Bizzare Login Device

Chapter 32

From two pieces of Youming fish a day to three pieces a day later, Qin Ming only felt that his body was getting stronger and stronger, and there were obvious changes almost every day.

This change occurs more inside the body. In terms of appearance, the body has increased some muscles and looks a lot thicker.

Qin Ming is also tall. Originally, Qin Ming was not short. Now he looks taller and more symmetrical.

Some minor changes have taken place in the temperament of the whole person.

In fact, not only did Qin Ming discover his changes, but the students in his class also noticed his differences more or less.

Externally, Qin Ming\'s explanations are attributed to the fact that he is still in the stage of growing up, and it is normal to have changes.

That day, in the gymnasium of No. 1 middle school.

A heavy sandbag was lying quietly on the ground, with a hole in one side, and the black and yellow fine sand was scattered all over the ground.

Qin Ming stood beside the sandbag body with an innocent face. All the students in the class looked at him with a stunned face.

Today was supposed to keep his students in shape before the college entrance examination. Zhang Yu came to the school gymnasium with the students preparing to participate in the martial arts college test to exercise and take daily exercise courses.

Who knows, Qin Ming broke a sandbag directly with a whip leg.

Zhang Yu and other students in the class couldn\'t understand the explosive power.

Even if their current air sea value is higher, they are still in a closed state and have not practiced. They are still just ordinary people, including Ma Zhiwen.

Qin Minggang\'s kick is not something that an ordinary high school student can kick out.

"Qin Ming, how did you... Do it!" Zhang Yu held back for a long time before spitting out this sentence.

"Well, teacher, maybe the quality of this sandbag is not very good. Anyway, I can\'t kick a good sandbag," Qin Ming explained.

In fact, he was startled. He wanted to try how many kilograms he was now. Unexpectedly, the sandbag flew with one foot.

"Well, these sandbags have been used for several years, but the strength of your foot just now is really great. I should have exercised less recently." Zhang Yu also thinks there is a problem with the sandbag itself, but Qin Ming\'s foot is also powerful.

"After all, the college entrance examination is coming. You have to force yourself." Qin Mingshun went on with Zhang Yu.

But he felt that if he changed a perfect sandbag, he might still be able to kick.

After all, his netherworld fish are not for nothing.

"I said, your foot was so handsome just now, and it seemed that you jumped very high." Ma Zhiwen looked more carefully, walked to Qin Ming and said.

"Hehe, keep a low profile. I\'ve been hiding my skills for many years and don\'t want to be exposed at this time." Qin Ming said very affectably, with a low tone like a hermit.

"You can make complaints about it." Ma Zhiwen couldn\'t resist the tact of Tucao Qin Ming.

After a quarrel, Qin Ming consciously controlled his strength. He didn\'t want to kick the sandbag again. After all, he didn\'t have so much money to compensate the school.

Before school, go back to the classroom.

"Students, the day after tomorrow is the last college entrance examination. I know many students have worked very hard during this period, but in the end, we should keep our best state to meet the college entrance examination."

"The school will have a holiday tomorrow. Everyone will have a good rest. Come on the day after tomorrow." Zhang Yu looked at the students in the class below and continued to encourage them.

"Good teacher, don\'t worry!"

"God bless you, you must let me near the Department of literature of yamazawa college."

"I feel that the three thousand college entrance examination fees are floating..."

Students have different emotions towards the college entrance examination, including restless people and confident people.

Qin Ming has tested his two potential values, so he has a bottom in his heart. Now he doesn\'t panic.

At least he didn\'t have much to give up when he paid the fees of the martial arts academy a few days ago.

The day before he paid the fee, he told his parents.

After all, if you don\'t say it now, you can\'t hide it on the day of the college entrance examination.

Now that we are expected to enter the martial arts academy and have decided to take the exam, we must tell our family about such a big thing to make them mentally prepared.

At first, his parents didn\'t believe what Qin Ming said and thought he was joking.

But when he took out the test report issued by the hospital and showed it to his parents at the other end of the mobile phone, they had to believe it.

The child is expected to succeed in the martial arts academy. As a parent, he is naturally very excited, even happier than Qin Ming when he saw the test results.

Mother sobbed on the spot at the other end of the phone. Qin Ming\'s taste was also complicated.

That night, he talked with his family for a long time, talked about the recent situation, talked about the college entrance examination, and even some prospects for the future, and truthfully communicated with his parents.

After that, almost every night, his parents called, just to let Qin Ming not have pressure and accept it even if he didn\'t pass the exam in the end.

"Xiao Ming, the day after tomorrow will be the college entrance examination. My parents will come to see you tomorrow." Xia Ya\'s mother\'s voice came from her mobile phone.

"Mom, don\'t you and dad have to work? It doesn\'t matter here. Just wait for the news at home." Qin Ming said immediately when he didn\'t expect his parents to come.

"Of course I ask for leave from work. As parents, I must be present on such an important day. I\'ll cook you some delicious meals these two days." Xia Yadao was quite confident about his cooking.

When the mother has nothing to do, her biggest hobby is to study delicious food.

As a child, Qin Ming was the number one food taster. She was fed chubby. Xia Ya didn\'t restrain herself from feeding Qin Ming until her father couldn\'t see it. Otherwise, Qin Ming wouldn\'t be like this now.

But it is precisely because of my mother\'s hobby that Qin Ming has mastered some cooking skills since childhood. Only when she came to Shanze City alone can she be self-sufficient and not starve to death.


The next day, sure enough, my parents came with a suitcase.

Qin Ming\'s parents came to school many times, so he was familiar with the place he rented.

"My parents are staying with you these two days. You can adjust your state and leave all the trivial things in life to my mother." Xia Ya nodded with satisfaction after looking around the tidy little room.

"That\'s OK. The teacher said that you\'d better take a day off today. You can just go around the city. It\'s not good to work all year round." Qin Ming sat cross legged on the sofa, picked up the game handle and began a new adventure of brave people fighting dragons.

After eating the last three pieces of Youming fish in the evening, Qin Ming went to sleep.

The parents slept on a spare bed in the room, which was specially used when the parents came to visit him in the city.