Billionaire's 100 Wife-pursuing Ways

Chapter 226

Seeing Qi Yunzhe\'s anger burning slowly, Xia Chun\'s heart sank. Even if she was bolder than before, she would still be afraid that Qi Yunzhe would suddenly lose her temper.

He walked in her direction with a cold suit, "Xia Chun, I don\'t like your concealment."

His voice was overbearing and possessive. As soon as he got off work, he hurried back to see if she liked the apartment.

As a result, he panicked at her as soon as he entered the house. He still thought it interesting, but Xia Chun\'s concealment annoyed him.

Xia Chun\'s eyes scan involuntarily and wants to think of a way to alleviate Qi Yunzhe; The opposite side of the anger, but she failed.

The brain still wants to crash. Under his majesty, it can\'t work.

"... I didn\'t, just... I\'m afraid you\'re unhappy."

"I\'ll be unhappy if you look like this," he said and came close. His body had pressed up and pressed Xia Chun on the bed.

Xia Chun couldn\'t help taking a breath. His two arms clubbed on her head and his knees pressed between her legs.

He attacked aggressively, his eyes were burning, and he stared at Xia Chun blushing. He felt the dryness and heat on him. The deer in Xia Chun\'s heart was alive and kicking.

For more than a month, they can\'t get along day and night, but as long as he is free, he will accompany her.

Qi Yunzhe likes to sleep with Xia Chun. At the beginning, Xia Chun will push off and get used to it slowly.

Qi Yunzhe especially likes to tease her and take advantage of her. Think about two people sharing a bed with their body close to their body. Qi Yunzhe can\'t control it several times.

If he hadn\'t been in the hospital and Xia Chun\'s body didn\'t allow him, he would have wanted her long ago.

At the moment, there were only two of them in the house. The sunset was dim. His face was divided into light and dark colors. The anger at the bottom of his eyes was gradually turning into a color of love.

Xia Chun realized that it was bad and tried to escape with her hands. However, as soon as she moved up, Qi Yunzhe would immediately follow up.

"... what do you want to do..." what?

As soon as she was halfway through her speech, Qi Yunzhe interrupted her. His fingertips rubbed her scarlet lips. In a dark voice, "I want to do it."

Rubbing, it was like a flame burning from Xia Chun\'s heart, burning her all over, and her face was like the red glow in the sky.

He deliberately misinterpreted her meaning. It\'s not a thing twice. Xia Chun can\'t help remembering. Did Qi Yunzhe have such hooligans before?

Seeing that her expression was not concentrated, Qi Yunzhe was even more angry. A fire under his body wanted to burn Xia Chun up.

This girl, lying under him, can even run away.

Looking down, the collar of her clothes is a little big, revealing a piece of pink skin under her neck and... Infinite spring.

His little brother expanded rapidly. Qi Yunzhe\'s Adam\'s Apple moved and tried his best to suppress his surging.

This little girl always provokes his desire easily.

Xia Chun looked at the green veins burst out from his forehead, and her dark eyes twinkled. She knew that Qi Yunzhe was restraining.

During this time, they almost wiped their guns and got angry several times, but Qi Yunzhe would let her go at the last minute. At most, they would eat some tofu and have a good time.

However, he had never endured such pain before, and even his face changed.

Xia Chun felt a little distressed when she saw him like this, but that\'s all. If Qi Yunzhe came true, she would refuse.

First, her body can\'t stand the toss, and second, she can\'t pass the pass in her heart.

But Qi Yunzhe suddenly held her lips and ravaged her fiercely, seizing her sweetness. Xia Chun\'s eyes stared at the boss and pushed him away with his hands.

But her meager strength couldn\'t have any impact on him. His excessive demand made Xia Chun\'s lips numb.

In front of her, she was covered with a layer of water mist. Xia Chun didn\'t know what stabbed her and made her cry involuntarily.

Tears ran down their cheeks into their lips and teeth, and the saltiness spread in their mouth.

Qi Yunzhe suddenly withdrew from his body. Her tears calmed him down and hurt his heart. Qi Yunzhe wanted to pull her shoulder and tell her loudly that we were husband and wife.

But he won\'t do that for fear of hurting Xia Chun deeper.

"... don\'t cry, I won\'t be like this in the future." Qi Yunzhe wiped the moisture from the corners of her eyes.

But she grabbed her abrupt hand and clasped her fingers together, "I\'m sorry, but I... Really don\'t want to."

Qi Yunzhe felt a pain in his heart. This silly girl still wanted to apologize to herself. Even if she didn\'t say it, he understood.

Moreover, her body doesn\'t allow her to be presumptuous. Even if she doesn\'t say it, Qi Yunzhe doesn\'t intend to go any further. He just doesn\'t restrain himself for a moment.

He withdrew from her body and untied his tie with one hand. "I\'ll take a bath and cook something for me."

It\'s impossible to vent on Xia Chun. Qi Yunzhe decides to take a cold bath with a hot body.

When he entered the door, he caught a glimpse of the dishes and chopsticks she had eaten. He missed her cooking for a long time.

"What would you like to eat?"

"Whatever." God knows, he is not in the mood to eat.

Qi Yunzhe took off his shirt and threw it into the dirty clothes basket. His back is a perfect inverted triangle. He is tall and strong. He is not an obvious muscle block, but he is very linear.

A man who is worthy of the name is thin when dressed and meat when undressed.

Xia Chun subconsciously doesn\'t open his eyes. Qi Yunzhe walks into the bathroom. A moment later, there is a sound of water flowing inside.

He always takes a quick bath. Xia Chun hesitates in the kitchen and decides how to finish what Qi Yunzhe wants.

It takes too much time to cook other meals. I\'m afraid he can\'t wait. Finally, Xia Chun decides to cook him a bowl of ramen.

Of course, I didn\'t make the plain spring noodles I ate.

Xia Chun sees shrimp in the refrigerator and decides to cook seafood noodles for him. However, there are not many seasonings at home. Xia Chun is worried that the cooked taste will not be delicious.

She glanced around and finally fixed her eyes on a blue bag. It was... A master\'s seafood instant noodles.

"If you only use the seasoning bag, you won\'t be found." Xia Chun whispered.

With Qi Yunzhe\'s picky character, it is estimated that he will not eat junk food such as instant noodles. However, if he is allowed to eat it once in a while, he should not be able to eat it.

Moreover, she just uses the seasoning bag, which won\'t let him see.

She thinks that the instant noodles of a master brand still taste very good.

Xia Chun makes up her mind and secretly glances at the direction of the bathroom. The sound of the water doesn\'t stop. Qi Yunzhe won\'t come out for a moment and a half.

So she opened the instant noodles neatly, felt a trace of guilt, and took out the seasoning bag.