Big Boss among Saiyans

Chapter 267

Royad waved his big hand, and more than 800 white light balls fell from the shining hands towards the silver moon people below. The light ball left royad's hands seemingly slowly, but in fact it was extremely fast.

When these light balls fell on the silver moon people below, it was like snowflakes falling on sparks and melting on the silver moon people's body. The Yinyue people who received the light ball were as comfortable as bathing in the hot spring. The wounds of the injured people are healing quickly. When the light of white light is gradually absorbed by the Yinyue people, not only the previously injured wounds are all healed. It has greatly improved its vitality. Originally, among the Yinyue people, people's life expectancy is extremely short. Due to the poor living conditions and the hidden diseases accumulated in the continuous battle, most of the Yinyue people's average life expectancy is about 30 years old, and royad condenses his relatively mild strength into a force that can be absorbed by him, And give it to the surviving Yinyue people, so that their strength and life expectancy have been greatly improved. Of course, intelligence has also improved.

For example, the life expectancy of the Yinyue people has been generally increased to about 70 years old. The combat effectiveness is shown in royad's retina, and the combat effectiveness has been increased from the previous extremely low combat effectiveness to the level of universal combat effectiveness. The price is that there is a great consumption of the power in royad's body. If there are strong people with the same strength as royad, it will be obvious that royad not only gasps a little, but also the power in his body becomes volatile.

Today's royad did not expect that he would only improve the vitality and strength of more than 800 Yinyue people. The strength needed was so huge. It seems that we should speed up, or the strength needed to maintain the God body will not be enough. Road thought secretly in his heart.

Looking at the silver moon people below, he said, "I have been the God of your family and the God of dawn from the beginning. This is my idol. "

Royad raised his right hand, and a light shot out of his hand. A statue of royad made by divine power appeared in the middle of the tribe. The six meter high statue scattered the faint light and quietly set up in place. Majestic, noble, mysterious, a sacred breath came from the statue.

In the shock of the silver moon people, royad had no time to love his precious divine power, because at this time, royad's divine body became more and more unstable, and the light on his body began to dissipate gradually.

"I named you Yinyue, and later you were named Yinyue. Pray to my God at dawn every day. "

I will send down an angel of God as the head of the silver moon family to exercise the earth for me.

Everyone needs to believe. Those who believe in me should enter the kingdom of God and enjoy eternal life.

In a burst of contempt, road finished the divine stick words he racked his brain to think of, and finally dispersed his strength. With the gradual transformation of the divine body into white light, it gradually disappeared. Road also turned into a kind old man and flew down slowly from the air.

This is probably the most miraculous sign seen by the Yinyue people. After so many things, they fell asleep one after another with the wave of royad's big hand.

In the dark night, only the six meter high statue is still emitting a faint white light, which makes it look so mysterious and sacred.

When the first ray of sunshine came into the world through layers of darkness, royad looked at the light and thought secretly in his heart that he finally had his own territory and could have a good rest instead of wandering.

The silver moon people in their sleep also gradually woke up from their sleep. What greeted them was the first prayer in their life.

Under the leadership of road, the messenger of God, strictly follow the rules of the God of dawn, that is, road's own rules to pray to my idol at dawn every day. Other things or road can tolerate, but daily faith is the key to road's weak divine power. Road needs to follow this habit, "no" is this rule to the end.

More than 800 people knelt down under the statue behind the follower royad, and said on the first page of a golden book that appeared in royad's hand.

The great God of dawn, I am willing to be with you. I am willing to be with you and walk with you. I am also willing to have satisfied joy, healthy body and mind in front of you and become the winner of spiritual battle.

We are under the high sky, under the gaze of the God of dawn! You are the true God who created all things in the universe! Thank you and praise you. Because of your great power and love and your will, we have gone through another day's journey in the world.

Then royad led the leader to pray twice, finally ending this prayer.

Luo Yade looked at the 18 articles of God's stick speech made up by painstaking efforts last night. It was really tired! For these 18 prayers, road used the ink in his belly clean. Just now, the first part of this Bible is the only one leading the silver moon family to pray. Yes, this book is named the Bible by road. As for why there are 18 prayers, there is only one prayer. If their believers are tired of prayer, it's not good.

In fact, no matter what prayer it is, as long as the name of the God you want to believe in appears in the prayer.

Royad stood up and looked at the silver moon people below, actually! Our God adult is also a blank in his mind now. He patronized to write prayers last night and didn't think about how the next Yinyue people should develop, but now he has to catch up with the ducks.

Now you have teams, men, women and children.

Said royad.

The silver moon people have transmitted their Chinese to the minds of more than 800 people because of the transformation of royad's white light ball yesterday. Of course, it's not good to ask them to write, but there's still no problem understanding what royad said. Otherwise, it's really troublesome to always communicate in consciousness.

The crowd in front quickly stood the formation in front of royad. Of course, it was just a simple separation of the formation. The standing was chaotic and had no sense of queuing at all.

But this is enough for royad. Royad looked at the more than 200 men and more than 500 women in front of him. Most of the silver moon people who died in the wanton killing of Shi Bai crocodile were men, so that the gender ratio of the silver moon people is seriously unbalanced.

Next, royad announced that everyone would recycle the bodies of the dead people yesterday and clean their homes. Luo Yade looked at the busy silver moon people and couldn't help sighing that it was really a heavy task and a long way to go!