Beloved Enemy

Chapter - 117 Yuanyang Ever Think About Having Children?

YuanYang words were not casually spoken, he really started to pack to go GuQingPei back home.

GuQingPei knows that he wants to stop.... but he is not stopped, but at the thought of him really wanting to bring YuanYang to his family home, for the formal introduction to his parents, his heart had a little palpitation.

The last time he had been a protester, and he had always felt that he and YuanYang had come to an end, but this time was different. This time, he and YuanYang really decided to start a relationship again. This trip back, does mean that this thing was getting so formal.

His parents should be very happy, his mother seems to be impressed with YuanYang ... ...

GuQingPei was removed from his sleepless thoughts, when a powerful arm went around his waist from the back.

YuanYang rubbing the nose on GuQingPei back of the neck, "can't sleep ah."

"Well, maybe the tea made me drunk, or is it you?"

"How can I sleep before you turn over?"

"Then I sit up for a while, you sleep ... ..."

Said GuQingPei wanting to get out of bed.

YuanYang took him back, "don't, its too cold weather, lay down. You can not sleep, I want to accompany you? Well, let's me give you a rub ah."

Caressing the warm belly of GuQingPei, although his mouth wanted to say stop, the action is colorful of the taste of love, and he was gently touched.

GuQingPei laughed twice, he turned to face YuanYang , "let's me say something."

"it is good."

The two eyes meet in the dark, they can only see each other's eyes, that the warmth of the eyes is enough to explain everything.

GuQingPei softly "Tomorrow you will meet my parents"

"Your parents don't like me very much."

"My dad, that is, respect you, my mum, is sees you as handsome in-law, but how do you not see that as an approval?."

YuanYang raised an eyebrows, tilted his mouth to smile, "don't worry, I must show this well, I certainly want to let our parents know that their son is promised to a reliable man."

GuQingPei smiled and said "If they only knew what a rogue you are."

"How can I not be a rogue? Are you afraid I will not be able to serve you? Eh?" YuanYang rubbed his buttocks, meaningfully saying "I serve you well?"

GuQingPei patted his face child, low smiles "also the small dog grew up."

YuanYang wrinkled his frown, "What a small dog? when will i pass from small dog to something else."

"don't talk to me, I want to tell you something."

"Say it."

"YuanYang, you ... have you ever considered having children?"

YuanYang paused, "Have you considered it?"

"My parents forced me to consider it."

"Then how are you going about it?"

"I promised them to come up with them within two years."

YuanYang face a little frustrated expression, "I am most annoyed by that stuff."

"I don't really want to raise a child, but my parents are old, there is no way I can escape it ."

"I know, in fact ... my mom also told me that although I was with you I could not help having children, and I had to get them out sooner or later."

"I think too. With the children, it is really like a home."

YuanYang didn't speak, his words on the home of their children......his imagination of he and GuQingPei setting up a "home", this proposal is really attractive.

GuQingPei suddenly sighed softly, "YuanYang, do you think you really want to spend the rest of my life with me"

YuanYang heard a little bit of this touch on the fire in his heart "I exercise, I will fight for you to have children, you still suspect me? You say that with a conscience "

GuQingPei comfortably touch the hair on his head, softly "YuanYang, after all, I am so much older than you, and sometimes I have no bottom on my heart."

YuanYang replied "What do you have no heart bottom, from start to finish....I chased after you .....and you ran, and now I finally caught you, do you think I will let you run away ever ?"

GuQingPei smiled, "is not that you dislike me ... ..."

"You are overthinking, I provoke you, do you remember ?"

"I say you are all right to provoke what I do, are you looking for a beating ah."

"I'm fucking looking at you, is not it? I tell you, you had just returned home from Singapore.... that moment, we first met in the toilet, I wanted to fuck you at the marble ground fiercely ....I looked at you and I remembered that you were walking away silently and I was so angry trying to suck you in.

YuanYang was a bit discouraged to hear this, he hugged GuQingPei waist, muttered "Well you don't have to blame me."

GuQingPei turned to lie on him, pecked at his lips, "I don't blame you, you don't blame me."

YuanYang lipped a heavy kiss on him, hugged his waist pulling him to stand up, the pressure to the body, he whispered

"I was cheapskate, I can't blame you for my doings..... I let you go after everything, I wanted you to stay honestly with me and be wholeheartedly interested in me.

GuQingPei arm went around his neck, and he pulled his forehead against YuanYang forehead, and he said seriously "I'm wholeheartedly with you, when it comes to everything to come."

YuanYang hands held him tightly.

YuanYang brought a bunch of things and followed GuQingPei back home. This should be put in ancient times, he was afraid if it was equal to be the bride price . The size of those things are huge, even GuQingPei looked at him with a frown.

Gu Family's old couple were unable to drive so GuQingPei's friends went to the airport to meet them. Car opened to GuQingPei downstairs, the three big men carried things up, two times down left them tired and sweating

Gu mother saw YuanYang and her smile shined, and quickly she pulled GuQingPei aside and asked him what is going on.

GuQingPei felt a little sorry, he still remembered six months ago, he vowed to say nothing to YuanYang , and now he is taking the same person back home. Can she be the mother who does not care about inconsistency in his son ?....before and after his words and deeds, she only cares if he is with him intimately or are they friends?.

After moving things, the friend went back. Two people sat on the sofa, the coffee table has laid out the tea, Gu's elders are all waiting for them to explain the heck is going on.

YuanYang face had on a generous smile, "Uncle, Aunt, we have not seen each other for more than two years."

Gu mother smiled, "No, in fact, time is not that long, how do you feel ?.....a lot of change have a look of a mature man."

Gu Father also said "Indeed, before you were looking like student who didn't graduate, and now you look like an adult."

YuanYang smiled said "This is from two years experience ."

Gu Father smoked a cigarette, "a good thing, a good thing."

Having looked GuQingPei with a look.

GuQingPei immediately interjected "Dad, Mom, you have always told me to bring back with me that person, and today I have brought that person back, and about the previous thing please don't ask me to explain it is also complicated, anyway, from now on, me and YuanYang, We want to be serious. "

Gu mother almost cried, "Seriously, your mom has been waiting for you to settle down and have somebody around you. That's great."

YuanYang solemnly said " me and has not very easy to come today, please rest reassured this time its for long."

GuQingPei smiled and looked at his parents, eyes gentle and firm, "father, mother, about the issue of children, we also want to discuss with you."

"Well ?." The two elders eyes shined.

"I had promised you a few years ago, I will give you a child to play with in two years.....get you a grandson or granddaughter to play with , YuanYang wants children, but also I intended to have a child, but YuanYang was young then but give us a few years and then we will bring you grandchildren but I definetly want one on the line regardless ......boys and girls. "

"No problem, we don't do the patriarchal system .....if there is one on the line and you are busy with work, we will take care of the grandchild."

Gu mother smiled ear to ear.

That night, she made a large table of home cooking, GuQingPei for a long time didn't taste his own mother's craft, he decided to eat a lot, YuanYang mind was not in the food. All thoughts were spent to please his wife's mother.

At ten o'clock in the evening, GuQingPei intends to go with YuanYang to the hotel to sleep.

His mother felt odd she said "why go to the hotel, stay at home ."

"The guest room is not piled with things yet?" GuQingPei for a moment didn't react.

Gu Mother smiled and said "sleep in your room, the bed is big enough."

Gu father was intently watching TV, he didn't look at them, pretending not to hear.

GuQingPei was somewhat embarrassed, he looked at YuanYang , laughed " what do you think?

YuanYang laughed "Of course, we will stay here at home."

***read comment and vote....and read on....currently I'm doing a weird dance to a song called Mi Gna....good language to learn***

***Menak em ashxarum

Arants Kez

(Papayi arev)

Tenchum e im sirte miayn kez

Lur tanjvum e hogis

Ari tes

Ari tes

Ari tes

(Ari tes)

Repeat twice

Kez xndrum em mi gna

Mi gna gna gna

Mna im grkum mna

Im grkum mna mna

Srtis sere ktam kez

Menak koghkis du lines

Srtis sere ktam kez

Menak koghkis du l ....***