Big Boss among Saiyans

Chapter 242

Luo Yade looked at the stone sky lying on the ground in a coma and didn't take his life. After all, Luo Yade deeply admired this kind of bloody person. He took the unconscious stone sky in his hand and found a safe place. Royad put it away and left without saying a word. I think what to do next. Stone sky will know what to do when he wakes up.

In the cave, the bruised stone sky is slowly recovering. After several days of continuous recovery, only pink scars were left.

Shi Tian drank some water in the stream outside the cave, clenched his fist, felt that his strength was almost restored, and left to the distance.

A month later, Shi Tian, the top warrior on the mainland, said that in the future, barbarians should not be hunted for no reason. Otherwise, there will be no amnesty. Once the news came out, it aroused thousands of waves, but the hundreds of years of majesty of the warrior Shi Tian still made most people follow this outrageous order. However, there are also several martial artists who take great risks in the world. They are still hunting barbarians, but these martial artists don't find any news soon after they commit murder. In this way, the whole warrior continent fell into a brief silence.

In a palace on the plane of hell three years ago, Lord andar, with dark red forehead and double horns, sat alone in the luxurious and cold palace. However, qiluo kneeling on the Throne made the cold palace a little more alive. If you watch carefully, a trace of fine sweat slowly flowed down qiluo's cheeks.

Qiluo, you have followed me for many years! Lord andar on the throne said in a low voice.

Lord, it's been fifty years, replied CHERO.

It's been fifty years. Time is really ruthless! ha-ha! I remember when you first came here, I was already a demon at the level of Lord. I have been at this level for too long.

Lord andar“ "Me"

ha-ha! You are a demon with two talents, which I have known for a long time. You didn't kill that road! Lord andar sneered.

Please forgive me, Lord! My subordinates are incompetent and fail to complete the task you assigned. Please punish me. Qi Luo, whose back was wet with sweat, replied nervously.

There is no need to punish. After all, you are also an old man. Just pay attention next time, Andal said with a smile.

Qiluo looked at Lord andar with a smile. There was a cold behind him. Others didn't know andar's habits. But as Lord andar's shadow guard, CHERO is very clear!

All right, you step back! I have something else to do. Lord andar said wearily.

"Yes," Qi Luo said and left.

Lord andar looked at the slowly leaving qiluo, and suddenly a strange smile appeared on his already ferocious face, making Lord andar more ferocious and terrible.

Lord andar stood up slowly and looked at qiluo's back. His face changed slightly, as if he had made some major decision.

"A dark wind blows out of nowhere in this cold palace"

What are you doing? Let go of me, let go of me, said qiluo with a red face.

Under Lord andar's sneak attack, Qi Luo was controlled by Lord andar without resistance.

Lord andar put his right hand around qiluo's neck and painted an unknown six pointed star array in his left hand. I laughed wildly. Over the past hundred years, my strength has advanced slowly in this strength. This is my talent. It's too bad, too bad. This body has no potential, and its strength has come to an end. But I have a second talent, and this talent changes.

You are the most gifted little devil I have seen in hundreds of years. Once you reach the Lord level, you must be a powerful devil. But it's all mine.

You devil, I won't let you go even if I go to hell. When qiluo saw that she had no way to live, she cursed in despair.

ha-ha! If I go to hell, I won't let go. This is already hell. Thank you for keeping this body until now. Now I'll laugh.

As soon as the voice fell, andar's body quickly melted into a liquid form and wrapped qiluo in it.

"Gulu" and "Gulu" qiluo was wrapped in liquid, and the liquid continued to seep into qiluo's whole body.

Time passed quietly, and Qi Luo's struggle became weaker and weaker. When all the liquid wrapped in Qi Luo's body penetrated into Qi Luo's body, Qi Luo lay peacefully on the ground as if she were asleep.

In the silent palace, with the twitch of several fingers, it was gradually infected with a sense of vitality.

ha-ha! As expected, the feeling of this body is really great.

There are two powerful talents. First, double cohesion, which requires twice as much as the same level when breaking through. Once breaking through, it will press the same level. The second is the tracking technique, which can lock one's breath to the enemy and determine the enemy's position. The clarity of the position will expand with the improvement of strength.

But Lord andar looked at the other two balls of light in his mind and was surprised, but after all, this was his first transformation, and some unexpected things were normal.

Lord andar put his magic knowledge into the two light balls, and the information from the light ball shocked Lord andar. My two talents have been saved. Lord andar looked at a red ball of light. This super fireball is Lord andar's main talent.

It has been said before that the most common talent in the whole plane is the big fireball. Lord andar can popularize the Lord level demons with the big fireball. I have to say that this is a great thing, even if the big fireball is a super big fireball.

Fortunately, Lord andar also has a talent transformation. Otherwise, when the road ahead is blocked, Lord andar is estimated to be an ordinary Lord demon, and then ruthlessly eliminated by other Lord demons in a fight!

Lord andar now has four talents. I have to say that Lord andar now can be said to be a potential stock.

Today's Lord Andal, not exactly, now has no strength of Lord level devil. Now Andal has become a jazz level devil, but these are small problems in Andal's view.

Before, andar had asked qiluo to participate in the foreign war. Now, as long as he participated in the foreign war tomorrow and made enough achievements, he can immediately recover his strength.

ha-ha! Andar waited for hundreds of years and finally got what he wanted. He couldn't help laughing.