Billionaire Defiant Wife

Chapter 415 - 415: Entanglement

Avery opened the faucet and washed her hands.

Avery looked up at the mirror, considering whether to take off the mask or not. She patted her face with cold water and then put on the mask again because she was afraid that someone went into the restroom and found her.

When Avery was drying her hands with a piece of paper towel, her phone rang. She took her phone out and looked at the screen. There was a message from Andrew Clifford. In the message, he claimed that he was going to find an opportunity to take Jessica out of there. Besides, he had commanded Jamie Winter to pick up Jessica in the front of the door and took her away directly.

Avery sent a message back, "Got it." Then she deleted the message immediately and put her phone back to the pocket. Finally, she opened the door and got out of the restroom.

When she raised her head, she found there was a man who was smoking before the restroom.

The man bent one of his knees. He put one of his hands in the pocket and held a cigarette with another hand. He stuck the cigarette in his mouth, took a deep pull on it, and exhaled white smoke.

Evan had seldom smoked. Ever since Avery was pregnant, he had never smoked. It seemed that he was waiting for someone or relaxed through smoking.

Avery stopped. She never expected she would meet him here. Soon, Avery adjusted her mood. She tried to calm down and went ahead with the straight back as if she didn't see him.

When she passed, she didn't even give a glance at him. She tried to walk at a stable speed as if he wasn't here or regarded him as a stranger.

But Evan wouldn't let her go.

He stopped her and grabbed her arms with all strength.

Avery stopped and tried to get out of him. She was annoyed, saying, "Enough! Let me go."

Avery was angry now. On the one hand, she was annoyed at Evan and Rebecca. On the other hand, she was afraid that someone would see them. Rebecca always followed Evan. If she was there, she must recognize Avery.

Now, it was a crucial moment. Andrew was going to take Jessica out of here, and Jamie would come to send Jessica away. They got a plan, and everything was in the process. But Evan was here. He was Avery's barrier.

"He had many things to do. He needs to negotiate with Dianna and Rebecca. How does he have time to look for me?" Avery thought to herself.

Evan didn't care about Avery's protest. He grabbed her arms hard and took her into a room at the end of the gallery.

When he closed the door, the room became completely dark.

Avery  became nervous.

But when she recalled that Jamie was standing in front of the door waiting for Jessica, she stepped back unconsciously. She was ready to open the door and got out of here.

But she failed. Evan pressed her against the door, and their fingers interlocked.


Avery put her hands on.

If it was not Evan, Avery must strike the man hard with her knees.

Evan was close to her. When she smelt his breath mixed with smoke and alcohol, she was frozen with fear.

She knew Evan drank alcohol, but it couldn't be a reason that Evan took her here.

"Evan Howel, you bothered me. I don't like emotional entanglement."

"You can't wait to start a new intimate relationship with another man?"

Avery astounded and immediately realized that Evan got jealous when he saw she danced with Andrew.

"We did almost the same thing. You also start a new intimate relationship with another woman and I also have the right to find a man. Moreover, you are going to get married. I don't need to get the agreement from you."

As soon as Avery finished answering, she felt Evan held her hands hard and made her hurt.

Evan said coldly, "Do you know the man who is with Jessica?"

"Who is it?" Avery was surprised at Evan's question.

"Logan's adopted son. He seldom comes to the presidential palace. When he heard that Logan was killed in Cambola City, he immediately came back to the presidential palace. He had made preparations. Don't try to approach him."

Hearing from Evan that the man was the adopted son of Logan, Avery was afraid that Jessica was in danger because the man planned to take Jessica away.

Avery tried to hide her worries and said scornfully, "Take care."

Evan knew Avery laughed at him. He suddenly loosened hands, held her waist, and put her into his arms.

"Avery Peters, why are you so tough to me?"

Avery's heart suddenly beat fast. She wanted to push him away, but she failed.

Evan was closer to her. Whenever Evan said a word, the hair on her face floated.

Although Evan drank alcohol, the air he exhaled smelt good, a little bit cold. Avery felt like in a fancy dream.

Avery moved her head to another direction, saying, "Your time should spend on your businesses. Besides, I guess Rebecca must hurriedly look for you."

Talk of the devil! The high heels stepped on the ground and made a clear sound. Rebecca was shouting, "Have you seen Mr. Howel?"

She was asking a servant in the hall.

Avery kept silent. She was afraid of being found.

Evan didn't care about Rebecca. He said to Avery, "Diana was injected with medicine by my father. After a while, Diana will get dependence syndrome leading to headaches, nausea, respiratory depression, loss of consciousness, and even coma. We can call this kind of medicine drugs. But it is a particular drug. Once you inject it, you will be addicted to it, and you can't get rid of it in a short time."

"Do you try to make an explanation for me?"

"Are you explaining?"

"Isn't it obvious?" Evan was not deliberately trying to hide her, but Avery did not give him a chance to explain.

"Don't say that you must marry Rebecca if you want to get that kind of drug from your grandfather." That's why his grandfather let Diana back to him so easily.