Bizzare Login Device

Chapter 28

After observing for a long time, the bone carving beast was still motionless and had no intention to leave the spirit.

This makes Qin Ming become a little anxious. After looking at the panel, there is less than three hours of login time left, and there is not much time left for him.

If you rush out at this time, you will probably commit suicide.

Even if he ate the nether fish and his strength has been greatly improved, he still belongs to the first-class monster, which is not as bad as the second-class bone carving beast.

I wanted to wait and see. Maybe the bone carving beast would leave for a while because of hunting or other reasons, but now it seems unlikely.

Maybe the bone carving beast won\'t leave until the spirit is fully mature.

"There\'s no way." Qin Ming sighed in his heart. His body slowly retracted and moved quickly towards the other side.

An hour later, the bone carving beast who was resting suddenly raised his head, and a pair of cloudy animal pupils looked to the right.

There, a group of double tailed leopards are running after a dog.

Looking back, I controlled the distance between myself and the double tailed leopard, and was deliberately pulled closer bit by bit, as if I was about to be caught up.

When the distance between the two was less than 20 meters, the two tailed leopard chasing in front was even more excited and roared.

That dog is naturally Qin Ming. In the last hour, he went to look for other monsters and tried to seduce them here.

The purpose is to create chaos, distract the bone carving beast\'s attention and give him a chance to rob the spirit.

Unexpectedly, he happened to meet the group of double tailed leopards who had fought before.

Naturally, there was nothing to say when the two sides met. They didn\'t need Qin ming to provoke and show off. Seeing that Qin Ming was the only wind dog, the double tailed leopards immediately cooperated with each other and quickly caught up.

Through several bushes at a high speed, I saw the bone carving beast who had stood up and was angry.

After those two tailed leopards crossed the bushes, they also saw the bone carving beast. They looked frightened and wanted to stop.

However, the spirit is about to mature. At this juncture, the bone carving beast appears quite sensitive and directly launched an attack on Qin Ming, and the ground vibrates with its steps.

Qin Ming didn\'t mean to stop. Seeing the bone carving beast rushing, he immediately turned around and jumped into the bushes on one side again. There was no trace.

The hatred of the bone carving beast was immediately pulled away by the double tailed leopards who were still jumping out.

The group of double tailed leopards didn\'t expect to meet such a powerful and grumpy monster after Qin Ming.

It has to be said that the second-order top-grade combat power of the bone carving beast is really very powerful. After rushing into the double tailed Leopard Group, it easily killed several double tailed leopards with every move, which is quite fierce.

More double tailed leopards were directly hit by it, like a locomotive.

The frightened double tailed leopard had no intention of fighting in the face of the bone carving beast and chose to flee one after another.

Qin Ming knows that there is only one chance. When those double tailed leopards escape, the bone carving beast will return to the spirit and will not chase far.

Observe for a moment. At the moment when the bone carving beast\'s back was facing him, he rushed out of the dark, exerted his strength on his limbs, launched the limit sprint, and rushed straight to the Spirit creature.


A roar suddenly came, and Qin Ming\'s ears were buzzing.

In the end, he underestimated the protection of the bone carving beast for the spirit object.

At the moment he rushed out, the bone carving beast keenly caught his figure.

It seems that I didn\'t expect a first-order monster to dare to rob the spirit with it.

The atmosphere of tyranny overflowed. He directly abandoned the double tailed leopards and turned around and rushed to Qin Ming.

Although Qin Ming\'s speed is fast, however, he is a second-order top-grade monster, and his speed is faster.


Open your eyes again, the familiar ceiling, the soft touch of the mattress under your body, and the pillow on your head.

There was no more monstrous roar in the quiet room.

Got up, went to the bathroom, washed his face and looked at himself in the mirror.

Come back......

Yes, he went back to his student apartment.

Outside the window, it was dark.

Time has only passed for about ten minutes.

Calmed the surging mood and recalled the scene of the last moment in my mind.

He finally failed, and was chased by the bone carving beast less than 30 meters away from the spirit.

No suspense, died under its huge palm.

It\'s still a pity, but Qin Ming has long been psychologically prepared. He knows that the possibility of robbing the spirit is not high, so it\'s not unacceptable.

Sit back on the bed and open the login interface.

That line of words "Jingguai login" has turned gray again. If you want to enter again next time, you have to wait until these words return to gold.

Look at your reward score this time.

[reward liquidation: the basic score is grade F.]

[task 1: kill five monsters with combat power above level 1, 55, completed.]

[reduce the reward score to F +.]

[task 2: find a dog group, completed.]

[increase the reward score to e-level.]

[task 3: complete an evolutionary transformation, not completed.]

[reduce the reward score to F +.]

[kill the nether fish by leaping over the ranks, and increase the reward score to e-level.]

[gain the respect of a wind speed dog group and increase the reward score to level E.]

[the final reward score is level E!]

[obtain reward 1: 5% of life essence of possessed spirit monster.]

[obtain reward 2: two black iron chests.]

[claim or not!]


Qin Ming, who had the previous experience, first received the reward.

Five percent of the life essence of the possessed spirit monster, that is, five percent of the life essence of the dog he possessed.

Two percent more than last time.

Qin Ming guessed that the proportion of this life essence should be related to the final score he got.

In the last novice tutorial, he got the final reward score of grade F.

And the proportion of life essence of monsters obtained that time was 2%.

This time, his final reward score was e, and he got 5%.

In other words, with the rise of the rating, the proportion of life essence he can get will also increase.

Level E is 5%, then E + is likely to be 6%, e - is 4%, so it\'s right that level F is 2%.

After receiving it, the 5% life essence is injected into Qin Ming.

This time, he can obviously feel his own change.

First of all, he was a little tired, as if he had taken on a new look. His spirit was shocked and his mind was cool.

The body feels comfortable from the inside out, and even breathing becomes much more gentle.

"Is this the change brought about by the essence of life?" Qin Ming whispered to himself as he silently felt his physical improvement.

In fact, all the changes he can feel are only superficial.

He hasn\'t stepped into the road of cultivation and can\'t feel the real change brought by the essence of life.

Gradually vigorous vitality, gradually pure Qi and blood, five senses and six senses become transparent, and so on.

The most important life essence of the spirit monster can improve all aspects, but now the life essence of the spirit monster attached to Qin Ming is limited by the level, and the effect is not obvious.