Billionaire Defiant Wife

Chapter 420 - 420: I’ll Be Here

As an adoptive son, James must become stronger, more ruthless, and no longer have any emotions in order to have a place in Country B.

So he heard that Cambola City had a kind of witchcraft, which could trigger his potential.

But the woman's words made him heartbroken.

He hated all the people and things that could shake his mind and dragged her into bed as if only there could bring him the pleasure of conquest.

He got hard and went into her body.

His speed was getting faster and faster, and the bed was shaking out.


The doctor treated the wound for Andrew. Because of the excessive loss of blood, Andrew temporarily passed out. The doctor told the servant that he might have a repeated high fever in the night, which was a normal phenomenon.

For Avery, she was already familiar with the common sense in her heart. The people she was with had to go through several life-and-death disasters. This kind of injury was trivial.

Her long hair fell on the shoulder. Avery was looking at the two people who had no intention to leave and decided to continue to keep her eyes closed.

"Evan, it's late. Let's go out first. There will be no problem here."

Avery slightly opened her eyes, and she ignored them on purpose, which indicated that she wanted them to leave. But Evan ignored Rebecca's words as if he hadn't heard it.

"There are so many people in the room that the air will get bad. Can't you go out and let Andrew have a good rest?"

Avery directly asked them to leave. Evan gave her an in-depth look and walked straight out without saying anything.

Rebecca immediately followed him, "Evan, wait for me."

After seeing them off, the oppressive atmosphere in the room suddenly eased a lot, and soon there was another lively sound outside.

"Jamie, your wound has just been treated. You'd better not walk around at will."

Soon, Jamie came in on crutches.

"How is Mr. Clifford?"

Jamie was grumpy and careless. Avery made a gesture to him to let him keep silent, deliberately lowered her voice, and said, "The wound has been treated, but he was in a temporary coma. The doctor said he would wake up tomorrow. How do you run over without taking good care of your injuries?"

"Mr. Clifford was hurt. I can't sleep well. Those people go too far in bullying others. When my legs recover, I'll rush over and shoot them up!"

"Keep your voice down. Here is others' territory. Wait for your boss to recover."

The face of the silver fox mask flashed in Avery's mind.

In order not to act rashly and alert the enemy, they came with no extra bodyguards this time. There were soldiers everywhere, and a few hundred people could be gathered in the instant of an alarm.

Jamie probably also thought of the current situation, became discouraged, and said in a low voice, "Mr. Clifford suffered a lot in Country B. James betrayed the Clifford family and Mr. Clifford's grandfather was missing. Jessica was sold to the black market, and Mr. Clifford is not in good health."

After pausing, he continued, "Can you persuade Mr. Clifford to go back to get medical treatment early? If he goes on with this, he will die sooner or later."

"Why did so much happen all of a sudden?" Avery was slightly surprised. The Clifford family was noble in the city. How could such things happen to it? No wonder Andrew was different in Country B this time.

"It's all because of the damn James. Don't let me catch him! Traitor!"

"James." Avery repeated the name and remembered the appearance of him when she saw him for the first time. He didn't look like an ordinary person.

Afraid of Jamie being excited, she nodded and said, "When we finish dealing with matters here, I will certainly bring him back."

With the assurance of Avery, Jamie suddenly began to feel relieved and sat down on the sofa.

"Avery, go get some rest first. I'll be here."

"You're hurt, and you can't even take care of yourself. Don't you trust me?"

"You are pregnant and need more rest. I'm used to getting hurt. In case Mr. Clifford wakes up in the middle of the night and wants to go to the bathroom..."

With that, Jamie waved his hand, "I can sleep anywhere. I think the sofa is quite comfortable."

With that, he lay down. It's no use to persuade him again.

"I'm right next door. Call me if you need help." As Jamie persuaded her, Avery did not insist, and then went back to the room prepared for her.

She just sat on the sofa. Andrew was so badly hurt. How could she be in the mood to sleep?

But Avery was so exhausted that she didn't even want to move her fingers, so she just lay on her side on the sofa and clasped her shoulder. In fact, she did not feel cold, but she felt uneasy in such an unpleasant place.

She had thought it would be easy to see Jessica as long as she went into the presidential palace, but she didn't expect the man in the silver fox mask to be involved in the matter.

And judging from his attitude towards Jessica, Jessica was more like a slave he bought with no freedom to speak of.

There was another headache when Avery contemplated.

Avery didn't know whether it was an illusion, and she heard the subtle voice of opening the door.

But she didn't care about it until the voice got closer.

She suddenly realized that there was something wrong, and there was a cool breeze behind her!

At this time, however, Rebecca followed Evan back to the room.

When Evan entered the room, he just sat down on the sofa. When he saw Rebecca coming in, he was about to send her away.

Then Rebecca unzipped the skirt and took off her clothes!

Her skirt fell at her feet, showing her smooth and slender legs.

Evan frowned, did not look up, and said in an unhappy tone, "What are you doing?"