Billionaire Defiant Wife

Chapter 399 - 399: You Get Poisoned?

The housekeeper and bodyguards followed Logan and came to the gate of the altar.

"You stay here." Logan ordered the bodyguards, and only let Kevin accompany him to the altar.

The crystal coffin was slowly lowered, and the quiet and beautiful woman was again in front of him.

Kevin stared at the woman in the crystal coffin and took a deep breath. After all these years, she was still the same as before.

At this time, Kevin felt horrible eyes were cast on him, and saw that Logan was looking at him.

He quickly took a few steps back.

As he took a glance at Olivia, Logan was almost going to kill him.

For many years, Logan's possessive desire has been extreme. It's not expected that he still has not forgotten about Olivia.

Had it not been for the complicated relationship among Logan, Molly, and Olivia, Olivia would have been Mrs. President.

Kevin stepped back. Logan went to the crystal coffin and watched Olivia, who was in a coma.

It has been so many years.

Every time Logan dreamed in the middle of the night, Olivia appeared alive in his dream. He knew that Olivia was not dead because her baby could not be found after she had jumped off the cliff.

How lucky he was, and he found her in his lifetime.

"Get out of here, close the door, and come back in the morning."

"Yes, sir."

Kevin turned around, but soon he stopped. What was the president talking about?

"You are going to stay here tonight?" Kevin was surprised.

The man answered, yes.

The door was slowly closed, and before the door was closed, Kevin saw Logan was lying next to Olivia.

Strange as it might seem, he felt that there was probably no couple in this world who could be compared with them.

They have been separated for more than ten years, but now they stayed together again, which was very incredible.

No one could go into the heart of the president these years, and even Molly was the tool for politics.

The crystal coffin was not spacious and became more crowded with Logan there.

He supported his head with a powerful arm and touched Olivia's face with the other.

The rough fingers rubbed back and forth on her face.

The smell of herbal medicine was very heavy. There were also flowers around her, and her body had a faint scent.

"Olivia, long time no see." He had thought about what he would say to her the first time they met.

After thinking for a long time, only this sentence could cover thousands of words.

This time he wouldn't allow her to do anything stupid again.

Olivia closed her eyes, and her eyelashes were curled.

She was in a long white dress and had a smile on her face.

Was she smiling when she jumped off the cliff?

Logan took her hand, and the things that had happened went into his mind.

Had it not been for his unconscious drinking, he would not have recognized Molly as Olivia. It happened that Olivia had seen them lying n.a.k.e.d in bed, so she had married Anthony in anger. If all this had not happened, the end might not have been like this.

But it didn't matter. Logan stared at the woman, "When you wake up, you'll have to be mine."


Avery sat up out of bed, reached for her back, and found that her clothes had been wet in sweat.

She had just had a nightmare that Evan and Rebecca were together again. Reaching for the lamp, she was still gasping for breath, and she had a bad headache.

The recent increase in the frequency of headaches made her think of the newly developed toxin in her body, and she began to panic.

She touched her belly and said, "Baby, if Mommy can't stay with you, will you blame me?"

Hearing the movement next door vaguely, she hurriedly got up, quietly opened the door and looked out.

She saw Logan, with the housekeeper and his bodyguards. It's so late. Where were they going?

She couldn't fall asleep again and wanted to take a walk outdoors. The sky here was full of stars.

"Avery, why don't you go to bed? It's so late."

Hearing someone call her, Avery turned around. It's Rooney.

"I woke up in the middle of the night and couldn't fall asleep again. I had a headache and wanted to take a walk. How about you?"

"I just got back from work. Aren't you used to living here? I'll call a doctor for you."

Avery was trying to refuse him. After all, it's too late to trouble the doctor.

Avery recalled what Andrew had said. There were all kinds of magical herbs and famous doctors in this place. Why not let Rooney call a doctor?

So Avery nodded and said, "Thank you."

Rooney took her to the living room and called a doctor. When she walked side by side with Rooney, she smelled a strong smell of herbal medicine on him.

So she asked curiously, "Do people here like to make herbal medicine?"

Rooney nodded, "We are located in the deep mountain. The land here nurtures a lot of precious herbs, which can help people prolong their lives and strengthen their health. When we cook soup, we will add herbal medicine into it."

"I heard that there are some traditional medicines that have been made for a hundred years."

"Does that sound incredible? This is the medicine left behind by our ancestors. There are 81 kinds of precious medicinal materials in it. One or two of them are extinct."

"Can it really cure all kinds of diseases?"

"No one has the right to taste it. Your mother, as the mascot of our city, is entitled to eat it."

"What if it's poisonous?" Avery didn't question the efficacy of the traditional herbal medicine on purpose, but she thought that it should be tested when the medicinal materials of different kinds were put together.

"The side effect of herbal medicine is negligible."

At this time, the doctor in the white garment came in, carrying the toolbox in hand. It's probably some auxiliary tools for treatment inside.

"This is the most skilled doctor we have here." Rooney introduced.

The doctor asked her some questions and checked her with tools, "You are very healthy. Maybe you are unaccustomed to the climate here, so you had a headache."

Avery smiled, and she thought the treatment was over. She didn't expect the doctor to take out the needle, poked her finger, and smelled the blood, "Did you get poisoned?"