Billionaire Defiant Wife

Chapter 449 - 449: Is This Your Plan?

So it's natural for Avery to let Rebecca come in and help her.

Rebecca also finally dispelled the doubt why Avery would let her in.

"I'll do it." Rebecca let the clerk back away and was ready to personally help Avery, while Avery's hands stuck in the dress to keep the dress from sliding down.

When Rebecca lifted her feet forward, a clerk standing on the side of Avery suddenly held a sharp knife in her hand and was about to stab Avery in the face.

The clerk was so fierce that she wanted to cut Avery's face open.

Another young clerk suddenly turned pale and was unable to react and to stop it. She was frightened, stood where she was, and screamed sharply from her throat.

The scream spread to the hall, and Evan changed his look almost on the spot. He got up from the sofa and immediately ran towards the dressing room!

Robert and the bodyguards behind him also reacted, but they were still slower than Evan, and they followed Evan.

The store manager was stunned. The screams were sad and sharp, almost piercing his eardrum.

By the time he came to his senses, he had been pushed away by a large group of bodyguards and almost fell to the ground.

Fortunately, several clerks scrambled to hold him, and everyone's face was also covered with panic.

After the young clerk screamed, she was scared and fainted before she could see the next picture.

Avery turned her back to the clerk with a knife, and she seemed to be ready for it. She did not wait for the knife to fall and stepped away to run out of the dressing room.

The clerk did not stab her at once and wanted to continue to stab her for a second time.

Rebecca had retreated to the position near the door at this time, just in case that Avery would escape, so she quietly blocked the door.

Unexpectedly Avery suddenly took her by the hand and pulled her away hard.

Rebecca did not react at all, and she pulled away to the clerk with the knife.

Rebecca suddenly opened her eyes and looked at the knife that should have been pierced to Avery cutting herself.

Suddenly, the cold, sharp blade cut her skin. Her smooth and delicate face had a long blood mark.

The stabbing pain came in an instant. Rebecca covered the wound with her hand, and the palm of her hand was filled with blood.

She had coagulation weakness, and it's difficult to heal once the wound has been cut.

Looking at the constant drops of blood, Rebecca was horrified to the extreme, staring unbelievably at the red blood on the palm of her hand.

It's her blood!

Its blood is dripping from her face!

No! How did this happen! The knife should not have cut in her face but in the face of Avery!

That cut was deep and long. Her face must have been disfigured.

There was a large mirror on the wall of the dressing room, which was clear and bright.

Rebecca turned her head and saw the mirror.

At the same time, she also saw her face covered with blood.

The clerk cut her face so hard with the knife that it directly turned out all the flesh on her face.

It's startling and horrible.

Suddenly, at the moment when Rebecca saw her disfigured face, Rebecca stopped screaming.

A pair of eyes glared so hard that they seemed to fall out.

Such a long wound would definitely leave ugly scars when it's healed.

At this moment, she heard the clerk with the knife suddenly shout, "Miss Peters."

Rebecca was surprised, and blood poured out of her fingers. She shook her head and pointed to the clerk. The clerk pulled up the zipper for Avery, and then whispered to her, "Mr. Clifford is nearby."

Hearing this, Rebecca's pupils shrank sharply, and she couldn't believe it. All this was a trap set by Avery and Andrew.

The clerk who had taken Rebecca's money betrayed her in turn.

"Avery, how dare you do this to me! I'm going to kill you." Rebecca rushed madly, regardless of the wound on her face, to pinch Avery, but she was stopped by the clerk and pressed to the ground.

Avery picked up the bloody knife and pressed it against Rebecca's neck, "Remember what I said? If someone hurts me, I'll take revenge on it. I'm not a coward."

Rebecca trembled with fear, and she probably did not expect Avery to do so.

But compared with what she did to Avery, it was nothing.

Avery asked the clerk to let Rebecca go and gave the knife back to the clerk.

Rebecca got up from the ground with blood on her face. She was unwilling to lose to Avery, and she was not willing to be counter designed by her, so she jumped at Avery again.

The curtain was slammed open, and Evan broke in from the outside with a gun. The first thing he saw was startling blood. His first reaction was to look at Avery. Apart from some blood marks on the white yarn, there was no obvious wound on Avery's body.

But when he looked at Rebecca, there was blood on her face and clothes.

So it was Rebecca who was injured this time?

Evan was obviously relieved, and he heard Rebecca cry, "Evan, Avery is going to kill me."

Avery looked up and saw that there were all bodyguards, standing in two rows and waiting for the orders of their boss. Some of these bodyguards were Evan's, while some were Rebecca's. But if the two sides fought, the chances of winning for Evan's bodyguard would be much bigger unless Evan stood on Rebecca's side.

Jessica also looked at Avery not far away and did not mean to come in. At the same time, she exchanged a look with Avery and then walked in the direction of the elevator.

As all the bodyguards came in, and even if there were a small number of guards outside, no one would stop Jessica if she went out like this. After all, in this world, no one would catch her except James. But James did not send anyone to follow her because she had to follow Rebecca out today.

So there was Avery to help her escape, and Andrew waiting for her outside. If she ran away this time, she did not want to go back.

At this time, Avery withdrew her eyes from Jessica and looked at Evan, who was holding a gun to the clerk with the knife. The clerk, without any fear, suddenly raised the knife and stabbed it into her body.

Rebecca covered her injured face, screamed, and finally fainted to the ground.

Evan put away his gun and said to his bodyguard, "The princess was stabbed, and the murderer committed suicide. Take the princess to the hospital."

The bodyguard just reacted, scrambling to pick up Rebecca, whose long wedding dress was stained with blood.

Evan strode up to Avery and said, "Is this your plan?"