Big Boss among Saiyans

Chapter 202

Royad and Kadali returned to the tribe. Instead of going to the dawn temple first, royad took Kadali and others to the supply cave and asked Kadali and others to put today's prey in it.

Then royad said to Kadali, "Kadali, you are here to preside over the distribution of food. In addition, let someone dispose of the skin of the sand lizard and put it alone on a stone table tonight, okay?"

"Yes," said Lord God, with a bow.

Royad left directly. At the dawn temple, royad looked at the silence teaching the language of the Kaku people, and did not disturb him. Royad watched quietly and apologized to him in his heart. Because royad wants to lead the Kaku family to prosper, only in this way can he gather more power of faith around him. Although royad can't use more power of faith immediately, the benefits it brings are obvious. Not only does he greatly improve the speed of understanding the silk of Dharma, but also his mind becomes clearer, I can only understand what I can't think of now·······

Royad looked at the laughter of silently teaching Kaku as a child and said in his heart, "I will guard you“

Silently turned around and saw royad standing and looking at himself. His little face turned red and quickly turned to the children sitting on the ground and said, "well, that's all for today! Remember to go home and practice“ The children on the ground stood up and left in a burst of cheers.

When the children finished walking, they silently ran to Lloyd's side, took Lloyd's hand and said, "brother, I'm home“ Royad was cluttering in his heart, "home." he didn't know whether he could return to his home all his life. I don't know what happened to my parents. They are missing. They must be very anxious! Silently watching road distracted, he said coquettishly, "brother, I'm home“ Royad looked back and said silently, "Well! Home“ Royad took his silent hand and walked towards the cave. He thought of it in his heart! This is my home from now on.

"Back in the cave, royad took out the refined meat and liquid and ate dinner with him in bed."

Suddenly, a young voice came to the cave and said, "Lord God, Lord God, can Philip come in“ When road heard Philip's voice, he remembered the child he saw in the dawn temple this morning. When road silently returned to the cave, Philip didn't follow. At that time, road thought Philip would not come! I didn't expect to come now.

Royad said to the opening that had not been closed, "come in! FIP“

I saw a handsome boy coming in wearing a pair of trousers surrounded by black tree leaves. Kaku people are like this. Both adults and minors wear only one pair of trousers surrounded by black tree leaves. However, royad thought of the red eyed rabbit skin clothes in the cold hole today, smiled at the corners of his mouth, and thought that it would be different soon.

Royad looked at fipp kneeling on the ground, did not speak, but continued to eat with him silently. It's not that royad deliberately ignored FIP, but that royad didn't know how to deal with it.

Through the ark, road knew that there was no real God in the universe. Even though there were three thousand gods bred at the beginning of the universe, only one person has reached the realm of demigod, and most gods are still wandering in divinity. This is also the reason why the ark does not reveal too much information about believers to road.

But even the gods in the divine period also have strong strength, and road knows that he is a fake. He may not be able to play a low Warcraft. But royad knows that faith is not only powerful, but also needs religion.

Royad just saw that Philip had this potential and wanted to cultivate it. After all, I can't always stay where the Kaku people teach them. It's OK to say it in a short time, but over time, it's easy for the Kaku people to lose their awe of themselves.

Royad looked at Philip in front of him and said, "Philip, get up“

”Yes, "Lord God," said Philip in fear.

Road had thought of how to teach Philip in his heart. Road said to Philip, "Philip······“

An hour later, royad looked at Philip leaving and felt that there was a long way to go. Royad shook his head and said to him, "silently bring the vines brought by Kadali this morning“

We are busy today.

Um! He answered silently and went to get the cane.

In fact, road had been thinking about the fish in the lake as early as he saw the lake, but little progress was made, mainly because there were no tough vines to make fishing nets.

”Brother, "I brought the cane silently.

Um! Royad responded and looked at the cane in front of him.

Royad looked at the last three vines in front of him and said nothing. The previous vines were either not strong enough or too few. Only the remaining three vines are the most common in this mountain forest. Road can only bet his luck.

Hope to find it! Royad thought in his heart.

First of all, it was the first cane. I saw that the cane was black all over, just like charcoal. Royad picked it up and put it in front of him. First, he pulled it with his hand. The cane snapped and broke. Road was disappointed and gently put the cane aside to avoid waking the sleeping silently.

Luo Yade picked up the second cane. The whole cane was red, like the rising sun. Luo Yade still picked it up and pulled it. This time, the cane didn't break in response, but to the elongated rubber band, and the whole cane was elongated.

Seeing this scene, royad said in his heart, "there is a play“ So he increased his strength, only to hear a "snap" and broke like a cane. Royal put aside the cane in his hand and picked up the last one. The cane was white and plush on the surface.

As soon as royad put his hands on it, the cane broke. Royad looked at a lot of broken vines on the ground and was speechless for a while. Looks like we'll keep looking, loyard muttered.

At a bonfire outside the cave, road put the vines into the fire one by one and watched them turn into ashes in the fire. Royad watched the last cane burn almost, and put out the campfire. When loyard extinguished the fire, he suddenly saw a gray silk thread mixed in the ash. Loyard took up the gray silk thread with a try mentality and pulled it with his hand. The gray silk thread didn't break. Loyard increased his strength, but the silk thread still didn't break.

”Royad tilted the corners of his mouth towards the silk thread in his hand, showing a happy laugh and ignoring sleep“

Hurried to the cave of Kadali······

After road left, Kadali gathered the people together and distributed food in the supply cave. Of course, the food of soldiers who went out to hunt with the gods was twice that of other people, which was also inspired by road.

After distributing the food, Kadali did not leave, but left some Kaku women. According to road's instructions, he stripped off the skin of the sand lizard and put it on the designated table. When he was busy, Kadali returned to the cave with the food.

Dong * * Kadali looked at his son FIP, put the red eyed rabbit meat in FIP's hand and said, "FIP, eat“ Um! Dad, said Philip. Listening to the strange tone in his ears, Kadali suddenly had an unspeakable feeling in his heart, as if it was warm, warm, or something else.

While eating the meat of the raw red eyed rabbit, kadari asked, "Philip, what did the LORD God ask you to do with him tonight“ Philip whispered, "father, the LORD God forbids me to talk about it to anyone except him“

Kadari looked at his son and patted Philip on the back. He patted Philip who was eating meat and said, "God is right. Philip remembers that when any Terran asks you, you can't say, you know? Including me. "

Philip swallowed the red eyed rabbit in his mouth and said, "I see, Dad." Um! "Go to bed after eating," said Kadali softly

Kadari looked at his obedient son fipp and was very pleased. He recalled the woman who died under the scorpion claws in the cave. Before she died, "we must take good care of him, we must take good care of him."

Kadali looked at Philip in front of him and said in his heart, "don't worry! I'll take care of Philip. "

While the father and son were having dinner, royad's voice came from outside the cave and said, "cardalet, have you slept." It was the voice of the LORD God. Kadali and FIP quickly put the remaining red eyed rabbit meat on the ground and went out of the hole to welcome royad in.

After entering the hole, royad saw fipp, then turned his head and looked at Kadali. Finally, he knew why fipp's intelligence was higher than that of other children. Royad said to kadareh, "kadareh, your son is excellent." It's Philip's honor to be praised by the LORD God, said Kadali humbly.

By the way, what can I do for Lord God to come here so late? Asked khadari.

Royad heard Kadali's inquiry, so he came back from fipp and said, "Kadali, do you still have those vines you sent this morning?" Of course, Lord God, there are some of those vines.

As soon as royad heard it, he said with joy on his face, "kadari will send the remaining vines to my cave." Yes, Lord God. After answering, Kadali went to get the cane.

When Kadali took the cane, road saw the flesh of the red eyed rabbit on the ground and looked at Kadali, who dragged his tired body to take the cane for himself, his heart was cold.

They treat Kaku people as tools, but they are also living people!

Although their life is primitive, they also have emotions.

Royad looked at the busy figure of Kadali, showing a trace of kindness.

"Royad took Kadali back to the cave when Kadali put down his cane and prepared to go back to the cave. Royad stopped kadareh and took out two pieces of sand lizard essence meat from the ring and said to kadareh, "kadareh, these two fruits of God are given to you“ Kadari caught the fruit with a moved face.

Royad waved his hand and signaled that Kadali could go back. On the way back, Kadali recalled the majesty of the LORD God, and there seemed to be more kindness on his face.

”Next to the campfire, "royad put the vines into the fire one by one and burned them up. When road put the last white and plush cane into the fire, road saw a gray silk thread appear in front of road after it was burned.

Royad named this kind of vine thread vine. After putting out the campfire, royad stretched out and went to the cave.