Bizzare Login Device

Chapter 404

Qin Ming squints. On the other side of the sea of fire, a strange figure looms, slowly walking towards this side.

Obviously, the other party also found his existence.

Name: None

Goblin: flame beast

Combat effectiveness score: Level 5 medium grade

Growth potential: top grade 5

This is a class five monster. Its combat power is already strong in the wild.

The body looks like a leopard, with several flames burning on it. He doesn\'t feel the slightest fear of the flames around him.

It\'s like wandering in your back garden.

"Is this the flame beast in Yan fire purgatory?" Qin Ming whispered to himself.

He knows the flame beast. It is a powerful spirit living in the flame plain. It is not only afraid of fire, but also can manipulate the fire sea for their use. It is very difficult to entangle.

It can be seen that many friars who have been cast into the spirit body can\'t avoid this kind of flame beast and are unwilling to venture into this sea of fire.

Yan beast\'s eyes are like two fireballs jumping, staring at Qin Ming.

Its proximity also offset the surrounding flames, showing a momentum of encirclement and shrouding Qin Ming.

"Hum, little flame beast, master, let me clean it up." the little baby on the head was strongly dissatisfied with the provocation of the flame beast, and the old man snorted.

As a powerful monster of class seven, he doesn\'t look up to this flame beast from the bottom of his heart.

In fact, as long as he released a little of his own breath, the flame beast was afraid to flee.

"OK." Qin Ming nodded.

The next moment, the little baby shook her fingers and the sword light flashed away, wiping out the flames all the way.

The flame beast couldn\'t even react, so it was cut by the baby\'s sword.

A red Genie internal pill fell out, which contains pure fire aura.

Without the control of the flame beast, the surrounding flames returned to normal again. Qin Ming continued to look for the spirit flint.

Two days later.


A huge roar of anger rang through the sky, and the sky was dyed bright red by the flames.

In the endless sea of fire, a giant beast like waking up from a deep sleep slowly raised his head.

Name: None

Monster: giant flame beast king

Combat effectiveness score: Level 6 top grade

Growth potential: top grade 6

The whole body is shrouded in blue flames, a pair of fire breathing eyes are like the sun, and there are diagonals on the head.

Only a raised head is more than ten times larger than ordinary flame beasts.

"It is said that there is a flame beast king here. It seems to be true." Qin Ming said secretly.

This giant is well-known in the friars\' circle of Donggan city.

The combat power of the sixth level is indeed worthy of its popularity. It is said that there are not thousands or hundreds of monks who died in its mouth.

Among them, the powerful monks who did not gather in the Dan realm also stumbled here, which can be said to have made remarkable achievements.


Two big claws patted on the ground and fanned the flame, sweeping towards Qin Ming like a raging wave.

The blue cold outside the body surface also intensifies.

The flame swallowed Qin Ming\'s position in an instant.


The next moment, eight blue ice swords retrograde in the sea of fire, and in an instant they reached the flame beast king.

"No!" the flame beast king uttered a scream.

However, it did not stop the assassination of the eight ice swords.

The ice sword was so powerful that it directly pierced its huge body. The flame could not burn it.

As the flame beast king was seriously injured to the end, the flame wave also went out.

Qin Ming still stood where he was, safe and sound.

The cold on the body surface is like the strongest barrier, unbreakable.

The moon blade grass, who had just stood up on his head, sat back cross legged again, staring at the fallen flame beast king with black and shining eyes.

There is no doubt about the strength of the king of a family at the upper level of level 6.

But it\'s a pity to meet Qin Ming and the more powerful moon sword grass, and basically there\'s no way to live.

The moon sword grass now seems to be the strongest bodyguard under Qin Ming\'s banner, which will not affect Qin Ming at all.

After taking the six class high-quality inner pill, Qin Ming continued to search for the spirit flint.

In this flame plain, only one flame beast king will exist. Once he dies, a new flame beast king will be born after several years.

Therefore, Qin Ming can\'t meet the next flame beast king again.

Two days later, Qin Ming found 15 spirit flints, which was very efficient.

Even if the ordinary friars can withstand the fire here, it is really difficult to harvest so many spirit flints in ten days and a half months.

"Almost." Qin Ming said to himself, looking at the sea of fire.

He stayed here for two days. Although he was protected by the moon blade grass, the flame could not burn him, but he was still a little uncomfortable.

He\'s going to change places.

"Well, I\'m going to leave this ghost place at last." miyue Jiancao looked very happy and stretched out his arm and cheered.

It seems that it has been enough to stay in this hot place. Since it got the Tara black ice, its aura naturally biased towards the ice attribute. In addition, it has the characteristics of plant itself and has a natural aversion to fire.

Qin Ming stretched out his hand to tease the baby\'s fleshy face and walked out of this purgatory.

Although lingflint harvested a lot, it didn\'t reach his expected harvest.

It\'s the sixth level top-grade inner pill of the flame beast king. It\'s an unexpected joy, and its value may be higher than all the spirit flint he got.

If it weren\'t for the spirits of the sixth class, Qin ming could hunt with the help of the power of miyue sword grass, and the inner alchemy he got would definitely make money.


Xishan, a beautiful place.

In Dongqian City, this mountain is also quite famous. Say it\'s a spirit mountain. The richness of the spirit on the mountain is almost interesting.

However, the number of natural materials and earth treasures born on this mountain is no less than those in Lingshan. Even some treasures born on the mountain are sold in the city at a sky high price.

Therefore, there were not a few monks who went to the group. Everyone took a fancy to the spirits on the mountain.

Qin Ming is no exception. His second destination is the famous West Mountain.

More and more people are walking along the road. From time to time, we can see the same team of monks going to the west mountain.

There are still a few people like Qin Ming who are alone.

"Young man, just came out of the Yan fire purgatory." suddenly a voice came.

When Qin Ming looked, he saw a middle-aged uncle sitting on the head of a red Python and asked him.

The eyes of the python turned to him slowly, as if they were looking at whether it could be eaten or not.

"Yes, how did the elder know?" Qin Ming didn\'t hide it.

The middle-aged uncle stretched lazily, smiled, pointed his finger and said, "ha ha, the friar who just came out of Yanhuo purgatory will have a lot of flame elements around his body. This situation will last for a day or two."

Qin Ming immediately looked around him. He really didn\'t care before.

These fire elements were not contaminated on him, but floated disorderly within a few meters around him, which was not the case around other monks.

"I see." Qin Ming nodded.

"Young man, it\'s really hard. Look at the gathering degree of fire elements. I\'m afraid you\'ve been in Yanhuo purgatory for more than two days. As soon as you came out, you went to the western mountain boundary to find opportunities, tut tut......"

The middle-aged uncle seems to be smacking his tongue and lamenting Qin Ming\'s efforts.

Qin Ming didn\'t say anything. He really came to find a chance to find a baby.

"I\'m optimistic about you." the uncle is very familiar and has some greasy feeling. After saying that, he laughs and leaves in a python.

Look at the direction he goes. It\'s also Xishan.

"I\'ve always heard that there are many strange people among friars. Now it seems that this is true." Qin Ming thought to himself.