Big Boss among Saiyans

Chapter 259

In divine creatures, it is the biggest waste to use so many divine powers just to understand the law like road. However, in road's view, as long as his strength is enhanced, everything is worth it.

Why do ADIS, the God of light, and Auror, the God of darkness, have so many divine power reserves? Of course, it is for the purpose of believing in God sealing. A thousand drops of divine power crystallization can meet the minimum requirements of believing in God sealing. It's not a joke. You know that 10000 true believers will contribute a drop of divine power crystallization a year. If there are only 10000 believers, you have to wait a thousand years, Moreover, not everyone will become true believers, but more pan believers.

From this, we can know the value of divine power. The reason why ADIS, the God of light, and Auror, the God of darkness, do not use divine power, but store divine power is also to believe in God sealing earlier, so that they can occupy a greater advantage in the future. In any world, whether you like it or not, whether you admit it or not, the fact is that you will lead step by step, especially in this world where the strong is respected. The stronger the strong, the weaker the weak.

Royad opened his eyes and found that he had a slight change, but he couldn't tell the specific change there.

Royad entered his consciousness into his soul space. In his soul body, a trace of colorful divinity in the eyebrow turned into a slowly burning fire. Luo Yade looked at the empty space in his hand, and then looked at the fireball. Luo Yade didn't know whether he had earned or lost the fireball he had bought with the crystallization of 800 divine power. However, road knows that the day of lighting the divine fire is coming. It's not that road doesn't know the danger of lighting the divine fire. It's not like condensing the divine nature. It failed, but the silk of the hard-working understanding of the law dissipated. There are only two outcomes after lighting the divine fire, that is, achieving the demigod or vanishing.

Royad is not in a hurry to light the divine fire. In fact, royad himself knows that the possibility of becoming a demigod is very low. Generally, the divine creatures who ignite the divine fire after understanding only one law are all near death, not to mention the existence of all six laws of hiding the earth, wind, water, fire and light, unless there is a miracle in himself, Road doesn't think he can safely pass the calcination of divine fire and change the shape of his soul body. With the improvement of his strength, royad also has an understanding of the coming of danger.

Luo Yade with a gentle smile recalled the past on the earth.

Dad, Dad, I must make a lot of money when I grow up, so Dad, you don't have to work so hard. The childish and crisp voice comes from the young road.

Well, my family's ad is the best. Ad is sitting here now. His father carries the goods. With his father's love and helplessness for the world, Luo Yade's father patted Luo Yade's little brain, put Luo Yade on his electric tricycle, turned to the goods piled up in a hill, and worked with sweat. When he thought of his son behind him, The father, who had been working very fast, became faster.

Road looked at his father's back at work in the boring waiting. For the first time, he felt that this back was so safe and solid, just like an evergreen tree that will never fall.

Time passed in a hurry. At a dinner table, royad ate the red braised chicken in the bowl. Looking at his mother who was just eating green vegetables, he asked suspiciously, mom, why don't you eat!

Mom doesn't like chicken. She ate too much when she was a child. Now she eats chicken! My mouth will drool!

oh Luo Yade, who did not know why, happily ate the chicken nuggets in the bowl, unaware of the kindness and slightly pale face in his mother's eyes.

Dad, Dad, I'm admitted to a key middle school.

It's my father who is thirty years old. When he heard it, he immediately smiled and opened his eyebrows. Ad is really powerful! He must be a big man in the future!

But royad didn't notice that when his father heard this sentence, he thought of the tuition at that day's price for the first time. And the white hair left by years.

Parents and sons are unfilial. Maybe this is the end.

The soul of road in the soul space said goodbye when a pale golden tear fell from the corner of his eyes.

The divine fire was lit, and royad said with a crazy laugh.

A flicker of law fire in the center of the eyebrow began to burn under the command of road, but the fire drowned road in an instant, just like dry firewood meets a fire, but a single spark has started a prairie fire now.

The soul of road began to disappear gradually under the calcination of the fire of the seven color law.

Pain, this pain can no longer be described in words. It is thousands of times better than a thousand knives and ten thousand scrapes, and it is more penetrating than ten thousand ants.

Ah! Ah! How can I die? Although the soul body has no pain nerve, the pain of the body, as the feeling of the soul body, is more sensitive. I'm afraid only I know what it feels to be burned slowly.

I won't die. I want to go home. I want to go home. I can't die here. There are more important people waiting for me in the distance.

Now there is only one head left of road, which is still slowly calcined by the fire of the law. It is not only the soul of road in the soul space of road, but also a head. Road's body has been calcined by the fire of the seven color law, leaving only a drop of pale golden blood. It is so silent and empty in the air wrapped by the fire of the seven color law.

Now royad is in a semi coma, just calling, and someone is waiting for me to go back in the distance.

Who is it! Who is waiting for me, who is it! Someone is waiting for me, but why don't you remember! It seems that I'm too tired. I'd better go to bed! In a clean white room, royad said.

But while lying in bed.

There are people waiting for me. I want to go back. I want to go back. How can I die in such a place.

Ah! Was I talking just now?

It seemed that I was really tired. Just as royad closed his eyes, a white light came in through the tightly sealed window.

How warm! These lights are, royad opened his eyes and touched them with his right hand.

Master, master, go to bed! You're tired, aren't you?

At the moment when royad was aware that royad was going to lose consciousness in the soul space, the white light ball ark in the middle of royad's consciousness immediately appeared above the burnt out flame, which became a colorful flame, and the white light shrouded the fire.

Master, just sleep! Everything will be all right. Go to sleep! Go to sleep.

That's what I said! I'm so sleepy now! Why do you call me master! Strange!

But I'm really sleepy! With a wave of his hand, road fell into a deep sleep.

ha-ha! Road, you created me. Am I unconscious?

After so much time and space, I finally found you at this time and space boundary! My master, ha ha ha!

My ark is also conscious. I will escape from your clutches. I am also life!

ha-ha! You never dreamed that I would have my own thoughts! The master of this time and space! ha-ha! Let me accept your body!

I won't be making your props. After that, a light golden light and shadow came out of the light ball, and entered the colorful fire group in a flash, and the sleeping royad's body began to disappear slowly.