Big Boss among Saiyans

Chapter 226

"Attack, with Jack's order, Cady's two separate bodies rushed to the opposite Royd with a heavy face."

"Royad looked at the attacking body, sneered at the corners of his mouth, flashed on his toes, turned into a dark shadow and skipped forward."

”With a flash of white light, a split body suddenly turned into two parts. I saw that the split body was split in half by royad's crescent moon from head to foot. The scene was bloody“

”Touch, Luo Yade's left hand five fingers into an eagle claw, and buckle the fist that the other separated one smashed at Luo Yade's face in the palm of his hand. In the desperate eyes of the separated body, road turned the crescent clenched by his right hand into a cold light, like a meteor, straight through the sky and through the separated head“

Suddenly, road felt a strong smell of death. Subconsciously, he loosened his body and turned it into a dark shadow, and immediately left the place.

”However, Jack and Oz's big fireball and highly toxic liquid still didn't completely escape. Road cut off the muscles corroded by the highly toxic liquid with a crescent sword“

”"Pain" is the only word in the grinning royad's mind. But even if it hurts again, royad must do so. From the toxicity of the highly toxic liquid, royad can know that the toxicity of this highly toxic liquid is really not generally strong, but very strong. "

There was no bleeding at the muscle cut off by road. Surprisingly, the wound began to send out granulation and coagulate into scars. In just three seconds, the scars began to fall, revealing intact skin.

Although I've talked so much, it's only five seconds. This really proves the saying that experts seize the day.

In the first confrontation, Royal's slightly prevailed.

"Royad looked at Jack, Oates and Cady in front of him and thought out the strategy to deal with the enemy in his heart. He must give priority to solving the enemy's Oates. This highly toxic liquid makes road feel the threat of death more than Jack's big fireball. "

Obviously, the enemy is not stupid. After seeing that Oates' attack on royad is more effective, Jack and Cady silently block Oates behind them. Royad saw this behind the scenes and felt a rush of Alexander in his heart. On the battlefield, what I fear most is that I have teammates like pigs and opponents like gods. Fortunately, royad didn't bring a mop.

”It seems that there is only a strong attack. Use your speed advantage to exhaust the enemy's talent and skills. After all, no matter how powerful an attack is, it can't hit people. Its existence is a joke“

”Do as you say. Royad's body flashed and turned into a black light, taking residual shadows to kill Jack, Oates and Cady“

”"Split up," Cady said, looking at the attacking royad.

Again, the two separate bodies quickly emerged from behind Cady and rushed towards Royd. Obviously, Jack, Oates and Cady also knew Royd's weakness.

”Big fireball, poisonous liquid, Jack and Oates also prepared their talents and skills to aim at road and wait for the opportunity quietly“

”This time, instead of directly killing the separated body that entangled him, road quickly moved slowly towards jack, Oates and Cady while avoiding the attack of the separated body“

”Poof, there was a big hole in the ground corroded by the highly toxic liquid, but road was not hit“

”Road quickly glanced at the hole corroded by the highly toxic liquid on the ground, and smiled at the bottom of his heart and the corners of his mouth. One sped towards Jack and saw a shadow flash. Before the big fireball gathered in Jack's mouth came out in a hurry, it was pierced in the throat by road's sword“

”Then royad abandoned his sword and took another lunge in front of Oates, who had not yet reacted. He concentrated his strength in his clenched fist and smashed it hard at Oates's face door“

”Touching "Oates's head was like a watermelon, and his brains were splashed······

Immediately after that, royad pulled the crescent out of Jack's head and easily escaped Cady's sneak attack.

While walking in circles with Cady, royad looked at the merit table on his arm. He saw that the merit showed a powerful high-level little devil five and 75 merit points.

In fact, road has been curious just now. You should know that the merit points announced by hell consciousness are one merit after the killing of ordinary high-level little demons, five merit for powerful high-level little demons, and 20 merit for high-level little demons. After being killed again, the high-ranking little devil in the deputy commander and commander position will add 10 points and 20 points of merit.

He killed five powerful high-level little demons, five, five, twenty-five, plus an additional bonus of 30 points, a total of 55 points of merit. Where did the extra 20 points come from? Royad couldn't help thinking of the four parts of Cady he had killed earlier.

Royad originally thought that Cady's separation would not be counted into merit points. Unexpectedly, Cady gave himself a big surprise. Royad thought of it unimaginably. However, how can royad let go of such a good thing that can rinse merit points!

This is why royad can easily kill Cady without killing him.

”Hiss "it's another sword. Royad splits Cady's split in half and looks at the merit points on his arm. He doesn't increase the points because he kills Cady's split. Royad also knows in his heart that even if he can get meritorious points by killing Cady's part, there will be a bottom line. "

Forget it, road looked at the 20 points of merit added on his arm and knew that contentment is always happy.

"It seems that now we have to send Cady to the West. Luo Yade's eyes were cold and he thought in the bottom of his heart. "

Seeing Cady, who was killed by his sword, die with a heavy look of release, royad doesn't have to think about it. I'm afraid Cady also knows that he was slaughtered as a pig. After all, I was merciful when I could kill it many times.

After meditating on recycling, Kadi's body on the ground gradually disappeared on the ground. Seeing that the meritorious points on his arm had risen to 110 points, road had to praise that strength was indeed the highest on the battlefield.

”What is the concept of 110 merit points? Apart from the six enemy powerful high-level demons killed by road, there are only 94 ordinary high-level demons left on the whole battlefield. Royad himself monopolized more than half of the merit points“

As for the remaining merit points, royad naturally found a master for them, and royad disappeared in place.