Big Boss among Saiyans

Chapter 287

In the college internal test, royad learned the content of the so-called college test from the soul memory of the predecessor of the LORD God watch, which is probably a thorough test for the students in these classes. In order to make some adjustments, it can be said that this is a thorough examination for the senior of the college.

Luo Yade looked at the examination time. There were ten minutes left. Because all his credits were used to buy the enlightenment stone, he could only look at the contents of the examination. Generally, the strength of junior students who have just been promoted to senior students will not be greatly improved, but the test time for the test is 300 years. During these times, middle schools can greatly improve their strength. Only by passing the test can they be real senior students, and their potential strength before junior has been brought into full play, This is also a benefit for senior students, which can let the weak pull into the distance between themselves and the strong. After all, the higher the strength, the more difficult it is to improve the strength. This is also why it is called welfare.

Taking advantage of this time, royad read the content of the 300 year long exam.

Great apes planet, on which there are great apes and human race. The human race has been losing ground in the battle with great apes, but human beings have finally invented a way to maximize themselves through continuous research, and launched a long tug of war with great apes. With the passage of time, mankind gradually forgot the existence of the great apes. The giants built a wall up to 50 meters high to protect their people. He fought the great apes.

But after hundreds of years of peace, people living inside the high wall were suddenly attacked by unknown giants.

The mission of the college is to spend 300 years safely on this planet and get a college scholarship.

It seems to be a place for vacation. Road sighed at the first time after seeing the task.

The test of the former owner of the previous God watch is not simple! In my memory, there was a reduction in the number of students in the test, and there was only 50000 scholarships.

But royad looked at the 500000 credits in his God's watch. It was really a special class.

Ten minutes passed quietly, and a beam of light transmitted royad. Standing in this pillar of light, road opened his battle instrument and found that he was moving away from a silver law chain and entering a black law chain. Just when road wanted to take a closer look. Above the great ape planet, a wave mark flashed in the void, and road was sent to the great ape planet.

In a mountain forest. Royad looked at the huge wall in the distance. It was really high! It's the first time road has seen the 50 meter miracle city. Under this great building, road feels small for the first time. It's really strange.

While road was feeling, a sound of hoofs came.

Hey! Who are you? I'm Phil, the militia captain of Campbell's high wall, said a middle-aged man headed by him.

I'm a tramp who has been living outside. My name is road. I really look forward to seeing this wall. It turns out that this wall is called Campbell high wall. Can you take me with you? Captain Phil. Royad responded.

ok Merlin leads a horse to road. But this Luo surname is the first time I've heard of it. let's go! There are more and more giants recently. Let's go back to Campbell's high wall to change our defense!

Open the gate, Captain Phil shouted outside a wall only one person high.

Click, click, the originally closed city gate slowly opened, and Phil and others dismounted and entered the city. The one person high gate is particularly stuffy for road. This gate is a long tunnel, which gives road a new world view of the concept of the gate.

ok Royad, don't forget to go to the office and ask them to arrange accommodation and identity for you. Phil's straightforward good man did it to the end and told the direction of road's office.

Thank you, Phil. I'll buy you a drink next time.

ha-ha! When is your boy rich? Talk big! Then he walked away carelessly.

Royad was stunned.


I felt my pocket and looked at my space. There was really no money. For the first time, road found that he seemed to need a little money that had no effect on him in order to live better.

Luo Yade looked at the shabby house and was speechless. The government here is really hehe da.

When I opened the door, I saw a 17-8 girl sleeping at a long table. This makes a Crow fly over royad's head. Can it be more outrageous?

Royad quietly closed the open door and walked out of the so-called office.

Hey! You'd better live on your own!

Um! Road looked at the tallest castle in Campbell's high wall. It looked like the landlord was going to borrow some money.

In Lord Campbell's house, an attendant was shaking and kneeling on the ground. Campbell, standing aside, looked at the long sword in his hand.

Drink! One chop down.

Master, spare your life! Cried the attendant in horror.

A section of hair was cut off from the servant's head.

Remember, don't spread this matter next time. The money will be reimbursed to the housekeeper.

Yes. Master. The attendant withdrew from the room as if released again.

Interestingly, this sword is really well forged, which is better than Campbell's

Drink! A cold light flashed, and the long sword was broken into two sections.

A hundred gold coins, ha ha.

Inside Campbell's high wall, a tavern called night opened quietly.

Royad looked at the remaining 30 gold coins in his pocket and couldn't help sighing that money is like this in that world.

Fifty gold coins Roya bought the store, ten gold coins for decoration and furniture. And ten gold coins for food.

A total of 70 gold coins plus a waiter. Of course, the waiter didn't pay his salary. He checked out at the end of the salary month.

Seeing fremi dozing all the time, so is road??

Fremi is a hard-working girl who depends on her brother. She was the girl in charge of affairs before. On her way home, fremi saw that the tavern opened by royad lacked a waiter and applied for a job. Royad didn't intend to ask for fremi, but after fremi's repeated entanglement, he had to recruit him with five silver coins a month.

Hey! Flemish, stop dozing off. A guest is coming.

Ah! A guest is coming, boss.

Distinguished guests, welcome to the night tavern. Fremi said politely.

Yo! Isn't this flemy? Why did you get another job? I remember you were working in affairs management!

Ah! It's uncle Leighton! Fremi's job is part-time.

Don't be too hard for yourself, fremi.

Give me a rye.

OK, uncle Leighton, you sit here. After fremi settled uncle Leighton, she brought a glass of rye.

In the evening, the business of the tavern began to become more and more popular. Although it is a new tavern, due to the cheap price and fremi's popularity, many guests came here for drinking and recreation.

It is said that the giants have begun to attack the city.

Don't be kidding. Campbell's high wall has been safe for hundreds of years.

My grandfather's grandfather also said there were giants. As a result, there was not even a shadow of giants.

It's said that the air force is out.

The big men in the tavern began to talk about the recent strange things with a slight drunkenness.