Bizzare Login Device

Chapter 409

Yuan Chang said quietly, "what\'s your relationship with the Biluo hall?"

Talking about Biluo hall, the monk smiled, and there was a faint blood light in his eyes.

He didn\'t answer Yuan Chang\'s question, but seemed to be talking to himself.

"If you can swallow the flesh and blood of a monk in the divine fire realm, I\'m afraid the secret method can go further."

As he spoke, the black smell on his body gradually became strong.

Qin Ming suddenly found that he was no stranger to the black Qi, which was similar to the black evil Qi he met in the dead place of the different world.

"Hum, I just learned some tricks of Biluo hall. If you want to take my flesh and blood, come and try!" Yuan Chang seemed to be annoyed by the monk\'s words and said coldly.

Name: Qiu Shui

Race: Terran

Age: 67

Accomplishments: divine fire realm

Message: those who are haunted by heart demons master the secret method of blood demons.

With the exploration ability, the monk\'s information was presented in front of him.

The first is cultivation. It\'s no wonder that Weng Peng, who is also a monk in Shenhuo realm, fled, and it\'s no wonder that he is not afraid of Yuanchang.

Obviously, he is very confident in his strength.

"Blood devil secret method?" Qin Ming has never heard of this set of skill.

Generally speaking, the detected attribute interface will often write down the strongest set of skill methods learned by that person.

The so-called sorcery in Yuan Chang\'s mouth may be this set of blood devil secret method.

"It\'s really a strange skill to practice by relying on the blood and flesh of monks." Qin Ming thought to himself.

The two sides were at loggerheads.

Qin Ming is not easy to intervene in this level of battle.

After all, his cultivation is still too weak. Even if he has a sword heart, it is difficult to fill the gap between him and the monk in Shenhuo realm.

"You two stay here." after talking to Qin Ming and Weng Peng, Yuan Chang got up and walked in the air towards the monk.


Yuan Chang\'s whole body suddenly appeared white fire and kept rising.

From a distance, it looks like the arrival of the God of fire. The strong high temperature drives one heat wave after another and sweeps around.

The fighting between the two sides suddenly broke out at a certain moment.

Without the slightest omen and foreplay, the two sides directly launched a powerful battle.

The battle scene of the holy fire realm friar was quite different from the friars he had seen before.

As long as they are willing, even destroying this Lingshan is a matter of minutes, even almost easy.

White flames came down like sky fire, as if to burn the monk directly.

However, the monk\'s strength was not weak at all. Facing the real Yuan Chang, he took down a large string of Buddha beads hanging around his neck.

When you throw it along, the Buddha bead grows in the wind.

In the blink of an eye, it became several meters long and wide, as if it had formed a big wall, blocking the white fire of Yuan long.

Then, the monk pinched his hands, opened his mouth and sprayed a mouthful of his own blood essence on his hands.

At the next moment, a large amount of blood turned into silk and wound around the string of Buddha beads.

When the Buddha beads were stained with blood, the faint golden light on the surface of the original beads immediately disappeared, replaced by the strange scarlet.


Under the urging of the monk, the Buddha bead came to Yuan Chang\'s head in a circle, like a repressor, and fixed Yuan Chang in place.

At the next moment, the bead became smaller quickly with a tight hoop, which bound Yuanchang\'s arms and waist firmly.

"Hey, hey." the monk was quite proud.

He is quite confident in his technique.

However, Yuan Chang, who was tightly clamped, suddenly got angry, and then his whole body turned into a human flame.

The string of Buddha beads can tightly bind his body, but it can\'t bind the natural flame.

The flame dispersed, got rid of the shackles of the Buddha beads, condensed again on another boulder and transformed into a human form.

"Cang jade is blazing!" the monk suddenly sank, as if he thought of something, "you are the chief yuan!"

He didn\'t have the exploration ability of Qin Ming, but with the characteristics of this strange fire, he knew the identity of Yuan Chang.

With a fire spirit, although Yuan Chang had no family backing, he was also famous in this area.

So that after the monk recognized it, he lost his previous relaxed freehand brushwork.

Yuan Chang stood on the boulder and stared at the monk. He didn\'t mean to hide his identity at all. On the contrary, the monk\'s strength should not be underestimated.

"There\'s some means, but it\'s still far from the people in Biluo hall." Yuan Chang said.

"Hum, others are afraid of you, but I\'m not afraid. Taoist XuanHuo is a bluff." the monk smiled and pinched the formula again.

The red light on the string of Buddha beads rose again.

Just then, a voice suddenly sounded directly in his mind.

"The people of Qiankun yunzong are coming. Come back quickly!"

Hearing the sound, the monk immediately turned around, turned into a black smoke and flew towards the top of the mountain.

"Want to run!" Yuan Chang\'s lower body turned into a flame again. In such a state of half flame and half body, he jumped up and chased the black smoke.

"What\'s the situation?" Qin Ming was stunned. He was only halfway there. He was about to slip away just after the cruel words?

When he was shocked, the snake also rolled him to chase Yuan Chang, much faster than before.

Soon, he came to a mountain road.

His nose stirred and he smelled the rich blood gas floating in the air.

Then he saw a withered body lying on the ground.

Qin Ming recognized that the dead friars were the team led by Weng Peng.

Obviously, they just explored here and were attacked and killed by the monk.


With a loud roar, the top of the mountain began to vibrate violently.

Large stones rolled down from the top of the mountain.

Looking up, I could vaguely see the signs of spiritual Qi surging. It seemed that there was a fierce fight on the top of the mountain.

And the direction that Yuan Chang and the monk pursued was there.

After thinking about it, Qin Ming was surrounded by wind elements. He stepped off the snake and flew away alone.

No matter whether Qin Ming goes or stays, the big snake still chases Yuan Chang, and the falling stones along the way can\'t stop it.

Qin Ming reached the top of the mountain first.

He thought about leaving directly, but then he felt that it was inappropriate for Yuan Chang, who was still fighting, to leave quietly, so he followed up.

On the top of the mountain, it was a mess.

Several pieces of ruins can be seen in good condition. It should be a temple with some remnants of the courtyard wall.

In the ruins of the temple, several figures are fighting fiercely.

Qin Ming noticed that there was more than one monk.

There are five monks in monk\'s robes, and everyone\'s breath is not weak.

The people who fought with them were also somewhat beyond Qin Ming\'s expectation. They were Meng Ming\'s trio who drank tea at the beginning.