Bizzare Login Device

Chapter 401

A dark light was emitted from the interface and disappeared into Qin Ming\'s body.

Qin Ming was not surprised. He immediately restrained his mind and felt his own changes.

Da Dao sword body is not only a characteristic, but also an innate special constitution.

It can have a strong resonance with the sword, as if it was born for the sword.

In the later period, he was able to enter the Tao with a sword and create another strange road on the road of cultivation.

There are few people who can have this kind of sword body. This kind of talent and physique is too rare. Anyone who has this kind of sword body will be the strongest in the world in the future.

The moon Sabre grass has a similar constitution, which is one of the reasons why they can be so powerful in the eyes of the spirit monster, as if they were born so powerful.

After a moment, Qin ming could detect some changes in his body, but he didn\'t know exactly where the changes were.

He opened his eyes and looked at his open hands.

Slender and powerful, but at the moment he always feels a little strange.

Kneading his fist, his strength erupted from the phalanges, but he had a strange feeling.

After thinking about it, Qin Ming waved to condense the ice sword.

At the moment of holding the sword handle, it was like a blessing to the soul. After a few pricks, the ice sword turned into several residual shadows and flashed silently in the air.

It seems to be an understatement, but it contains some sword meaning.

Just these times, if other knowledgeable monks see Qin Ming, they will certainly treat Qin Ming as a master of swordsmanship.

"It\'s really different." Qin Ming said secretly.

A huge sword power gradually appeared around him. Although it was not as strong as the moon blade grass, it was also better than him before. I don\'t know how much.

And with each move of his ice sword, the sword posture will change, and the attached sword meaning will be more mellow and free.

After all, they are two completely different bodies. Even if he understands the mood of the sword and gets the characteristics of the sword body of the avenue, he can\'t come up to the point of perfection.

It needs a gradual process, but the solid foundation is already there. Qin Ming believes that this process will be quite rapid.

The aura around him was gradually influenced by his sword style, and was stirred by him and began to have a tendency to riot.

Seeing that the cabin was about to fall apart, Qin Ming stopped his ice sword.

He had a preliminary adaptation and understanding of the Da Dao sword.

This is a huge treasure. Now it has been buried in his own body. It depends on how he will dig it out in the future.

With a sword state of mind, I believe it is not too difficult.

In the twinkling of an eye, Qin Ming stayed in this Donggan city for another ten days.

This day.

He was sitting cross legged on the floor, facing the open window. The moonlight poured on him and put on a layer of silver.

His mouth was slightly open and he was breathing rhythmically.

He is practicing the method of breathing and receiving before.

At the moment, his muscles and bones were filled with surging aura, which achieved the effect of filling his whole body.

It was like his whole body was immersed in a hot spring, including every cell wrapped in full warmth.

Reincarnation was the first cultivation realm of monks in the middle ancient world.

Among them, this realm is subdivided into roughly three small realms, including the return of muscles, bones and flesh, the accumulation and cultivation of the five zang organs and six Fu organs, and the final blood sublimation.

Now, although his own strength has been comparable to the friars who have reached the third small state of reincarnation, and even the friars who have built the spirit body, he may be able to fight.

But he himself did not enter the ranks of monks, nor did he embark on the road of real Reiki cultivation.

So when he practiced, he also started from scratch.

Fortunately, perhaps because his physique is strong enough, he has made rapid progress in cultivation.

It was only ten days before he had reached the first small state of habitat transformation, completely replacing his muscles, bones and flesh, and integrating his aura into his body.

"Then there is the cultivation of the five zang organs." Qin Ming ended his breath and said to himself calmly.

He is not surprised that he will achieve a small goal today, because he can foresee it.

This is just the beginning.

And Reiki can be successfully incorporated into his body with the help of cultivation methods, which will also improve him to a certain extent. Of course, this improvement will not be too great at present.

The change will not be great until the Na spirit body is constructed.

"If the quality of this skill is higher, I\'m afraid it can progress faster." Qin Ming touched his chin and thought.

In addition, in the past ten days, in addition to the cultivation realm, he has also had a good excavation of the sword body of the obtained Avenue. Compared with taking a small step in the cultivation realm, the excavation of the sword body has greatly improved his combat power.

This is also the reason why he is confident that he can fight against the narratives.

Open the login interface.

At the moment, ten days later, only a little gold appeared in the gray white.

Compared with before the update, the cooling time of the login is obviously prolonged again.

In the past, it was about a month, and there was a little fluctuation before and after.

But now it will only take two months, or even longer, to restore momentum in this golden light.

However, Qin Ming has been immersed in the world of sword and cultivation these days. He only feels that time passes quickly, but he doesn\'t feel how much loss will be caused by prolonging the login for too long.

He estimated that the time of cultivation might increase greatly in the future, and he would have to shut up for ten days and a half months.

In this way, there is no harm in increasing the cooling time of the login.

After all, it\'s really unnecessary to look into the pot before swallowing the food in your mouth.


By the street.

Several wooden tables surrounded by four benches.

There are bowls, chopsticks and small dishes on the table.

There is also an old signboard flag with the word tea printed on it.

This is a humble little tea stall, where an old man with a bent body is slowly soaking tea.

From time to time, passers-by in the street greeted the old man, and the old man would nod his head with a smile.

Everyone in the street seems to know the old man.

In fact, the old man and his tea shop are quite famous in the outer city. Even many monks in the inner city will come to him for a drink.

Ask why.

The reason is that the old man is a retired monk.

As Shou yuan was very few, after breaking through the hopelessness, he seemed to be bearish. He stayed in a small place in Donggan city and set up a tea stall.

The reason why he is famous is that the tea made by the old man can not only refresh his mind, but also help his mood, which is the most strange.

You know, heart refining has always been a difficult problem, perplexing countless friars without resources and lack of Yuanjing.

There are many natural materials and earth treasures on the market that can help improve mood, but none of them are quite expensive.

The tea in this tea shop can help the state of mind. Even if it is small, it is enough to attract the attention of a large number of monks.

It is said that even the owner of Donggan city came to have a look. It can be seen how well-known this tea stall is in the city.