Billionaire Defiant Wife

Chapter 409 - 409: This Is Clear My Grandfather’s Trap

Jessica rushed to the window. The backyard was a swamp with all sorts of unknown plants.

The plants were different in height. Some were taller than men.

Jessica didn't hesitate to run out of the room to the swamp.

This was the medicine that she and Matilda traveled far to Cambola City to get. She and the medicine were almost buried under bubbles for it. How could he just throw it?

Jessica was searching through the plants. But the backyard was huge. She had to look for a long time.

What she failed to know was James cast a meaningful look on her from the window upstairs.


When Avery returned to the castle, the maids told her neither Evan nor Tinder came back, which surprised her.

She packed up and took her passport. When she came downstairs, she heard the maid greeting Evan.

Was Evan back?

Avery took her package and slowly walked downstairs. There were messy footsteps around the door that uneased her. Why was she nervous?

Evan chose to save Diana in the game and left "her" alone. She should have walked over in anger, slapped him across his face, and left here without any worry.

But when Evan walked in, she felt it was sarcastic. She was upset, worried, and sad because of him. But he walked in with another woman in his arms.

He stood upright like a triumphant warrior. It was a pity that it wasn't her that he saved.

"Mrs. Howel?" Tinder said, first. He was thrilled and surprised.

It was like a person who couldn't be here was here.

But he soon spotted the package at Avery's feet. He hurried to tell Evan.

"Sir, I can take Miss Summer."

Evan kept staring at Avery and let Tinder get Diana.

Diana had Evan's coat on her. So Avery didn't see her face. She looked at Evan, and he came over to hug her.

Avery slapped him across his face as she thought about in her mind.

Evan frowned. He used his tongue to press his mouth. It was a tiny bulge. Then he wiped his mouth with his finger. There was blood as he assumed.

Avery stared at him, icily. She came here to ask for an explanation. But there was no need now.

She carried her bags to leave, but Evan grabbed her by her wrist.

"Where are you going?"

"That's none of your business," Avery struggled, "I almost forgot to congratulate you. I do envy you. You're about to get married and still see your childhood sweetheart. I guess as to your ex-wife, I'm out of the picture now. I'll leave you be."

Evan slightly frowned. He put his hand across Avery's chest, pressed her shoulder, and hugged her.

"Are you mad at me?"

"Am I supposed to be happy? A father gives up on his wife and kid. How can I possibly be happy when I'm the wife."

"Are you mad because I didn't save you?"

"I can't blame you. After all, you sent Tinder."

Avery wanted to break up the hand that held her.

"She wasn't you."

"But if it is me, would you come and save me?" Avery grabbed his finger off one by one. She stared at him, forcing him to answer.

Evan stared back at Avery. His jaw was tense.

"Avery, you never believed in me, did you?"

"How could I?" Avery looked at Diana, who was settled on the sofa. How could she after Evan saved Diana?

"This is clearly my grandfather's trap."

"So what?"

Diana started coughing. Evan looked back at her and turned at Avery again.

"You must be tired after what you've been through. I'll ask them to take you to rest."

There was nothing uncertain about what Evan said. He left her no room for negotiation. He just wouldn't let Avery go.

Perhaps he couldn't say more in front of Diana. So he wanted her to go back to the bedroom to wait for him.

"I won't bother you anymore. You don't want anything wrong before your wedding, right? "

Avery raised her hand and waved casually. She was so indifferent and not attached to anything anymore. Avery sneered.

"Even if you want to save me, but you couldn't, could you not marry Rebecca if I stayed?"

Evan was silent. He didn't respond. But his attitude was an answer.

He had to get married. He had to go for Diana.

It was like he had to get her pregnant for Diana.

Avery smiled. It was so sarcastic. In this castle, he grabbed seafood, spent a honeymoon with her, and did magic tricks. All was like an illusion that broke apart at any second. Men's words could not be trusted. Before, Evan told her to add her name to the property doc.u.ment. Now he decided to marry another woman.

She was not an innocent girl anymore. She would not do his bidding just because of his sweet promises.

"Evan, you're a terrible man."

Evan's look turned gloom after what Avery said. He had to hold the explanation. He couldn't say more at this time.

"Miss Peters," Diana said weakly, "you can't say that to Evan. He..."

"You want to tell me he had to, right?" Avery picked up the package again. She was ready to leave.

"Evan, you want me to get pregnant for Diana. I did. How do you want to use me if I stayed?"

Evan was livid. He knew Avery was caught up in the moment. She didn't mean it. So he reached out to take her upstairs. But Avery hit him with the handbags.

"Evan, if I was more useful to you, do you think I would allow it this time? You make me fall for you and get pregnant, and I did. I admit it. But I won't go in the future."

Avery decided not to be fooled and fall for his lies.

Evan couldn't hear anymore. He took the luggage and put it down. He held her in his arms. Avery wanted to fight back, but Evan started kissing her.

Evan held her so tightly and lowered his head to seal her lips. He gently bit her soft lips and tongue like he was punishing her. He was telling her he loved her in this way.

Avery frowned. He was clearly mad and lost control when he kissed her. Avery was shocked and started to get defensive.

When Avery struggled to step back, Evan held her more tightly.

The kiss was long and deep.

Avery was out of breath. Finally, when Evan stopped, she had a chance to breathe. Her face was red.

Evan lowered his head and landed in her misty eyes. He got emotional and asked Avery with little irritation he couldn't help.

"How about now?"