Bizzare Login Device

Chapter 434

Huge and incomparable power continuously filled the whole body, as if there was a fierce beast roaring in the body. The ferocity even affected Qin Ming\'s originally stable state of mind, making him a little irritable.

This was the first time he had possessed Tianji jade tiger. He had never dared to try. After refining his body, he could finally display his ability safely.

This can be said to be his strongest form at present, with combat power comparable to that of Shenhuo state!

Lift the body of the body smelter like a chicken, and make the body smelter miserable with a little force.

In the distance, summoned by the body refiner, the divine fire corpse forcibly broke away from the entanglement of sword grass and came here as fast as possible.

"No, don\'t kill me." the body refiner finally put down everything and begged Qin Ming for mercy.

He could feel his skull cracking.

It fell only between Qin Ming\'s thoughts.

"If you were me, what would you do?" Qin Ming smiled and said.

The body refining man also knew that he had found the door. He was also the one who wanted to refine Qin Ming into a body refining puppet.

If he was Qin Ming, he couldn\'t let himself go.

"I would like to cast a curse on myself and become your eternal servant, just for one life," he said quickly, gritting his teeth.

"Oh?" Qin Ming was surprised.

Soul returning mantra is a very insidious mantra. At the same time, it is also very famous in the cultivation world. Few monks don\'t know this mantra.

The reason why this spell is so famous is also because of its ability and effect.

The caster only consumes part of the cost of spiritual power, but can get the soul of the medium caster.

Yes, it\'s the soul.

To be exact, it is part of the soul, but it is enough to kill the Chinese practitioner at any time. Even with this part of the soul under control, we can sense the malice of the Chinese practitioner.

Therefore, this soul returning mantra is also simply and roughly called enslavement by monks. The practitioners are slaves, and it is completely irresistible.

Qin Ming heard about this technique from Uncle snake playing.

I have to say that this effect is really terrible, but in fact, it is not so easy to succeed.

It is impossible to capture the soul of others simply by thinking about it.

The soul power of the caster is required to be at least three times stronger than that of the caster. There is still a certain chance of failure and may be backfired by the soul.

Only when the power of the soul is five times or more than ten times stronger than the other party, can it succeed with a 99% probability.

The reason why it is not 100% is also because there have been examples of failure.

There was once a powerful monk who wanted to enslave an ordinary person by virtue of this technique. It is supposed to be 100% successful.

However, he failed inexplicably, and his soul was eaten back. Therefore, he was seriously injured and his accomplishments fell sharply. From then on, he was removed from the list of the strong.

It can be said that the side effect of this failure is not acceptable to any friar.

It is precisely for this reason that even with full confidence, monks dare not wantonly use the magic method of this evil door.

No one wants to directly scrap the accomplishments they have worked hard to repair, even if the probability is too low.

Of course, there is another form of casting, which can achieve a 100% probability of success.

This form of casting has never failed, at least for thousands of years since this technique was popularized.

The difficulty of this spell lies in the mysterious link of capturing the other party\'s soul.

But if the caster offers part of his soul honestly and actively according to the Pharaoh.

The caster is like bending down to pick up stones on the ground. There is no difficulty or failure.

What the body refiner said is the soul returning curse in this way.

Become Qin Ming\'s servant, so as to gain vitality and not die.

Qin Ming thought about it in his heart. He really didn\'t expect that the body refiner would have such a request. The strength on his fingers slowed down slightly.

He is still unfamiliar with the netherworld. It would be helpful for him to have such a servant who is familiar with the netherworld.

What\'s more, there is a fire corpse in the hands of the body refiner, which is a strong fighting force and can be used by him.

There is a soul curse, and he doesn\'t worry that the body refiner will be bad for him again.

Qin Ming\'s silence made the body refiner a little nervous, so he quietly waited for the result and waited for Qin Ming\'s trial.

Suddenly, Qin Ming released his hand, and the body refiner fell soft to the ground, but he was relieved. At least he survived.

The Shenhuo corpse in the distance had also been killed at this time, and the rolling evil spirit rushed at the same time.

Qin Ming remained silent. The body refiner quickly ordered Shenhuo\'s body to stop aside and didn\'t get close.

Later, Jiancao also chased him angrily. He was about to fight the Shenhuo corpse, but Qin Ming stopped him.

"Let\'s start." Qin Ming said so, even if he agreed to let go of the body refiner.

The body refiner sat up cross legged. A gust of wind and sand blew, and the broken black robe was blown down, revealing a pale and old face.

Some are gray and bleeding from the skull.

The bloodshot eyes now only have the meaning of surviving.

He is a powerful corpse refiner who can refine God\'s fire corpse. He never expected to be forced to cast his soul curse and become a servant of others one day.

Now he can only accept his life, and his hands began to seal.

In fact, this kind of sinister spell was more widely used in the nether world than in the middle ages.

There are not a few monks with soul charms.

The body refiner closed his eyes and printed the last one.

A large area of black fog gathered from all directions. Qin Ming had locked his spiritual power firmly on the body of the body refining man at this time.

Once he has any other changes, Qin Ming and Jiancao will directly kill him without hesitation.

Soon, the black fog quickly melted into the eyebrows of the body refiner, and the black light suddenly appeared.

The Lian corpse\'s face suddenly showed a very painful color and became a little twisted and ferocious.

Her hands trembled.

If you can see the soul in his body, you will find that his ethereal soul is constantly torn by the black fog.

The pain of splitting the soul is far better than any physical pain.

One by one, one by one, was soon torn down by a third.

The body refiner couldn\'t help roaring in pain.

Finally, nearly half of the soul was separated, and the black fog wrapped it and floated out of the body, condensing into a small dark blue bead in front of Qin Ming.

Qin Ming took the bead sealed with nearly half of the soul of the body refiner and stamped his own spiritual brand on it.

Layers of dark veins were formed on the beads, and the spell was successfully connective.

Qin Ming now only needs to release his mental perception a little, and can perceive the deep thoughts from the body refiner.

If there is any malice towards him, it will be clear, even if there is only the slightest.

Qin Ming put away the bead and looked at the body refiner in front of him.

At the moment, the smell of the body refining man became very weak, and his face seemed to be old again. I didn\'t know how old he was.

He got up slowly, lowered his head and upper body, bowed to Qin Ming, and consciously announced the new relationship between the two sides.