Big Boss among Saiyans

Chapter 277

Royal Highness royad, here you are. This is the share of this year. His highness LULUs put the crystallization of divine power in her hand in front of royad.

A total of 5000 drops of divine power crystals were collected by Road on the table with his backhand, and he handed over this year's materials in the space ring.

Gods mainly need a large amount of law materials. As long as they contain the power of law, almost all of them are best-selling goods. These items can create some disposable artifacts and some items. More importantly, some materials can deepen the understanding of the law, which is the most important. Although the divine power crystal can help the divine horse to speed up the understanding, few divine horse will be extravagant to use the divine power crystal to understand the law. Most divine horse will still find some precious materials to help understand the power of the law. A divine power crystal can only be used for ten minutes, A divine power crystal can be exchanged for dozens or hundreds of materials. Although the divine power crystal has a much faster perception of the law, the time is too short, and the perception of materials is slow, but the victory lies in more materials. Now the most important thing for God is time.

His highness LULUs was the fairy God that road met when he first arrived at the temples. In the following time, the royal highness of LULUs found that road was a big gold owner, so she found road without blushing and asked to open a shop together. In the temples, road looked and agreed. Although it was said that road would provide materials 50-50, it was better than no trouble.

It was also because of the opening of the dawn store that royad thought of opening a trading office in his dawn store. There is really no time to collect materials. Fortunately, hundreds of millions of people are working indirectly for loyard. In fact, most of the materials in the trading office have been bought by loyard. What can be audited and sold by loyard's trading office are some law materials, which can be saved a lot in a year.

The income of nearly 5000 divine power crystals a year, and the cost of these materials is only dozens of belief points transformed by divine power crystals. It's a waste of money.

okay! It may be late in the future. There are some redundant materials here. Royad thought about it and took out a space ring and put it on the table.

WOW! How many magic crystals can you sell with so many materials! Crystal of divine power, oh! Divine power crystallization.

Ruth's small eyes were covered with golden flowers, and her mouth watered at these materials, although she was just an incarnation of divine power.

Road patted her on the head and said, "then I'll go first."

Sure enough, she was a big gold owner. Ruth must hold this thigh tightly, but she looked at herself and muttered, "Hey! Why are natural elves asexual creatures! It is said that many human gods like beautiful women, and ADIS, the God of light, has many saints in the temple. "

Luo Yade walked slowly. At the door, he heard Ruth murmuring about herself. A mouthful of blood almost didn't come out. In his heart, he secretly said that I was really not interested in bean sprouts!

Returning to the dawn temple, road received the voice of his divine power incarnation. He has gone half the way. It seems that he will reach the silent secondary plane in a hundred years.

God's skill, if there is, is still not the kingdom of God. The main construction of the kingdom of God is to transform a newly formed secondary plane into its own kingdom of God. Once the secondary plane is formed, the core of the plane will not be transformed by the divine power. Forced transformation will only destroy the secondary plane itself. If you want to find a new secondary plane, you can only look for it in Guixu, but Guixu has the title of God cemetery, which all represents the danger of Guixu.

In addition, the boundary stone required by the artifact Almighty book is the core of the devouring beast of Guihui. It seems that it is necessary to go to Guihui.

Royad now has more than one million drops of divine power crystals in his hands, but it takes at least hundreds of millions of drops of divine power crystals to build a divine kingdom. Even if royad now finds a secondary plane, it is only a slow transformation. So royad still plans to go back to the market and put it first.

Due to the backlog of many things, Luo Yade, who originally planned to go to Canghai college, was stunned and didn't have time to go, but Luo Yade now plans to go to see the so-called Canghai college.

Royad took out the God's watch 007 and invested 10000 divine power into it to learn something.

Learn points to meet the regression points and whether to return.

Royad condensed several layers of divine power boundaries around himself, and spent a large amount of materials and a positioning stone to set up a coordinate transmission array learned from the ark in the dawn temple, so that as long as the same coordinate transmission array is set at the other end, it can be transmitted back after paying a certain amount of divine power crystallization. When everything was ready, road clicked on the screen“ "Yes"

I saw a pillar of light falling from the sky and slowly surrounded royad. Waiting for the pillar of light to disappear, royad had long disappeared.

This is one of the 10000 return spaces. There are 10000 students in Canghai University. However, there is a great flow of personnel. Every year, Canghai college students will be eliminated by the examination, and more than half of them can graduate, but there are only 200 or 300 people in each year. This is a very strict elimination rate.

Road looked at the gray space around him.

It is found that Zhang Tianyi, a returning student, is dead. It is found that an unknown creature holds a God watch and wipes it out.

Shit, what's going on. Road realized it was wrong when he sounded in space.

A pillar of light fell from the air. Unprepared royad suddenly melted under the light of this pillar. The powerful God body of God began to melt like snow under the light of this pillar. In just a few seconds, royad had only one God suspended in the air.

A thousand drops of divine power crystals were used by road to condense the divine body.

The obliteration succeeds and fails. The unknown creature resurrects and begins to obliterate.

Shit, come on.

A ten meter flame burst out of road's hand.

The light and flame collided, and the divine skill to destroy the world was penetrated by the light column in just a few seconds.

Royad was wiped out again.

Kill success.

Another thousand drops of divine power crystallized, and road condensed the divine body again.

Ignite the divine power and be ready to go.

The obliteration failed, and the unknown creature resurrected and began to obliterate.

Royad ignites the crystal of divine power, and the combat effectiveness reaches 100000.

This time, hundreds of meters of flame hit the light column in the air.

Two forces collided in the air, and a huge explosion filled royad's ears.

With full combat power, road blocked the light column after killing the world.

But in just one minute, royad was ruthlessly swallowed by the light column. The power of the light column was so powerful.

The obliteration failed, and the unknown creature resurrected and began to obliterate.

There was no sense in heaven, and then came to make complaints about the two words.

After the 100th time royad was destroyed, royad rose again. In just over an hour, the divine power crystal consumed by royad reached 100000 drops, which directly hurt royad to flesh pain. But this time, royad didn't respond to the return to space for a long time. He was also curious. If he kept erasing it like this, although royad couldn't die, he would definitely be trapped here. In the previous erasure, even if royad's divine power was fully opened and raised his battle to the maximum, he failed to break this return space. In this case, even the layout of coordinate transmission array is a problem.