Big Boss among Saiyans

Chapter 264

Road has been imagining how primitive humans lived, what living standards and habits they had. After royad saw the tribe, he had a general idea in his mind. This also makes Luo Ya know that sometimes imagination out of thin air is inconsistent with reality. There are many legends on the earth, both foreign and domestic, which have their own myths of human origin.

However, what appears in front of royad is not a myth, but the real primitive era of mankind. This is a relatively wide flat land, about the size of five or six football fields, but the number of people is greatly inconsistent with this field. According to royad's guess, there should be at least 10000 people in such a large place, but the current population is only in its early 1000, This makes the wide field more spacious.

Basically, the people in the tribe don't wear clothes. About one or two hundred children sleep together, which is also the most economical way to save food. A group of women deal with the prey brought back by the hunting team. The sharpened stones in their hands squeak on the animal's leather clothes. There are no old people in the tribe, and there are also a group of young and strong people, but they are all sleeping, And there are people who deal with wounds.

Generally speaking, this is a primitive tribe. Although the believers of the God of light and the God of darkness are also barbarians in road's view, their believers at least wear clothes and live in stone houses, but these people just sleep on the ground. And royad also felt that the tribe had a strange feeling. After carefully observing the tribe and looking at it for a while, royad finally knew where this strange feeling came from.

Not far from the place where the food was handled, a group of women were making rafts with thin logs, and on some of the prepared rafts were placed the dead people. Luo Yade looked at the people on these rafts, and his thoughts began to turn in his brain. The computing power of the demigod has exceeded the scope of human cognition. Tens of thousands of possibilities were generated in Luo Yade's mind in one second. In only one second, Luo Yade probably knew the general purpose of the people on these rafts.

At first, road was still curious about why a Warcraft living in the lake could condense divinity, but when he saw this tribe, he understood what it was like. It must be that the people of this tribe took the Warcraft in the lake as the object of their faith. It seems that I don't have to make trouble for this tribe.

Three days later, the people of the hunting team sent by the tribe came back one after another. After dismembering the hunted prey one by one and separating the skin and flesh, under the leadership of a strong looking man, the young and strong of more than 100 Yinyue people carried dozens of rafts of their own people, and slowly walked towards the lazy place of Yinyue Lake under the leadership of the leader. They all walked slowly, just like a winding path.

Of course, while the silver moon family went to the silver moon lake to offer sacrifices, royad certainly followed it far behind. When the opportunity came, it depends on whether he can grasp it. Just a few miles away, two hours later, a group of people, led by the leader of the Yinyue family, came to the Bank of the Yinyue lake.

At the command of the clan leader, the Yinyue people who came to offer sacrifices orderly placed the bodies of the people in their hands on the Bank of the Yinyue lake. Not all rafts were filled with the bodies of the warriors of the Yinyue people. This time, the death toll of the hunting team was only ten, and not all the wild animals were very ferocious, In fact, quite a number of wild animals are easier to hunt. Of course, injury is inevitable, but it's better than death. The hunting team royad met happened to hunt a very ferocious beast, so he died and suffered heavy casualties. The remaining dozens of rafts are all trees, which are hollow in the middle and used to get water after sacrifice.

After arranging the sacrifice, under the leadership of the patriarch, all the people knelt to the ground and began to shout loudly with the patriarch's cry.

The general content sounds to road·······

Great God of silver moon lake, your loyal people offer sacrifices again,,,,,,

In fact, the eyes of most animals are bad. Many aquatic creatures prey on vibration or heat source. Shi Bai crocodile is such a kind of Warcraft. Its eyesight is extremely poor. According to human beings, it is a high myopia. Unfortunately, there are no glasses in the main plane, otherwise you can see a funny Warcraft with glasses.

How loud are hundreds of people shouting? You can know by going to some singers' concerts and listening to the cries of crazy fans. There is only one word to describe it, that is deafening.

With such a loud voice, Shi Bai crocodile in Yinyue lake was still sleeping for decades. There was no way. In this short span of several hundred years, the fish and shrimp in Yinyue Lake were eaten almost clean by Shi Bai crocodile today under the uncontrolled predation of Shi Bai crocodile. Since ten years ago, crocodile Shi has frequently entered the dormancy period. If it weren't for the two legged creatures coming to feed them from time to time, crocodile Shi would have planned to leave the lake and find another way to live. It's hard to feel hungry.

Just as the crocodile was starving, the long lost sound of vibration came from the Bank of Yinyue Lake dozens of miles away.

Listening to the familiar vibration, Shi Bai crocodile knew that his food had finally come. He immediately woke up from his dormancy and swam to the shore from his dormant cave.

With the continuous prayers of the Yinyue people, the originally billows of the lake began to surge up, and a white line poured towards the lake bank. As a water wave up to five meters pushed to the shore, a huge figure slowly emerged from the water.

With the appearance of Shi Bai crocodile's huge body, the people of Yinyue clan who saw this scene issued fierce and excited cries. With the order of the clan leader, they pressed their heads close to the ground and quietly waited for their Lake God to enjoy the sacrifice.

At this time, Luo Yade also observed the 20 meter high Shi Bai crocodile, and had to sigh that the strength of the thematic plane of the sub divine universe was really determined by the body shape.

The hungry Shi Bai crocodile was not in the mood to listen to the chatter of these two legged creatures. With a big mouth, he swallowed five rafts, but with the stirring of Shi Bai's mouth, he swallowed his throat. The corpse of the Silver Moon Clan on the shore was eaten by Shi Bai crocodile.