Bizzare Login Device

Chapter 454

At this time, they all knew that the black robed body refining man was the follower of one of the hairy boys. It was conceivable that his heart shook.

"Run!" several people were shocked by the body refining man in black robe. They reacted and knew that the situation was wrong and wanted to run away.

But the body refiner in black immediately summoned two judan corpses and stopped the man who was about to escape.

These two judan corpses were made by him in a hurry these days. Because there is no excellent material, it is impossible to make a second Shenhuo corpse. It is his high refining level to be able to refine judan corpses in such a short time.

Seeing that the black robed corpse refining man could deal with these troubles, Qi Yu stopped shooting and touched his chin to watch Qin Ming\'s servant.

"Do you want to have such an entourage..." Qi Yu thought in his heart.

Awesome servants, many things do not need him to do so. Such troubles do not need to be done by themselves. It seems very convenient.

"Where can I get another servant like this?" Qi Yu suddenly asked Qin Ming a thorny question.

"Er..." Qin Ming was speechless for a moment and didn\'t know how to answer.

First of all, it\'s difficult to find a corpse refiner at the level of Shenhuo realm. Second, it\'s even more difficult to let the other party take the initiative to execute the soul returning curse.

It\'s necessary to cherish their lives. Otherwise, most friars would rather die than become servants of others in this way. After all, if they were cursed, they would lose too much. It\'s better to die.

Like the black robed corpse refining man Qin Ming met, it is also in line with the character of extremely cherishing life that he is willing to take the initiative to offer his soul to become a slave.

This probability is actually very low, but Qin Ming doesn\'t know it because he doesn\'t have other comparisons.

"Isn\'t there a monk in the divine fire realm right now? Why don\'t you try?" Qin Ming pointed to the other monk who was fighting with the divine fire corpse and replied.

"OK." Qi Yu wanted to try.

If he had no such idea in the past, he also knew the difficulty of soul returning mantra to succeed. However, after seeing Qin Ming\'s successful case, he changed his attention and decided to try.

A moment later.

A roar came out and startled many creatures around. The roar was made by the holy fire monk.

"Don\'t think about it! I won\'t be a slave even if I die!"

At this time, due to Qi Yu\'s intervention, the holy fire monk was also defeated, seriously injured and lost the last chance to escape.

In the face of Qi Yu\'s persecution, the friar was really tough and angry at Qi Yu\'s requirements.

He would rather die than become Qi Yu\'s servant and let him slaughter him.

One side of the black robed body refining man looked in his eyes and couldn\'t help shaking his head quietly.

He can\'t understand the idea of this holy fire monk. In his opinion, if a person dies, everything will be over and there is no need to talk about anything. If a person is alive, even if the opportunity is slim, there is always the possibility of a trapped dragon rising to heaven.

Although he has no way to untie the soul curse now, the future may appear.

"What a pity." Qi Yu shook his head. No matter what the other party said, he was also a monk in Shenhuo realm. If he didn\'t want to, he couldn\'t force his soul return curse.

Finally, he failed to successfully recruit servants at the level of divine fire realm.

However, after the monk of Shenhuo realm was killed, Qin Ming and others harvested a lot of good things from the storage bag on him.

It can only be said that he is worthy of being a monk in Shenhuo realm and has a rich family background.

Seeing the black robed corpse refining man happily put the body of the monk in the divine fire realm into his bag, Qi Yu can only temporarily give up the idea of recruiting servants.

At present, the primary goal is to refine stones in the center of the earth, and others are secondary.

The two continued to search for the volcano.

A few hours after they left, a figure appeared here silently, staring at the obvious traces of the battle, silent and wondering what they were thinking.

If Qin Ming is present, he will find that this person is you LAN, one of the people who attacked them.

After staying for a moment, you LAN disappeared slowly, as if she had never appeared.

On the other side, Qin Ming and his wife have found the volcano in the dark forest.

It\'s not hard to find. You can see the shadow of the volcano from a distance.

With the approach to the volcano, the number of matte trees around gradually decreased due to the temperature.

Accordingly, Qin Ming\'s perception is no longer limited, which makes him worry.

As if he had temporarily left the natural shielding place, he was exposed again.

At this time, if the pursuer attacked, he could no longer hide himself.

After looking at Qi Yu beside him, I thought I wouldn\'t recite it like this.

The periphery of the volcano has begun to get hot and dry, and obvious red inflammation can be seen boiling at the mountain pass.

All three of them came here for the first time, including the black robed body refining man, who also came to the volcano for the first time.

But listen to him, this volcano is very dangerous, and many monks died in it.

It\'s a dangerous place.

When the three went up to the crater, the heat could melt ordinary people in an instant.

Qin Ming unconsciously mobilized the cold air in his body to run around to resist the burning of this heat wave.

Overlooking the interior of the volcano, the rolling magma is constantly gushing. It looks like a melting pot. Can it burn everything.

And they\'re standing on the edge of the furnace.

"Can you see the stone refining in the center of the earth?" Qi Yu asked. There was also a layer of energy around him to isolate the surrounding heat wave.

Qin Ming shook his head. Looking at this, he really couldn\'t find anything. He could only see rolling red inflammation.

"There\'s no way. I can only go in and look for it." Qi Yu suggested. Tentatively, he flew to the center of the crater. The red inflammation suddenly rose, swallowed up his figure and burned wildly.

Qin Ming, who was watching from the side, pinched sweat for him. The red temperature was frightening. I was afraid that ordinary friars could not bear it.

However, Qi Yu seemed to have no feeling and continued to probe downward.

"Wait here," Qin Ming told the black robed body refiner, and then stepped into the volcano.


Hongyan came to the body in an instant. There was almost no ice element here. Qin ming could only run his aura to maintain the ice element\'s protection.

The two people gradually looked down, and the body refining man in black robe who stopped above was shocked.

Their physique is too strong, strong enough to frighten the body refining people in black robes.

He once thought that the body strength of the divine fire corpse refined by himself was unmatched, but now it seems that this idea is simply wrong.

At least the physique of the two people in front of him was much stronger than his divine fire corpse.

It is precisely with such a strong physique that they can resist the rolling heat wave in the volcano and keep getting close to the bottom.