used made it feel threatened.

Lin Xuan looked cold and his eyes glittered.

He didn\'t give the devil more reaction time. With three pure white suns, he ran straight into the devil\'s chest.

The power of the abyss also wrapped Lin Xuan at the same time.

"Lin Xuan!" Xiang Shengming\'s face changed greatly.

Lin Xuan is their backbone. If even Lin Xuan falls here, I\'m afraid the victory will be lower.

The sword God will go up when he raises his sword. He wants to try to save Lin Xuan.

However, the devil stopped for the first time. A second later, his mouth roared at the world.

There was some pain in the roar.

At his chest, a touch of pure white light was very dazzling, and even the darkness of the abyss could not hide the pure white.

Qin Ming also noticed that pure white light also appeared on the back of the devil.


With the roar and tearing sound, Lin Xuan\'s figure penetrated directly from the devil\'s back.

He pierced the devil\'s chest and left a huge wound.

This is also the most serious injury to the devil since the battle.