Bizzare Login Device

Chapter 284

Three days later, Qin Ming finally walked out of the shady land. Along the way, he also hunted and killed many spirits and monsters of the same level, swallowed internal alchemy and accumulated the aura and essence needed for advanced level.

There are few spirits above class 6, but they are not without them. Fortunately, Qin Ming is more proficient in the use and perception of spiritual power than other spirits. He can often avoid it in time, but he has not encountered any danger.

In the last time I was attached to a colorful beast, I didn\'t learn anything else well, so my ability and experience to avoid danger were greatly improved.

After walking out of the shady land, there is still a jungle ahead, but there is no large banana leaves to block out the sun. The sun has been sprinkled on the body for a long time, full of warmth.

The yellow and white tiger skin is not very conspicuous in this colorful jungle, but his nearly four meter long body is really scary. The domineering spirit on his body scared the little Goblins who were just playing in the jungle.

Several white rabbits with only one class could not help trembling after Qin Ming approached. Their ears were drooping. They even dared not get up and run away. Their red eyes were full of fear.

Qin Ming walked with the ground trembling slightly. He stepped over the crouching white rabbits and continued to walk forward.

The rabbits who escaped the disaster were relieved after Qin Ming left, and then spread their legs and fled quickly.

A glow in the sky flashed away and was inconspicuous in the clear sky.

Half a day later, beside a large lake, Qin Ming was wet and dragged a big fish of grade 5 to the shore.

This is his food today. A few days ago, he had been eating animals on the ground. This time, he had a rare chance to taste class 5 seafood.

The big fish is long and narrow, more than three meters long. It is almost as long as Qin Ming.

Just while he was drinking water by the lake, the other party took the initiative to attack him. Fortunately, his vigilance was very high, he was not attacked by the other party, and he also completed the anti killing.

Peel off all the solid scales on the surface of the big fish with claws, break several holes in the meat, and then bake it on the fire.

After a long time, the delicious smell of the meat dissipated.

However, Qin Ming is not satisfied with this. If there is a big pot, he is actually more like cooking a big pot of fish soup full of aura. Unfortunately, the conditions are not allowed. Baking is also the most convenient way for him at present.

The claw tore off a large piece of steaming white tender fish and sent it to the entrance. The cooked fish melted immediately, and there was a faint sweetness.

While he was eating happily, a dark shadow suddenly fell from the horizon.

Long neck, snow-white down, with a trace of immortal dust on his body, just like flying down from the sky.

This is a white crane. It doesn\'t seem to be afraid of Qin Ming. It lightly falls aside and stares at the big fish still lying on the grill.

"Eh?" Qin Ming only felt that the white crane looked familiar, "this breath..."

Name: None

Jingguai: xuanxiao crane

Combat effectiveness score: Level 6 medium grade

Growth potential: unknown

"It\'s really the crane!" Qin Ming couldn\'t help thinking after exploring the other party\'s property panel.

This also dates back to the time when he was attached to the wind speed dog. It was the Beiming fish that the white crane took him to eat.

I didn\'t expect that after such a long time, they could meet again in this jungle.

Compared with the original, the xuanxiao crane has not changed much in appearance, but it seems to have become more powerful in breath. Obviously, it has not been upgraded for a long time.

When Qin Ming was a wind speed dog, he couldn\'t find out each other\'s rank. Now he can.

This is a sixth level monster. It\'s very strong.

This time it was probably the smell of fish that attracted the passing xuanxiao crane, which was almost the same as the opportunity we met last time.

"Woo ~ ~" Qin Ming shouted, pointed to the big fish and motioned it to eat.

He knew that the other party was only interested in the strange flesh and blood of fish, so he didn\'t worry about himself. Anyway, he couldn\'t eat the big fish alone.

But he didn\'t know whether the other party recognized him or not. At the beginning, cangjue, a Nine Tailed Fox, recognized that his noumenon was changing at a glance.

Qin Ming made an invitation, which surprised xuanxiao crane.

"Aren\'t you afraid of me?" xuanxiao crane spits out words, which is actually a voice line of some old people.

Qin Ming shook his head and pointed to the big fish again.

"Strange." xuanxiao crane seems to be talking to himself.

Ordinary five class monsters, no matter how strong they are, are extremely afraid when they see them. Most of them turn around and run away. They will not force them more.

Qin Ming\'s reaction is a little different, and he can cook cooked food. This is the second monster he can only cook cooked food.

However, he was not polite. He came forward and began to peck the fish. He was very happy.

Before long, the whole big fish was eaten up, leaving only the middle skeleton still intact.

"You jade tiger is very spiritual. How about you? Are you interested in following me for a while?" xuanxiao crane drank two salivas and then suddenly said to Qin Ming.

It can be seen that he appreciates Qin Ming and wants to take him away.

If you follow the xuanxiao crane, which looks very extraordinary, it will be of great benefit to him.

Let\'s not talk about safety. On weekdays, he may be able to rub some six class monsters\' flesh and blood, which greatly increases the accumulation speed of his breakthrough.

Qin Ming doesn\'t care whether xuanxiao crane understands it or not. He opens his mouth to show his meaning.

A moment later, xuanxiao crane looked at Qin Ming, "you mean you want to find the whereabouts of bear Tiens?"

Qin Ming nodded.

"I know the whereabouts of a bear Tiens, but it needs to be transmitted by the altar. Normally, I can\'t get there." xuanxiao crane said slowly.

Qin Ming said so. Unexpectedly, the other party really gave a clue and hurriedly continued to ask.

After all, he just ate a big fish baked by Qin Ming, so xuanxiao crane was very patient in the face of Qin Ming\'s questioning.

"There is a transmission altar in this land boundary, which can directionally transmit the genie to a distant place. Since you know the bear Tiens, maybe the other party went there through this transmission altar, but I saw it seven days ago. Now I don\'t know if it is still there."

Qin Ming immediately asked about the location of the transmission altar. Xuanxiao crane didn\'t hide it and told him directly.

If all the information it said is true, it undoubtedly provides him with a very important clue and gives him a target.

Then he asked about the altar and the bear Tiens.

Bear Tiens was originally a monster of class 5, but the one met by xuanxiao crane has broken through to class 6.