Bizzare Login Device

Chapter 429

"Come on!"

Qin Ming was worried. Under the abundant aura, the air sea began to stir like an earthquake.

Tao Yun began to sublimate, and Qin Ming\'s mind gradually sank into this Tao Yun, with more enlightenment.

This is the Tao Yun bred on the star eroding God tree. It has the characteristics of surging like the sea and shining like the stars.

The so-called Tao Yun points directly to the mystery of the avenue.

Cultivation is also a way of cultivation, and gathering pills is the first step.

The key reason why six grain silver pill or nine grain gold pill can bring great improvement to friars is that it can lead friars to appreciate the mystery of the road in advance.

This should be a field that can be touched by the monks of the divine fire realm, but the players of the nine grain golden pill can contact in the gathering pill realm in advance, which is also a reason why the nine grain golden pill monks can compete with the monks of the divine fire realm.

Suddenly, the sea of Qi in the body seemed to be squeezed and collapsed by a large amount of Reiki released by seeds, and collapsed layer by layer.

This should have been a sudden change, but Qin Ming was still calm and didn\'t react too much.

At this time, the Tao inside gradually solidified, and the aura in the sea of Qi gradually condensed and formed.

Qihai Huadan is the last step of gathering pills.

Under the control of Qin Ming\'s huge mental strength, it is natural to do it, and there is no accident out of control.

A golden round pill thus replaced the position of the sea of Qi and turned slowly.

On its surface, Daoyun is printed on it, adding countless textures to this elixir.

At the same time, the breath of Qin Ming has also undergone earth shaking changes. The eyes that could not be opened all the time also slowly opened at this moment, emitting two golden lights.

He exhaled deeply, but his face did not relax at the moment.

Because he found that the aura in the seed was still gushing out.

At this time, he could not go back and spit out the seed, and the crisis that had been burst was still not resolved.

Seeing this, Qin Ming simply ran again and played a nine condensed body decision.

In addition to Reiki, the seed also contains a large amount of natural life energy, which is what his body refining method needs.

Since he still couldn\'t expel these energy and Reiki from his body, he had to waste them as soon as possible.

The so-called human potential is forced out.

It took him only a few minutes to gather pills. This time, the body refining method also started running at a high speed.

Mental strength has never been highly concentrated.

A black bear shadow slowly appeared behind Qin Ming, motionless.

Qin Ming\'s energy began to fluctuate violently.

At the same time, the body was repeatedly washed down by the energy of Reiki and seeds, and gradually it still couldn\'t bear it.

The body began to collapse, the muscles and veins were damaged, and the internal organs were severely squeezed.

The mouth and nose also began to overflow blood one after another, and his face became dark and quite bleak.

The outside world also began to make things worse, and the spatial turbulence gradually increased.

Suddenly, he rolled straight to Qin Ming. At this time, he couldn\'t be distracted at all. It was too late to avoid dodging when he noticed it.

He shouted that it was over. He was about to forcibly summon Tianji jade tiger to be possessed as the last parry.

He didn\'t realize that the energy from the seeds in Qin Ming\'s body had spread all over Qin Ming\'s body.

The turbulence impinges on this energy, showing a state of mutual dissipation.

In an instant, the space turbulence swept by the seed was dissipated, and the energy gushed by the seed was slightly reduced.

This brightened Qin Ming\'s eyes and gave him a feeling of hidden willows and bright flowers.

Of course, it\'s still too early to say so, but at least he saw the opportunity to live.

I never thought that this seed energy could help him resist the external turbulence threat.

After noticing this, Qin Ming chose to completely sink his mind into his body and no longer pay attention to the outside world.

After this, I don\'t know how long. Seeing Qin Ming\'s broken body crumbling, he still insisted.

This also benefits from another physical characteristic of Qin Ming, the blessing of flower elves.

This strong self-healing ability is a very important factor in his persistence for so long.

The veins all over the body are quickly cured after being damaged. I don\'t know how many times they have been repeated.

This process is undoubtedly painful. It\'s like being cut into each piece with a knife and then stitched up quickly. It\'s simply testing Qin Ming\'s tolerance.

Fortunately, Qin Ming\'s state of mind is stable and his mind is extremely tough. He has been gritting his teeth and persevered.

But even so, his body is reaching its limit.

Qin Ming also reached a critical moment at this time, and had no time to manage his physical state.

"Break it for me!"

The black light suddenly appeared, and the charm was a little more in the shadow of the black bear.

The eighth turn of body training is a successful breakthrough.

The body climbed up a big step again. Every inch of muscle and blood was like a hungry beast, and began to crazy devour the aura and all kinds of life energy spewed by the seeds.

As a result, the water tank expanded to the pool, and the damage was contained at this time, at least until the pool was filled.

Qin Ming was able to breathe after his body was repaired.

Wandering on the edge of death, how many times did he feel cold, but fortunately, all kinds of body characteristics obtained in the past were exerting their effects, allowing him to survive.

Twenty minutes later, the aura and energy in the seed seemed endless. The pool was filled again, then overflowed and began to destroy all parts of the body.

However, thanks to the 20 minute self-healing time, Qin Ming has also recovered a lot, and his endurance has been greatly enhanced after his physique soared further.

At this time, he couldn\'t manage the problem of consolidating the realm. He directly ran the body refining decision again and began to move towards the final ninth round.

Originally, this should be difficult, but under the pressure of the huge aura of this seed, it has become much simpler.

On the contrary, this seed has become the biggest help for him to break through the skill.

After a long time, Qin Ming was completely immersed in the cultivation of martial arts and had completely forgotten his critical situation at the moment.

His breath was fading, and his body was tortured and broken again.

The outside world, this crack still doesn\'t know where to take him, only the endless space turbulence.

On the body, the shadow of the black bear gradually faded, as if it had merged with this dark space.

But if you look closely, you will be shocked to find that the black bear has expanded to a hundred meters.

Compared with it, Qin Ming at the source seems too small to be visible.

Suddenly, Qin Ming\'s breath began to change and slowly opened his mouth.

Every time he vomited, a wisp of black light came out of his mouth and then wrapped around his body.

With his vomit again and again, soon his whole body was entangled by a layer of rich black light, like a cocoon, and his body could only be seen faintly.

The Reiki of the seed was not blocked by the black light, but still expanded to the periphery to block the turbulent flow of the eroded space.