Beloved Enemy

Chapter - 56 Yuan Yang You Have to Grow Up...if I Grow Up What's My Bonus?...

Love yall

Gu Qing Pei postponed the meeting until half past ten.

He breathd a cold wind for a long time at the top floor of the company's building, and his mind was awake, and the gas in his body also dispelled some.

Yuan Yang's childishness and incomprehensibility of things is often unbearable. Gu thinks that this is the reason why he and Yuan Yang failed to communicate. Maybe because of this, he really can't understand the brain circuit of a boy in his early twenties. I don't want to understand the way things are done without the brain.

Calmly think about it, Yuan Yang may never be a suitable partner, regardless of whether he is with Gu Qing Pei or someone else.

Gu Qing Pei held the handrail and looked at the office buildings in front of him. His mood was the same as that of the concrete jungle. It was completely empty. There was only one narrow slit of light, as long as that one narrow slit filtered things about Yuan Yang. His thoughts will be congested and unreasonable.

Yuan Yang has caused him more troubles than a difficult project or a difficult job objective. He can't use experience, knowledge or even common sense to domesticate him. He can only end up irritating Yuan Yang or be confused.

The existence of Yuan Yang makes his own existence contradictory and deeply confounding.

Gu Qing Pei went downstairs when it was time.

The people in the meeting have already arrived, and Yuan Yang was still sitting in the last row. From the beginning of Gu Qing Pei entering the meeting room, his eyes have been followed until Gu Qing Pei got seated in the main position.

Gu Qing Pei didn't look at him from start to finish.

Yuan Yang lost his gaze and lowered his head.

Thinking of what happened just now, he was too angry that even his fingertips were shaking. He didn't expect Gu Qing Pei to be so annoyed and completely provoked by what he did , which made him regret a little. He didn't have any plans to deal with the woman. He just watched them hold together, and he was really angry when that happened. Moreover, the identity of Zhao Yuan's as an ex-wife made Yuan Yang feel a little panic.

That woman is the only one who has lived with Gu Qing Pei except him. Even Gu Qing Pei used to be a legal husband and wife with her. This something that Yuan Yang could not achieve for a lifetime.

He was married to Zhao Yuan.

Will there be a day when Gu Qing Pei will be with him like that, and treat him with such a gentle attitude? Yuan Yang's eyes were red with anger.

After the meeting, it had just reached lunch time.

Gu Qing Pei has no appetite and was reading the news in the office.

After a while, Yuan Yang pushed the door in and held the tray in his hand.

Gu Qing Pei glanced at him and put his gaze back on the computer screen.

Yuan Yang walked over and put the tray on the table. He whispered: "Eat."

Gu Qing Pei said nothing, and his facial expression didn't even have a slight fluctuation.

Yuan Yang saw Gu Qing Pei's cold attitude for the first time, and his heart was angry and anxious. He knocked on the table and said, "Quickly eat."

Gu Qing Pei finally looked up. "I'm not hungry, take it out and give it to someone."

Yuan Yang yelled: "I did something, you are angry now, I'm going to act like a man okay."

Gu Qing Pei was unmoved, and used the chin to point in the direction of the tray . "Get it out."

Yuan Yang used his fist to knock down the table.

Gu Qing Pei looked up and looked at him coldly.

Yuan Yang felt stabbed for a few seconds under the contempt of that gaze, and finally compromised. He bowed his head and said, "I won't say bad things about her later, you can eat."

Gu Qing Pei looked at him with surprise. Holding him.

He knew Yuan Yang for so long, Yuan Yang never apologize or softly even once, even if Yuan Yang didn't understand it, he could also hear the compromise in Yuan Yang's tone.

Yuan Yang felt his cheeks go red. "Hurry and eat Ah, it will be cold after a while. Were you not going to play golf with Wang in the afternoon. If you don't eat, what energy would you have to play golf?"

Gu Qing Pei's haze is swept away. He couldn't help but want to laugh. He asked Yuan Yang, "Do you know what you didwrong?"

Yuan Yang's face turned red. "Fuck, I just came here to have you eat."

"Yuan Yang, your apology is really hard to make people accept it, but forget it, you have apologized and it is already an improvement. I can .... barely accepted it."

Yuan Yang gasped and his expression was a little distorted. He bit his teeth: "Hurry to eat!"

Gu Qing Pei took the tray and went to the sofa was, he put the tray on the coffee table, and then patted the seat next to him, "Yuan Yang, come and sit."

Yuan Yang hesitated then he went sitting next to him, he was not too spirited.

Gu Qing Pei saw that a little wolf dog was sitting beside him with his ears down, but he still had to open his eyes to make an annoyed face

Gu Qing Pei said to himself three times in his heart: The child needs to be educated, and then slowly spoke: "Yuan Yang, you look at me now, you know about Zhao Yuan, when I married, I didn't have anything. There was no room for the car, and even the down payment for the house I could not afford. At that time, there were many people who liked her. Her parents did not agree with us getting married, but she still married me. Even so, I still failed her."

Yuan Yang was a bit worried, this is the first time that Gu Qing Pei told him about his previous affairs. These are concerning Gu Qing Peis past and he listened attentively.

Gu Qing Pei sighed. "I told you before. When I was young, my character was more introverted. The university course I attended was Oil Mining and Refinement. I was exposed to less women in the class. After I got married, I was unaware that I was gay. When I realized that by the time I realized I was already married to Zhao Yuan for more than a year, and nothing could be recovered. Zhao Yuan really likes me, but I have failed her, and I have not given her a carefree life. This is the biggest failure in my life. A woman who is over 30 years old and divorced, even if she is smart and beautiful, can find another suitable partner, she is already too much less than others women, I owe her, really I haven't been able to remember for the rest of my life. You only see that I care twice for her. Have you thought about why? Have you ever imagined what it is like to owe a person forever? "

Yuan Yang bowed his head, as if he was suffocated in the throat.

Gu Qing Pei continued. "Why do I say that I can't talk to you? You are not only impulsive, arrogant, and even ignorant of other people feelings. You only rely on your own likes and dislikes when you are doing things. That is completely contrary to me, so I can't understand your own way, you can't understand my hypocrisy. We either have to one side change, or we will always go so far and keep quarreling. And I won't change myself, Yuan Yang, I will never change my style of work. If you want us to maintain such a relationship peacefully, you can only change yourself. Or I should not say change, but grow, if you don't grow up, we will never be right for each other, I will never get used to you."

Yuan Yang was looking at him quietly, the dark face was like a deep pool, with countless thoughts hidden inside.

Gu Qing Pei didn't turn his face. "I said so much, it's still all the same sentence. You can understand it and understand it. You can't just continue the same way."

Gu Qing Pei lowered his head and started eating.

After a long time, Yuan Yang whispered: "If I change it, what benefits do I get?"

Gu Qing Pei took his paper towel and wiped his mouth. "What did you say?"

"I want you to say them."

Gu Qing Pei said: "You become mature and its the biggest benefit to yourself. Your parents also will benefit from your grown heart."

Yuan Yang pinched his chin and said: "Not enough, I want your eyes to only look at me, whatever is Wang Jing, Zhao Yuan, you can't pay attention to them."

Gu Qing Pei smiled lightly. "Lord help us if you really have this charm."

Yuan Yang said coldly: "You wait, whatever Wang Jing is, you don't need to give him a grandfather worth respect, I will be better than and overtake him." Gu Qing Pei shook his head. "Don't talk big words, do something practical." He continued to bend over and ate.

Yuan Yang was silent for a while, he rubbed Gu head on the back and whispered, "You are not angry?"


"'Hmm's a bullshit, are you angry or not angry."

Gu Qing Pei smiled "I am too lazy to argue with you, it's a time wasting."

"You can yell at me if you are angry, don't be angry and stay silent, you will... just don't stay silent at me."

Gu Qing Pei took a sip of water and looked at Yuan Yang. He said "I haven't been angry for a while, but I will observe your performance in the future."

When he finished speaking, Yuan Yang pressed his back and kissed his lips.

Gu Qing Pei was thrown on the sofa by him. The soft lips twitched against each other. They exchanged each other's breath. In the slippery mouth, the two tongues were entangled like in a snake orgy, and the transparent body fluid flowed down the corner of Gu Qing Pei's mouth.

Yuan Yang's hand did honestly reach into Gu Qing Pei's clothes.

Gu Qing Pei grabbed his hand and said, while panting, "There is still something I have to do in the afternoon, don't make trouble."

Yuan Yang still licked his lips and unconsciously kissed him some more. "No, you can, but you have to take a nap with me. We haven't had a nap together for several days."

Gu Qing Pei thought, he is just like a child.

"Yes, but just to take a nap."

Yuan Yang excitedly carried Gu Qing Pei directly from the sofa and took the three-step and two-step over the lunch break room.

Gu Qing Pei was embarrassed. " Okay , let me down, I have to change clothes." Yuan Yang pushed him down on the bed, and kissed him with a thirsty hunger, his hand reaching out to pull his clothes. "I will help you change." "

The movements on the hands were getting more and more sexual-colored, obviously he was not just about changing clothes.

Gu Qing Pei was envious and awkward about Yuan Yang's physical strength. He just made earth shattering fuckfest last night. He hasn't gathered down his energies yet Yuan Yang is already alive and kicking. The age gap is really cruel.

Gu Qing Pei can't stand that type of fucking again, otherwise he will do nothing today. He pushed Yuan Yang a few times and didn't get anywhere. He had to pat him on the head with no effort. "What did you say? Just sleep?."

Yuan Yang hesitated for a long time, and finally reluctantly climbed off him.

Gu Qing Pei changed his pajamas and got in bed, taking the initiative to get along with Yuan Yang. "Sleep, rest, and its a good afternoon."

Yuan Yang hugged him, as usual, buried his face in Gu Qing Pei neck. It seems that he doesn't need to breathe.

Gu Qing Pei sighed. Yuan Yang is a contradictory complex wolf dog, sometimes he is cute, sometimes hateful, so he will hesitate when he is facing Yuan Yang.

He can not only see Yuan Yang, even his own heart can not see through to Yuan Yang

As always vote comment on....

Now I'm actually going to sleep.....let's meet on Tuesday
