Bizzare Login Device

Chapter 437

The top of the mountain, a place surrounded by black fog. all sounds are still.

"This is the entrance of the space tunnel," said the black robed body refining man, pointing up at the darkness in the air.

Qin ming could not see anything unusual with the naked eye.

Only by using spiritual perception can we perceive some unstable fluctuations in space.

"There is nothing special here on weekdays. Only when the space tunnel appears can there be a vision," said the black robed body refining man.

People like him who often travel between the two places through space tunnels naturally have a lot of understanding of the characteristics of space tunnels.

Qin Ming nodded.

"What do you think of that team?"

The black robed corpse refining man was silent for a few seconds, and then hummed: "if you can collect more than 100 souls, the strength of this plundering team will not be poor."

"I\'m afraid I can\'t catch it with my current number of refined corpses."

At present, he has only one Shenhuo corpse and one judan corpse that has barely been repaired. The rest have been destroyed by Qin Ming.

"Well, what if you add me and him." Qin Ming refers to himself and the sword grass followed by him.

"If the master is willing to fight, the odds are still very high." the black robed body refining man weighed it and said.

"Yes." Qin Ming has decided to play this team.

Spread out your hand and a soul appears in the palm of your hand.

His state of mind has been extremely stable. This soul\'s help to him is very limited and of no great use.

It\'s just the key to open the space tunnel, so I want to get it as soon as possible.

"Is this soul really the energy medium condensed by the souls of the past?" Qin Ming said to himself.

Half a day later.

"Have you ever seen an impossible team?" asked the black robed body refiner.

The monks who were stopped did not dare to breathe after seeing the Shenhuo corpse. Finally, they said they had not seen it.

The black robed corpse refining man scanned these faces and left only after he found no usable superior corpse refining materials.

The bloodthirsty mountain range is very wide. It\'s not easy to find such a team. It takes some time and energy.

If Qin Ming is the only one, it will be quite troublesome.

Fortunately, there was a servant who had a certain understanding of bloodthirsty Huanshan, which really played a role.

So another day passed.

In a dry place, a team is walking slowly.

The number of people is about 30. They all have a strong breath and are different from ordinary people.

The first one has a powerful breath. The surging Qi and blood is like a big stove. There is a divine light flashing between the opening and closing of his eyes.

In the crowd, he is the most special and dazzling existence, so people have to pay attention to him at the first sight.

He is not only the founder of this team, but also the leader of the team.

At the same time, he is also a monk in Shenhuo realm with strong combat power.

There were countless monks who died in his hands. Among them, there were not the same fire realm monks, and their achievements were quite good.

It can\'t be his external address. He is still famous around the bloodthirsty mountain. Of course, they are all bad names.

Those friars who want to take a chance to find some soul are most afraid of meeting a predator team like them.

The light ones may just be robbed of their souls, and the heavy ones may even take their lives.

"If you move faster, you should be able to rob three groups of teams." a man with the same strong breath said.

"Well, it\'s estimated how many souls will be harvested this time." I couldn\'t ask slowly.

"It is expected to reach about 130 pieces. This number can\'t be too much, but it\'s not too little," the man said.

He is obviously not a capable man around him.

Before the general team goes out, he is responsible for formulating the route and planning the strategy. Finally, he can\'t coordinate the overall situation.

"Sir, when you go back this time, your killing Yan blade can be made." the man smiled.

Unable to hear the words "slaughter Yan Dao", the corners of his mouth also rose slightly. Obviously, this is something he cares about recently.

Collecting so many souls, in addition to exchanging a lot of money and resources, the most important thing is to create a powerful magic weapon for him.

If you want to survive in the nether world for a long time, and even further, you must always think about becoming stronger.

There is no comfort situation, no dispute is death.

Unable to be a monk in the divine fire realm, he knows this even better when he stays in the nether world for a long time.

"Is there any news of the next target?" couldn\'t ask.

"About thirty kilometers ahead," the man replied.

Just when I couldn\'t order to speed up and catch up, I suddenly felt a trace of something wrong and looked up into the sky.

A strange wave appeared.

The black fog quickly gathered and hovered over them.

The rest of the team were also very alert. They soon found the abnormality, took out their own Lingbao weapons and dignified their faces.

A ray of thunder first pierced the thick black fog.

Unable to, his face gradually solidified, his eyes burst out, and his momentum suddenly burst out.

At the same time, a huge Thunder Dragon fell from the sky and roared down.

The lightning swept away in all directions, accompanied by large yellow sand stones.

More than 30 people in this team were covered by the Thunder Dragon, as if swallowed by one mouthful.

The Thunder Dragon swept the earth for a few minutes, and the running thunder slowly subsided.

The team that had borne the Thunder Dragon was scattered and fell on all sides at the moment.

Only a few strong people with profound cultivation can stand firm.

Unable to face the terrible gloom.

In this bloodthirsty and mountainous area, they always attack others, and few others dare to provoke them.

Several weak members of the team have obviously suffered serious injuries and fell to the ground.

It also completely angered him.

Several thunder rays fell from the black fog and soon came to the ground, but there were several people.

Unable to stare at the men who attacked them for a moment, they frowned slightly.

He saw that the people in front of him didn\'t have too much smell of the nether world. There was only one possibility, that is, outsiders who had just come to the nether world from other continents.

It made him a little uncertain.

Lei Guang paused for a while, revealing the true faces of several people.

It\'s Leiyin castle.

Lei Xiao stared at unable, and then looked at several other members who had not been knocked down. These people all brought him some threats, especially the first unable.

As a divine fire realm, it is also the greatest threat that cannot be brought to him.

"They should have enough souls." Xiao Sheng said slowly.

It is worth mentioning that his breath has been completely different from the original, and his temperament has changed.

This change is not generally possible.

The reason for this is that he no longer restrained his cultivation during his stay in the underworld and completed the long-awaited gathering of elixirs.

And like Qin Ming, it is a nine pattern golden pill!

This is also the root of his change. He is stronger than ever. I don\'t know how much.

The same is true for Liu xianger. Facing the unknown danger in the netherworld, she chose to break through cultivation.

After obtaining the top Daoyun, with their talent and careful cultivation of Leiyin castle, it is no accident that they are also nine grain golden elixirs.

Compared with Xiao Sheng, her breath is a little introverted, but not so strong, still as calm as water.

The two children who condensed the nine grain golden elixir are rare even in Leiyin castle.

Because of this, as a deacon, Lei Xiao must take them back.