Bizzare Login Device

Chapter 246

A satisfied look also appeared in the eyes of the director on one side. Ye Wen\'s strength was the same as that shown in the intelligence data.

"Next..." he turned his eyes to Qin Ming.

He knew that Qin Ming\'s weapon spirit was also extraordinary, and he had the ability to summon powerful beasts.

"Be willing to bow to the downwind." Xue Shi is not a man of fooling around. After recognizing Ye Wen\'s strength, he also admitted that the other party is better than himself, and retreated to one side and said nothing.

"Is there anything else to compare?" Ye Wen asked others around.

But under the gaze of the big cat, Leng is that no one is confident that she can beat Ye Wen, who is a few years younger than them.

Seeing this, ye Wen accepted the big cat and returned to Gu Qing, "it\'s you."

Qin Ming shrugged and got up and went to the field.

This time, ye Wen watched the excitement on the side. She didn\'t worry about Qin Ming at all.

They often train together. They probably know how strong Qin Ming is now. If they have to use a word to describe it, how abnormal is it?

Obviously, she is not as good as her in the realm of cultivation, but it always gives her an unfathomable feeling.

"Well, is there anyone?" Qin Ming stood still and looked at the young soldiers nearby.

"I" seemed to be immersed in the battle that ye Wen had just fought. After waiting for a moment, someone came out.

"Feng Feihong, early stage of marrow washing!"

"Qin Ming, well, accept the middle of the spirit realm!" Qin Ming paused when he reported his accomplishments. Finally, he felt that he was a tool spirit scholar after all, so he reported the accomplishment realm of the relevant system, and the higher martial arts accomplishments were omitted.

"Accept the spirit realm?" the little brother named Feng Feihong was stunned and couldn\'t help repeating it again. It seemed that Qin Ming had only one cultivation of accepting the spirit realm.

"Liar, how can those who accept the spirit realm be selected?" the young soldiers nearby also quit.

The worst of them also reached the marrow washing state, that is, the fifth state of cultivation. The spirit receiving state is only the fourth state of cultivation of the instrument spirit system, which is a whole grade worse. It can be said that they are not the same level of cultivators.

However, such people occupy a place and compare them. How can they bear it.

Had it not been for the presence of the director and others, it is estimated that they would have questioned loudly.

Everyone looked at Qin Ming and seemed to want to see the real strength of this young man.

The director glanced at Gu qingduding and said nothing.

Anyway, it\'s a mule or a horse. It\'s going to be known soon.

Feng Feihong will not take Qin Ming lightly whether he accepts the spirit realm or not.

He belongs to the same level of cultivator as Xue Shi before, but he is slightly better in terms of strength.

He won six of the eight battles against Xue Shi in the previous military contests.

Although he was not confident that he could defeat Ye Wen, he said otherwise to Shang Qinming.

"Are you ready?" he seemed to be ready to take the initiative at any time.

"Oh, come on." Qin Ming nodded.


Feng Feihong disappeared in place as soon as his voice fell in Qinming.

Just a blink of an eye, he appeared in front of Qin Ming, drank violently, and hit Qin Ming with a heavy fist.

He is tall and strong. Few people in the army can resist his iron fist.

He tried to make a quick decision to solve the battle, so he came up without leaving his hand.

"This boy is finished!" someone nearby couldn\'t help saying. Many of them have eaten Feng Feihong\'s iron fist. Naturally, they know how powerful this fist is.

If Qin Ming really had only the cultivation of Na Lingjing, the battle could be declared over in advance.

Qin Ming looked at the fierce fist and looked very calm.

He took root at his feet and hit his opponent with the same punch.

A man is hard on the front.

With a huge momentum, Feng Feihong felt bad first after the collision between fists.

He was shocked by the great strength from his opponent\'s fist. The whole arm was numb, and then the whole man flew out.

What about the agreed spirit realm? What about the agreed instrument spirit?

Feng Feihong, who is still spinning in the air, is completely ignorant. How can an instrument spirit man blow him away?

The other party can do it and prove that the other party\'s strength is far above him.

I don\'t know whether the weapon spirit or not, but I\'m afraid that only those who cultivate higher martial arts can do it.

"Are you a tool spirit or a warrior?" Feng Feihong asked in a bad tone, covering his arm.

He suspected that Qin Ming was talking nonsense before. This guy is a powerful warrior.

"Well, I\'m really a tool spirit man, but I\'m in good health." Qin Ming didn\'t want to be misunderstood, so he summoned his release spirit flag to prove his identity.

This also made those dissatisfied people shut up. He was indeed an instrument spirit man, and it seemed that his cultivation was really in the spirit realm and didn\'t lie.

It\'s just that the body strength of this spirit warrior is higher than that of their group of warriors

Why is there such a pervert in this world?

When a group of people looked at Qin Ming again, they were surprised, including the 18 young soldiers selected.

Although their strength is stronger, Qin Ming\'s unparalleled momentum makes them really have no confidence to win.

They finally understood why the director had decided on these two people. The strength of each other was in front of them, so they had to be convinced.

The director is very satisfied with the physical strength shown by Qin Ming, that is, he doesn\'t use the tool spirit summoning ability mentioned in the data, and he doesn\'t know how.

But in any case, with Qin Ming on the list, he felt that he had a lot in mind.

"Is there anything else?" Qin Ming tried to ask when he saw that Feng Feihong had left.

No one answered. After witnessing the strength of Qin Ming and ye Wen, more than 30 people who were not selected gave up the idea of competing for places.

"Then the list of these twenty people has been set. Get ready and go the day after tomorrow." the director turned to Luli and ordered.

Lulie nodded. I really need to make good preparations this time. After all, the place to go is the territory of the ancient barbarians.

Gu Qing and the three of them stayed directly in the imperial capital and didn\'t go back.

After all, I\'m leaving in two days, and there\'s no need to go back and forth in a special place.

In these two days, the director of the bureau also specially prepared a set of the most cutting-edge combat clothes for 20 of them. Because they are made of precious synthetic materials that are not easy to destroy, the cost is also quite expensive.

Generally, it is only provided to a very few special operations teams of the Security Bureau, which can\'t be bought on the market.

Qin Ming estimated that such a combat suit could even be auctioned, with a value of at least one million credit points.

It is enough to see how much the state attaches importance to the 20 people they have chosen.