Bizzare Login Device

Chapter 248

"Yes, I see!" the army responded with a low cry.

"Lao Gu, who is he? He looks very powerful." wood asked when he heard the news after getting on the ship.

"The code named Zhan Hu is the most powerful person in the military region. His strength is really strong. I had a hand with him before I was hurt." Gu Qing glanced at the middle-aged officer and replied.

"Oh?" Mr. Mu knows Gu Qing\'s strength. At his peak, he rarely met opponents in China. Not many people can be praised by him.

Qin Ming listened and guessed that most of the other party had entered the sixth realm of cultivation. Gu Qing was one of the small group of top strong people who really stood at the top of the world.

The transport spacecraft flew in the air at super high speed for a day and a night and crossed dozens of countries before reaching its destination.

Looking down at the city below through the glass window of the spacecraft, Qin Ming can clearly see that most of the cities in the territory have become desolate dead cities.

After the former Qinglan state was overthrown by the ancient barbarians, the people naturally fled their original residence in panic and scattered to the surrounding countries.

Now only the ancient barbarians live here, and others dare not stay in this place of right and wrong.

The number of ancient barbarians is about 100000, and they are basically gathered in one place. Therefore, most of the urban settlements here are directly abandoned after being emptied of resources.

It can also be seen that the purpose of the ancient barbarians is not to really want to rule a country, otherwise they will not have no meaning of reconstruction after occupying here.

They seem to pay more attention to a large mountain range in Qinglan country. After collecting enough living resources, they all moved into the continuous mountain area.

"It\'s coming," Gu Qing said.

Qin Ming looked into the distance, and tall mountains had emerged in front of him, entrenched on the earth like crouching dragons.

The spaceship docked in an abandoned old city below, and everyone got off the spaceship.

The surrounding buildings were already silent, the streets were very messy, and the smell of gunsmoke that had not dispersed before was still in the air.

Take down several prepared military vehicles from the spacecraft, leave a few people here, and the rest will take the military vehicles to the mountain area not far away.

This mountain area was once a famous original place of Qinglan in China. Except that a small part of the outer ring of the continuous mountains has been developed into tourist attractions, the rest is in an undeveloped state.

Until now, after being occupied by the ancient barbarians, the focus of countries all over the world has gathered here, and countless exploration teams are wandering around the mountains, which is no longer as inaccessible as they were at the beginning.

The terrain gradually became rugged. Qin Ming and others felt quite bumpy in the car.

After driving for more than an hour, the vehicle bypassed several mountains and finally reached the area where the Ancient Man nationality was located.

In a lane between the two mountains, several ancient barbarians dressed in black gold armor and armed with spears were standing there. When they saw their convoy coming, they stopped it.

"We are the team of the Ming Xia state to participate in the competition." the director indicated his identity and intention.

"Please." one of the ancient barbarian people glanced at the people in the car and put down his spear.

Qin Ming sat in the car and his eyes fell on the ancient barbarians outside. This was the first time he had seen this ethnic group so close.

You can feel the majestic power contained in the other party\'s tall body, especially the Qi and blood. Under the perception, the degree of strength is like several hot fireballs, which seems to be no less than Qin Ming.

"It\'s said that the ancient barbarians are strong, and I don\'t know how strong these people are?" Le Tong sat next to Qin Ming and muttered in a low voice.

Although he doesn\'t pay much attention to major international events, the news about the ancient barbarians has long been overwhelming. He just doesn\'t want to know.

"Can easily destroy the strength of the country with the strength of one family, don\'t you think?" Qin Ming also whispered back.

"It\'s really unlucky for Qinglan country to be chosen by the ancient barbarians. If a good country says no, it\'s No." Lotto sighed.

As soon as his voice fell, he was patted on the head by the wooden old man, "shut up!"

The happy boy stopped talking.

After all, this is the territory of the ancient barbarians. If you accidentally annoy others because of some words and deeds, the price is not what they can afford.

After the release of these ancient barbarians, the vehicle continued to drive forward.

Looking at the surrounding mountain environment, Qin Ming only felt that the deeper he went, the stronger the original flavor was.

Beside the mountain road, a large number of trees and vegetation grow, green and green. From time to time, we can see many different kinds of wild animals poking their heads in the mountains.

After about half an hour\'s drive, a vast white mountain appeared in front of us.

The mountain is very large and is located independently in the center of several peaks.

It is roughly estimated that the altitude is at least seven kilometers above sea level, and a thick layer of cloud has accumulated on the hillside to block the line of sight.

"The air here is very clean," wood old opened the window, took a breath and said.

"Yes, indeed." Gu Qing nodded. The pure air was a little out of tune with the outside air, "but since it can be selected by the ancient barbarians to settle here, it\'s strange that there is nothing special."

According to intelligence, this vast white mountain is their final destination and the location of many ancient barbarians.

When the vehicle reached the foot of the mountain, the people got off the vehicle.

At this time, five figures in the distance slowly approached them.

"You\'ve finally come. Teams from many countries have gone up the mountain." Yang Ji approached the back sidewalk.

Qin Ming saw that the five people coming here were the Qinghong team who had stopped the mountain turtle. Unexpectedly, they would also appear here.

"Well, it doesn\'t matter. It doesn\'t matter whether you arrive first or later." the director nodded and replied.

"Are these people taking part in the competition?" Sun Mingli put his waist in and glanced at the young soldiers in the army who followed him. Then he said, "it doesn\'t look very good. It\'s much worse than me."

What he said was casual, but it was enough to ignite the emotions of those high spirited geniuses. Many of the 18 people clenched their fists and stared at Sun Mingli. If there were no officers present, I was afraid they would have jumped up long ago.

"You boy, I\'d like you to play, but the problem is who\'s to blame if you\'re too old to participate." the director glanced at him and replied faintly.

The first team of Qinghong is the trump card in his hands and the strongest special team in the country. There is no doubt about their strength. If these five people can participate in the competition, he doesn\'t even have to go to Gu Qing for help.

Sun Mingli scratched his chicken nest like head without saying anything.

His character is so that he can say what he thinks, almost just his brain.