Bizzare Login Device

Chapter 449

"Is that the ghost gate?!" after several people approached, you LAN took the lead to see the ghost gate shadow disappearing in the air that day.

Several people have a bad feeling.

When they came to the bottom of the ghost gate, they could clearly see the traces of battle, and the surrounding black evil spirit was rampant, and even changed the environment of this area.

The mountains collapsed and the yellow sand on the earth fluttered, making the air hazy and gray.

The ghost is dead.

This is their first reaction after they arrived here. They can feel the ghost\'s breath dissipated in this world.

The faces of several people became ugly.

The ghost\'s death made it difficult for the four of them to work when they returned.

"Go!" humming ghost knew that Qin Ming had just left and made a quick decision.

If we can\'t catch Qin Ming and others, the task delivered by the old demon this time will be a complete failure.

Being able to kill ghosts also shows that the goal this time is not as easy to deal with as expected.

After a round of inspection, the four quickly left and accelerated to catch up with the residual breath left by Qin Ming and others.

The crisis of Qin Ming and others has not been lifted.

On the other side, Qin Ming quickly left with the injured Xiao Sheng.

Lei Xiao was also seriously injured in the battle just now. After the pill he planted became ineffective, he also fell into a weak state and his combat effectiveness was greatly damaged.

If Qin Ming hadn\'t forcibly possessed the sword grass and cooperated with the unexpected effect of Xiao Sheng\'s body protecting pendant, he would kill the ghost with one sword.

I\'m afraid if they drag on, the situation will really be bad.

Several people soon came to the bloodthirsty mountain, and the mountain with space tunnel was close in front of them.

Lei Xiao\'s face was a little white, but he quickly took out hundreds of souls, wrapped in aura and floated to the sky.

Then detonate these souls directly according to what the black robed body refining man said.

At the next moment, a large number of violent sounds echoed on the whole mountain, which made Qin Ming feel his eardrums buzzing and his head bulging.

At the same time, the whole space began to vibrate until it collapsed.

A space tunnel appears in the void.

They looked at each other, but they didn\'t get into it for the first time.

This space tunnel was forced out by the soul. It was unstable at first. They had an experience of escaping from the space crack once, so they naturally didn\'t want to take a second risk.

However, a streamer suddenly came from a distance, attracted the spirit of all directions, and directly blasted on the newly formed space tunnel.

The tunnel was in the most unstable state. After being hit by this streamer, it immediately began to collapse.

"Damn it!" Lei Xiao pinched his fist and looked angry.

They worked hard to spell out the space tunnel, so they failed.

Don\'t say he can\'t accept it. Even Qin Ming is full of disappointment.

"If you want to use the space tunnel to escape, I have to say that this is really a good idea, but even if you escape to the ends of the earth, Montenegro will not let you go." Youlan\'s cold voice came to several people\'s ears from the air.

Standing by the collapsed space tunnel, he didn\'t seem to worry that the space crack would affect him.

"There are several handsome boys. I like the heart of handsome boys best. It\'s fresh and clean..." the ghost also appeared, licked his red lips and stared at Qin Ming and Xiao Sheng below, smiling like flowers.

At the same time, the buzzing ghost and poison brake also appeared.

The appearance of the four people immediately brought great pressure, which made Qin Ming and others sink in their hearts.

The way back is difficult and difficult.

Kill an enemy, and there comes a stronger one.

Now Qin Ming and others also know that they are afraid of provoking the wrong existence.

Although the four people have different shapes, their breath is no worse than that of the ghost before, or even worse.

A ghost made it so difficult for them to kill, not to mention four enemies of the same level.

The netherworld really makes them feel like they can\'t move.

At the moment, Qin Ming has the idea of evacuation. The space tunnel has collapsed and can\'t be reused.

He had to find another way to return to the middle ancient continent.

"Don\'t underestimate them, let alone let them run away." the buzzard said at this time, as if he didn\'t want to delay too long.

You LAN drew out his two strange weapons, like a knife but not a knife, like a sword but not a sword. The blade is full of small sawteeth, and there are a large number of veins engraved on the back of the blade.

This is his execution knife and the weapon that scares countless monks in Montenegro.

You LAN took the lead in launching the offensive and didn\'t give Qin Ming and others a chance to talk nonsense.

A knife explodes and no land is born!

The rampant black evil spirit reappeared, enveloping the bloodthirsty mountain layer by layer.

You Lan\'s knife is a indiscriminate blow, and Qin Minglei Xiao and others are affected.

At the same time, Qin Ming also cut out his sword light and defeated the huge sword Qi.

"Master, get out of here. These four people are the top strongmen in Montenegro and can\'t be defeated!" the body refining man in black robe was already anxious and almost jumped.

Of course, he knows who the four buzzing ghost Youlan are, and he knows more about fighting these four people. At present, they have no chance to win.

Once Qin Ming dies here, the fragment of his soul will dissipate with him. Naturally, he can\'t live alone.

Therefore, if he wants to live, as a servant, he must think carefully for Qin Ming, whether he wants it or not.

Qin Ming also intends to retreat, and his eyes sweep to Lei Xiao and others.

Lei Xiao took out a Lei Fu first.

The rune paper is red purple, which is not refined from ordinary materials.

Lei Xiao tore up the thunder amulet in his hand without hesitation.

An electric arc flashed from the rune paper and shrouded Lei Xiao Sheng.

Space is distorted again.

"They want to escape!" the poison brake saw the changes of Lei Xiao and shouted at once.

"Sorry, this Rune can only work for the children of Leiyin castle." Lei Xiao said to Qin Ming before he was finally enveloped by thunder.

On the other side, the buzzing ghost opened his mouth and drank "Well!"

All the dust on the earth rose to the air at the same time, as if it had been solidified.

The space seemed to be squeezed. Qin Ming only felt that he had become much heavier, and a strong sense of bondage lingered and lingered.

He tried to stop Lei Xiao and others, but unfortunately this Rune paper was obviously a high-grade goods and a life-saving thing at the bottom of Lei Xiao\'s box. It was not directly interrupted by the buzzing ghost.

The thunder light disappeared. At the same time, Lei Xiao lost his trace and disappeared with the thunder light.

Qin Ming understood the meaning of Lei Xiao\'s words. His feelings slipped away first, leaving him alone. Then he had to say sorry.

Immediately, Qin Ming broke out with all his strength, got rid of the bondage, turned into streamer and disappeared on the mountain.