Big Boss among Saiyans

Chapter 359

Just after the soul of road dissipated for the most part, he was in the sacred fire forgotten by road in the soul of road. After smelling a delicious smell, he began to kill. He saw that this sacred fire kept wandering in the soul of road, and all fungal consciousness aggregates nearby were swallowed up by this chaotic fire, After all, it is the divine fire composed of the six basic law elements of geomantic omen, fire, light and darkness, which is integrated with road. If road's soul body dissipates, the divine fire existing in road's soul body will dissipate with it. Therefore, when road's soul body is about to dissipate, The divine fire in a sleeping state began to take the initiative to protect the Lord like a little golden dragon.

After this wisp of divine fire swallowed up the consciousness of a fungal consciousness aggregate, the consciousness of this fungal consciousness aggregate became the nutrient of this wisp of divine fire like dry firewood. Just in the twinkling of an eye, the divine fire grew rapidly under the supply of this consciousness aggregate, and also fed a white energy extracted from the fungal consciousness aggregate.

At the beginning, road didn't care about the divine fire in his soul. This divine fire is that every God will get a trace of original fire from the divine grid after the success of uniting the divine grid. This divine fire is not only used as a switch to control the divine grid, but also the embodiment of the power of the divine grid. Although road's divine grid has returned to its original state, However, as the key for royad to control the divine lattice, the divine fire has been dormant in royad's soul. Otherwise, the divine lattice will not go to the color timer to settle down. This is that royad could only enjoy the benefits brought by the divine lattice at that time, but could not completely control it.

I didn't expect that the original divine fire was so timely. After seeing the performance of the divine fire, road was also surprised. After receiving the white light fed by the divine fire, the soul body also began to recover quickly.

The conscious assembly of fungi swallowed by the divine fire was also very angry, so they ran to surround and kill the divine fire that swam in royad's soul. Royad saw a small part of the fungal conscious assembly besieging the divine fire in his soul. Even if he wanted to share some pressure for his divine fire, it was an illusion, Road was suppressed by the consciousness assembly of the remaining fungal monsters, and could only watch the divine fire in his body fight alone there.

The aggressive fungal consciousness assembly buried the divine fire that could not be called a wisp at once, but in less than ten minutes, the consciousness assembly of these fungal monsters that rushed to the divine fire fled the edge of the divine fire at a faster speed.

However, it is a pity that the speed of Royal's divine fire is faster. After a burst of pursuit, it finally ends with the divine fire in Royal's soul as the winner. A part of the fungal consciousness assembly that narrowly escaped returns to the main body of the consciousness assembly. After the divine fire devours a large number of fungal consciousness assemblies, Royad's soul, which had been swallowed up by the fungal consciousness assembly, began to recover rapidly after receiving the power of the evolutionary light stripped from the fungal consciousness assembly from the divine fire. It was not just a simple recovery. Royad felt that these forces played a great role in the soul, Under the action of these light masses, royad's soul not only quickly recovered the injury swallowed by the fungal consciousness assembly, but also solidified a bit.

Seeing the opportunity to turn defeat into victory, road will not easily delay the fighter. He immediately drives the divine fire in his body to the wandering fungal consciousness assembly. The fungal consciousness assembly is also very puzzled. Why is the prey that is clearly about to be swallowed by himself suddenly with such a powerful force? The prey is very powerful, As long as you control this creature, your strength will immediately increase. This is the idea of fungal consciousness aggregation.

However, the collection of fungal consciousness is indeed very hesitant. A force in the soul of this creature seems to be its own nemesis, but it is very unwilling to leave the collection of fungal consciousness.

But the next second, the fungal consciousness assembly immediately made a decision to escape. A golden dragon suddenly ran out of the soul of the creature that was about to be destroyed by itself. As soon as it came out, it rushed towards the fungal consciousness assembly. It looked like a big man who had been hungry for ten days and nights, If the fungal consciousness assembly looks carefully, it will really find that the Golden Dragon running out of road's soul has a green look in his eyes.

It hurts!

The Golden Dragon bites the fungus consciousness assembly in one bite. The attack launched by the fungus consciousness assembly does no harm to the Golden Dragon. On the contrary, every time the Golden Dragon bites the fungus consciousness assembly, it brings great harm to the fungus consciousness assembly.

Aware that something was wrong, the fungal consciousness assembly did not continue to attack road's soul, but immediately turned around and left. However, in the face of the chasing Golden Dragon behind, the fungal consciousness assembly was really about to cry. This time, it was intended to occupy a powerful creature as its own body, I didn't expect that before graduation, he consumed about half of his consciousness. The most terrible thing was the Golden Dragon chasing after him. It was a bone maggot.

Suddenly, under the command of the conscious subject, the fungal consciousness aggregates abandoned their children one after another, and the remaining one-third of the fungal consciousness aggregates finally came out along the fungal daughters on royad's neck.

After wiping out the consciousness left by the main body of these fungal consciousness aggregates, the Golden Dragon quickly ran out, but it was no longer chasing at royad's neck, but returned to royad's soul body in situ.

With the return of the divine fire, the continuous power from the divine fire not only restored the soul of road to the original state, but also pushed the soul of road to a higher level.

In fact, the soul also has levels, followed by understanding the sea, yuan God, golden body, Dharma phase, divine power, immortality and immortality. These seven realms, but the realm of soul has no absolute relationship with strength.

Just five minutes later, royad woke up, his dim eyes began to be full of light, and the color timer on his chest began to slowly return to the blue full energy state.

Luo Yade ripped off the fungal body on his neck, then put his hands together, and formed a protective film on his surface, breaking the foam upward and flying upward. Only a moment later, an exit appeared.

Looking at a pile of rocks and fungal monsters in front of him, it is estimated that the fungal monsters absorbed themselves and then absorbed these fungal daughters into their bodies.

However, road won't give the fungus monster a chance this time. Because road destroyed two-thirds of the consciousness assembly of the fungus monster, the fungus monster is really paralyzed, and most of the fungus monster's body is paralyzed.

Alas, Pellio light

Without saying a word, road took advantage of your illness to kill you and went up with a big move.

But then suddenly the fungus monster changed.